
Total 21
DB name DB description and usage guide
Excavation reports since the 1940s and surveys on cultural relics and living culture at the provincial, municipal, and county levels are provided by region, period, and institution
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현재 국립중앙박물관, 서울대학교 박물관, 부산대학교 박물관 등의 대학박물관과 영남문화재연구원, 호남문화재연구원 등의 발굴 전문 기관을 포함하는 92개 기관 4,000여 권의 자료 구축
Academic Video Online (AVON)
Provides a single interface for over 70,000 scholarly, dedicated video streaming collections
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13,000여 종의 해외 학술저널, 매거진, 2,000여 종의 해외 신문, 280만여 종의 해외 석박사 학위논문 원문 PDF와 480만여 종의 서지정보, 18만여 종의 해외 학술 전자책, 76,000여 개의 교육용 동영상을 단일 플랫폼에서 이용하려면 아래 URL로 접속
ProQuest One Academic 바로가기
Artstor Digital Library
Archives offering approximately 300 collections of 2.5 million images of famous museums, scholars and artists
Benezit Dictionary of Artists
Integrated data on the lives and works of artists.
Brill Journal Collection
It provides 314 texts and abstracts of journals in the fields of humanities and social sciences, international law and biology, etc.
CAJ(China Academic Journal) with CDMD (TKN 출판사·CNKI)
The largest Chinese database to provide electronic journals in Medicine/Literature·History·Philosophy.
E Series and F Series materials available.
In detail
- Medicine Web DB, Literature-History-Philosophy Web DB만 원문 이용 가능
(이용 가능한 경우 검색결과 우측 "옵션" 항목에서 "화살표(Download)"로 표기되며, 이용이 불가능한 경우 "자물쇠"로 표기됨)
- 정상적인 과정을 거쳐 교외접속을 했는데 '부산대학'이라고 나오지 않으면서 원문 열람 권한이 없다고 할 경우 CAJ 우측 상단의 Login 클릭 후 "IP Login"을 클릭하면 정상 인증됨
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) [OA]
Peer-reviewed open access journal database providing text from all topics.
Early English Books Onlilne (EEBO)
Best Digital Archiving database containing most books published in the UK or in English
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL)
A digitalized eBook of Reference Books published by Gale Publishing.
Grove Art Online
Online materials based on 34 volumes of the World Art Dictionary "Grove Dictionary of Art (edited by Jane Turner)" that comprehensively examines visual arts.
Grove Music Online
In addition to the 29 volumes of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (second edition), it contains a variety of dictionaries that help research music such as jazz, opera, and musical instruments.
JSTOR Full Collection
More than 4,000 major academic journals in the field of humanities and sociology have been established and provided by archive up to 17th century data.
KRM 기초학문자료센터 [OA]
Information on research achievements in the humanities and social fields supported by the Korea Research Foundation is provided through search systems by academic field, project, and type.
KRpia 한국의 지식콘텐츠
Korean classical materials, historical records, literature, etc
MLA International Bibliography
It Provides bibliographic information on modern languages, literature, linguistics, folklore, and more. ※ Original text is available between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the following day through RISS (http://riss.kr). / Click [해외전자정보서비스 바로가기] at the top right of the RISS main screen
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Online version of Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford Reference Premium (ORP)
It offers a wide range of references published by Oxford University Press, from the humanities and social sciences to the medical sciences.
Periodicals Archive Online (PAO)
A database that was carefully selected by PAO for basic research in the field of humanities and social sciences in Korea.
Persée (Persée Portail)
Persée offers OpenAccess in French humanities.
ProQuest Historical Periodicals (PHP)
Archive collection consisting of continuous publications with high historical value as the first and second literature materials in the field of humanities and society
The Vogue Archive
The Vogue Archive contains the entire run of Vogue magazine (US edition) from 1892 to the present day, reproduced in high-resolution color page images.