Total 8
DB name | DB description and usage guide |
Lexidrug (구. Lexicomp)A pharmacological database
Lexis 360It Provides information on French legislation.
Login required for first time access (see manual) |
Lexis+It Provides information such as U.S. Federal & State Cases, States, Codes, Journal, Review, Report, News & Business, etc
Lexis AsOneIt Provides information on Japanese laws and regulations.
Lexis ChinaLexis China has many Chinese legal information such as laws and judicial precedents, in addition, covers highly practical content, such as commentaries, contract templates and more comprehensively.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstract (LISTA)It Provides information in the field of library and information science and information management.
LWW Premier Journals (Backfile)It offers an archive of 34 key journals from the world's leading medical publisher, Lippincott Williams & Willkins (LWW).(to 2016)
LWW Total Access Collection (Ovid MEDLINE)From 1998 to the present, It offers 294 excellent journals in medicine, health, and biology
In detailOvid MEDLINE 검색 기능을 통해 Systematic Review, Meta Analysis에 활용가능(Ovid 접속 시, change 또는 변경을 눌러 Ovid MEDLINE 또는 ALL Resources 선택. 매뉴얼 참조) |