
Total 14
DB name DB description and usage guide
arXiv [OA]
Open access archives in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, economics, free to search for pre-published papers and access to original text.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
It provides information on nursing, nutrition, and health.
JSTOR Life Sciences / Arts & Sciences Ⅵ+XII Collection
It Provides academic journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences that work with more than 57 worldwide publishers.
In detail
- Life Sciences Collection : 생태학, 식물학, 보존과학, 고생물학, 동물학, 일반과학, 역학, 간호학, 보건학 분야 자료 제공
- Arts & Sciences Ⅵ Collection : 국제적으로 주목받는 경제 저널, 국제 관계를 강조하는 정치학 저널, 50년 전 창간 된 8개의 타이틀로 이루어진 주요 교육학 저널 제공
- Arts & Sciences XII Collection : 전반적인 고등교육 수준을 아우르며 높은 사용량을 보이는 주제분야에 초점을 맞춘 법학, 정치학 및 교육학 분야 특화 컬렉션
Lexidrug (구. Lexicomp)
A pharmacological database
Lexis 360
It Provides information on French legislation.
Login required for first time access (see manual)
It Provides information such as U.S. Federal & State Cases, States, Codes, Journal, Review, Report, News & Business, etc
Lexis AsOne
It Provides information on Japanese laws and regulations.
Lexis China
Lexis China has many Chinese legal information such as laws and judicial precedents, in addition, covers highly practical content, such as commentaries, contract templates and more comprehensively.
Specialized database of medicines, healthcare, environmental and toxicity in use by medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, laboratories, industrial sites and government agencies in 92 countries
NAXOS Music Library (낙소스 뮤직 라이브러리)
Massive classical music service, 5 concurrent users (inaccessible when exceeded)
In detail
• 스마트기기에서 이용하기 위하여 앱스토어 또는 구글플레이에서 "NML" 앱 설치 필요 • NML 앱에 로그인 후 이용 가능 (ID : pusanlibMM | PW : !pusanlibMM1)
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Online version of Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford Reference Premium (ORP)
It offers a wide range of references published by Oxford University Press, from the humanities and social sciences to the medical sciences.
Oxford University Press (OUP)
The world's largest university publisher with a long history that began publishing in 1478
SocINDEX with FullText
SocINDEX with FullText provides indexes and abstracts of 5,778 overseas academic journals in the field of sociology/social welfare, and 857 journal texts.
※ Original text is available between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the following day through RISS (http://riss.kr). / Click [해외전자정보서비스 바로가기] at the top right of the RISS main screen