
Total 13
DB name DB description and usage guide
Cambridge Journals Online
It Provides the original text of the academic journal published by Cambridge University Press.
※ Original text is available between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the following day through RISS (http://riss.kr). / Click [해외전자정보서비스 바로가기] at the top right of the RISS main screen
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS Analytical Methods™)
It contains more than 500,000 step-by-step analysis protocol data extracted from review papers and patents, and can check information on analytes, matrices, instruments, reagents, etc.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS Formulus®)
It has more than 5 million formulations/pesticides records from review papers, patents, products registered with the U.S. FDA, etc., and can check ingredients, manufacturing processes, and regulatory information.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS SciFinder-n)
Provide literature and patent information in all fields of science and technology, including chemical fields.
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- 신규 회원 가입 페이지 바로가기
- 반드시 부산대학교 이메일(****@pusan.ac.kr)로 회원 가입 필요
- 기존 SciFinder Web에 저장된 자료를 SciFinder-n으로 한 번에 옮겨오는 방법은 [Migration 방법] 참고
- CAS Analytical Methods 바로가기
- CAS Formulus 바로가기
Cell Press
This is the most important collection of content in the field of life science, which is provided by ScienceDirect's electronic journal platform.
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Cancer Cell
Cell Stem Cell
Current Biology
Molecular Cell
China Academic Journal CAJ with CDMD (TKN 출판사)
The largest Chinese database to provide electronic journals in Medicine/Literature·History·Philosophy.
E Series and F Series materials available.
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- Medicine Web DB, Literature-History-Philosophy Web DB만 원문 이용 가능
(이용 가능한 경우 검색결과 우측 "옵션" 항목에서 "화살표(Download)"로 표기되며, 이용이 불가능한 경우 "자물쇠"로 표기됨)
- 정상적인 과정을 거쳐 교외접속을 했는데 '부산대학'이라고 나오지 않으면서 원문 열람 권한이 없다고 할 경우 CAJ 우측 상단의 Login 클릭 후 "IP Login"을 클릭하면 정상 인증됨
China Academic Journal CAJ with CDMD (Wanfang Data 출판사)
Provides over 8,000 Chinese Academic Journals(CAJ), Chinese Dissertations(CDMD), conference papers, laws and regulations, patents, and standards in all subject areas.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
It provides information on nursing, nutrition, and health.
CiNii [OA]
It provides information retrieval and links to academic journals, degree papers, and books and magazines owned by universities in Japan.
It provides various clinical-related contents such as e-Book, Journal, Image, Video, Medicine, drug information, and clinical care guidelines
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개인 ID 등록 후 이용 (단, ScienceDirect, Scopus에 ID가 있으면 바로 이용 가능)
It provides information on language, literature, geography, culture and arts, natural science, and technology science.
Cochrane Library
Systematic Reviews are available in the Evidence-based medicine field provided by The Cochrane Collection.
Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC)
More than 710 journal indexes/greens, and 420 journals in full text
Includes two popular bibliographic DBs such as CommSearch and Mass Media Articles Index