
Total 12
DB name DB description and usage guide
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
It provides original text for 16 journals published by ASM (American Society for Microbiology), the oldest and largest academic society in microbiology.
Bentham Science Publishers Journals Full Collection
It offers a total of 120 journals in 27 fields, including pharmacology, drug design, drug metabolism, medicine, medical chemistry, and Alzheimer's disease.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS Analytical Methods™)
It contains more than 500,000 step-by-step analysis protocol data extracted from review papers and patents, and can check information on analytes, matrices, instruments, reagents, etc.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS Formulus®)
It has more than 5 million formulations/pesticides records from review papers, patents, products registered with the U.S. FDA, etc., and can check ingredients, manufacturing processes, and regulatory information.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS SciFinder-n)
Provide literature and patent information in all fields of science and technology, including chemical fields.
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- 신규 회원 가입 페이지 바로가기
- 반드시 부산대학교 이메일(****@pusan.ac.kr)로 회원 가입 필요
- 기존 SciFinder Web에 저장된 자료를 SciFinder-n으로 한 번에 옮겨오는 방법은 [Migration 방법] 참고
- CAS Analytical Methods 바로가기
- CAS Formulus 바로가기
Embase is a biomedical and pharmacological bibliographic database of published literature designed to support information managers and pharmacovigilance in complying with the regulatory requirements of a licensed drug.
In detail
논문 500건 이상 export 할 경우, embase 개인 계정 생성 필요(로그인 시 한 회당 1만건까지 export 가능)
Lexidrug (구. Lexicomp)
A pharmacological database
Specialized database of medicines, healthcare, environmental and toxicity in use by medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, laboratories, industrial sites and government agencies in 92 countries
It is the world's most famous scientific journal, and the original questionnaire on 24 different journals
SAGE Deep BackFile
SAGE offers BackFile in Science, Technology and Medicine (before 1998)
Science provides journals in Science / Science Signaling / Science Translational Medicine / Science Robotics.
T&F Medical Package (구. Informa Healthcare)
Since 1918, the T&F Medical Package has provided 170 peer-reviewed journals in pharmacy and medicine.
※ Available only within Yangsan and ARMY campuses
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