
Total 27
DB name DB description and usage guide
Statistics Korea provides one-stop statistical services
It provides full-text of legal materials and Fach-News, including German law, precedents, annotations, handbooks, encyclopedias, legal magazines & journals, and forms.
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C.H.Beck의 법률문서 및 C.H.Beck과 제휴관계에 있는 Verlag Franz Vahlen, Nomos Verlag, dtv(Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag), GRUR, IBR 등과 같은 동종의 독일법률 출판사의 문서를 함께 제공
Books in Print (BIP)
It contains the latest bibliographic information, publisher information, book information, book reviews, and publication information to be published in six months.
China Academic Journal CAJ with CDMD (TKN 출판사)
The largest Chinese database to provide electronic journals in Medicine/Literature·History·Philosophy.
E Series and F Series materials available.
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- Medicine Web DB, Literature-History-Philosophy Web DB만 원문 이용 가능
(이용 가능한 경우 검색결과 우측 "옵션" 항목에서 "화살표(Download)"로 표기되며, 이용이 불가능한 경우 "자물쇠"로 표기됨)
- 정상적인 과정을 거쳐 교외접속을 했는데 '부산대학'이라고 나오지 않으면서 원문 열람 권한이 없다고 할 경우 CAJ 우측 상단의 Login 클릭 후 "IP Login"을 클릭하면 정상 인증됨
It provides various clinical-related contents such as e-Book, Journal, Image, Video, Medicine, drug information, and clinical care guidelines
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개인 ID 등록 후 이용 (단, ScienceDirect, Scopus에 ID가 있으면 바로 이용 가능)
Early English Books Onlilne (EEBO)
Best Digital Archiving database containing most books published in the UK or in English
More than 80 academic journals from Karger, a publishing company specializing in medical and life sciences
※ Available only within Yangsan and ARMY campuses
교외 접속 불가 매뉴얼
KCI 한국학술지인용색인
A System for Analyzing Citation Relationships Between Korean Journal Information, Original Text, and References by DB
It provides information on domestic and foreign intellectual property rights held by the Korean Intellectual Property Office.
It provides academic journals and research publications published by domestic academic societies and research institutes.
An engineering information solution that enables 120 academic societies and publishers to search materials, alternative property data, graphs, tables, books, construction cases, and officially provide answers as analysis tools
Korea Open Access Journals (KOAJ)
Korea Open Access Journals is the journal directory service that you can find journals and articles registered in KCI easily. It offers a variety of search methods so you can find the information you want quickly and accurately.
More than 150 types of digital content are provided across academic disciplines, including Korean studies, culture, environment, and health
It Provides academic information (original) in the fields of natural sciences, life sciences, engineering and humanities and social sciences.
KOSSDA 한국사회과학자료원
It provides 2,600 survey data, 1,900 statistical data, 210 qualitative data, and related files (survey papers, codebooks, interview lists, etc.) in all fields of Korean social science.
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간단한 회원가입 후 실시간 다운로드 방식으로 모든 자료 무료 이용 가능
KRM 기초학문자료센터
Information on research achievements in the humanities and social fields supported by the Korea Research Foundation is provided through search systems by academic field, project, and type.
KRpia 한국의 지식콘텐츠
Korean classical materials, historical records, literature, etc
KS (Korean Standards)
Providing 70,000 national standards and KS certification standards for all industries
KSDC DB (Korean Social Science Data Center Data Bank)
It provides survey data and statistics for subject fields and various academic fields used in the field of social science.
Web-based bibliography management software that supports automatic generation of references
※ Available after registering as a member on campus
Rockefeller University Press
The full text of three academic journals published by Rockefeller University Press.
SAGE Deep BackFile
SAGE offers BackFile in Science, Technology and Medicine (before 1998)
T&F Medical Package (구, Informa Healthcare)
Since 1918, the T&F Medical Package has provided 170 peer-reviewed journals in pharmacy and medicine.
※ Available only within Yangsan and ARMY campuses
교외 접속 불가 매뉴얼
The New York Times
A digital version of the New York Times newspaper, a multi-platform news service that provides news articles, interactive videos, reviews and opinions, editorials, advertisements, blogs, photos, videos, and more.
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* 개인계정 등록 필수
1. 회원가입용 웹페이지(nytimes.com/passes) 접속
2. 가입 시 소속기관 확인을 위해 부산대학교 이메일 주소(ex.****@pusan.ac.kr)로 계정 등록(학교 이메일만 사용 가능)
- 부산대학교 이메일 생성(https://webmail.pusan.ac.kr)
3. nytdirect@nytimes.com에서 발송한 메일에 링크를 클릭하여 계정 생성
4. 발급 받은 ID(이메일)와 도서관 홈페이지, nytimes.com, 모바일앱 등을 이용하여 로그인 후 이용
5. 패스워드를 잊어 버린 경우 https://nytimes.com/forgot/에 접속하여 이메일 입력 후 변경가능
The New York Times in Education
An online education platform created by The New York Times for students and professors.
It provides lecture materials such as case studies and learning questions that professors and students need.
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* 개인계정 등록 필수
1. 회원가입용 웹페이지(https://nytimesineducation.com/register) 접속
2. 가입 시 소속기관 확인을 위해 부산대학교 이메일 주소(ex.****@pusan.ac.kr)로 계정 등록(학교 이메일만 사용 가능)
- 부산대학교 이메일 생성(https://webmail.pusan.ac.kr)
3. nytdirect@nytimes.com에서 발송한 메일에 링크를 클릭하여 계정 생성
4. 발급 받은 ID(이메일)와 도서관 홈페이지, nytimes.com, 모바일앱 등을 이용하여 로그인 후 이용
5. 패스워드를 잊어 버린 경우 https://nytimes.com/forgot/에 접속하여 이메일 입력 후 변경가능
TKC Law Library
Best Japanese legal database to provide Japanese laws, precedents, journals, literature, etc
Wiley Essential Online Reference Works
It is an online encyclopedia published by Wiley and consists of 16 titles representing the subject fields such as chemistry, polymers, statistical electrical and electronics, life sciences, linguistics, and geography.