
Total 7
DB name DB description and usage guide
MathSciNet (MSN)
It contains all of the contents of the journal Mathematical Reviews (MR) since 1940 along with an extensive author database, links to other MR entries, citations, full journal entries, and links to original articles.
MDPI provides over 330 Open Access journals in all subject areas.
A bibliographic management program that supports the management and writing of papers
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※ 무료 계정 생성 : https://www.mendeley.com (ScienceDirect, Scopus 계정 소유 시 연동 가능)
Specialized database of medicines, healthcare, environmental and toxicity in use by medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, laboratories, industrial sites and government agencies in 92 countries
MLA International Bibliography
It Provides bibliographic information on modern languages, literature, linguistics, folklore, and more.
MOAZINE Academic
a database that provides electronic magazines in all fields, including current events/economics/cultures/science
※ Original text is available between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the following day through RISS (http://riss.kr). / Click [해외전자정보서비스 바로가기] at the top right of the RISS main screen
Music and Dance Online
Total music package offering a wide range of genres of music
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* 기존의 Dance in Video, Opera in Video 자료도 모두 이용 가능