Delivery Service

Check delivery application details

Application details

After applying for the borrow delivery service, you can check the details.

Target of service

  • Target users : Students with disabilities, full-time faculties in office, and visiting faculties
  • Target materials : Busan Campus (Jangjeon-dong) library collection book (excluding Serials and references). Busan Campus Delivery Only.
  • Inquiry : Central Library 1st Floor Desk  ☎ 051-510-1800

How to apply

  1. Access and login to the library homepage.
  2. Check the catalog information of the materials you want to borrow by searching the catalog data
    (Search ‘Catalog’ > Click on the material name > Items > Status > 대출가능)
  3. Apply for delivery service after clicking the  button on the ‘service’ of Items
  4. One working student is delivering all books, so it is difficult to deliver if you apply for a lot of books at once.
    Please apply for up to 10 books at a time as much as possible.
  • Books on borrow or books that cannot be borrowed cannot be applied
  • Make sure to enter your contacts and email in [My Menu > Change Information]
  • Applications before 09:00 are received on the same day, and applications after 09:00 are received on the next day
  • The time required from receipt to borrow is 1 day
  • Delivery time: Monday to Friday 10:00 to 12:00 (once a day)
    ※ Delivery may not be possible to prevent damage to books in case of rain.

Receive books

  1. Visit the lab where entered at the time of application
  2. When receiving the data, seal or sign on the “Data Delivery Receipt”
    ※ Must be received by the applicant oneself


  • Return directly to the library where the books are stored