
Total 31
DB name DB description and usage guide
AccessMedicine (구. Harrison's Online)
It provides medical students with the video resources, review questions, and major medical textbooks needed to learn basic science and perform Clerkship.
American Medical Association (AMA)(JAMA)
The original text of the journal provided by the American Medical Association (AMA) has been available since 1998.
In detail
JAMA : Journal of the American Medical Association
JAMA Dermatology
JAMA Internal Medicine
JAMA Neurology
JAMA Opththalmology
JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
JAMA Pediatrics
JAMA Psychiatry
JAMA Surgery
Bentham Science Publishers Journals Full Collection
It offers a total of 120 journals in 27 fields, including pharmacology, drug design, drug metabolism, medicine, medical chemistry, and Alzheimer's disease.
BioMed Central (BMC) [OA]
It is the world's largest publisher of peer-reviewed Open Access journals and specializes in Biology, Life Science, and Medicine.
British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Medical journal published by BMJ Publishing Group that profit organization of the British Medicine Association (BMA)
※ Available only within Pusan National University Hospital and Yangsan Pusan National University Hospital
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2009~2015년도 자료 : BMJ Publishing Group의 30여종의 저널 이용가능 2016년도 자료 : BMJ, Acupuncture in Medicine 2종 이용가능
CAJ(China Academic Journal) with CDMD (TKN 출판사·CNKI)
The largest Chinese database to provide electronic journals in Medicine/Literature·History·Philosophy.
E Series and F Series materials available.
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- Medicine Web DB, Literature-History-Philosophy Web DB만 원문 이용 가능
(이용 가능한 경우 검색결과 우측 "옵션" 항목에서 "화살표(Download)"로 표기되며, 이용이 불가능한 경우 "자물쇠"로 표기됨)
- 정상적인 과정을 거쳐 교외접속을 했는데 '부산대학'이라고 나오지 않으면서 원문 열람 권한이 없다고 할 경우 CAJ 우측 상단의 Login 클릭 후 "IP Login"을 클릭하면 정상 인증됨
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS Analytical Methods™)
It contains more than 500,000 step-by-step analysis protocol data extracted from review papers and patents, and can check information on analytes, matrices, instruments, reagents, etc.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS Formulus®)
It has more than 5 million formulations/pesticides records from review papers, patents, products registered with the U.S. FDA, etc., and can check ingredients, manufacturing processes, and regulatory information.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS SciFinder-n)
Provide literature and patent information in all fields of science and technology, including chemical fields.
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- 신규 회원 가입 페이지 바로가기
- 반드시 부산대학교 이메일(****@pusan.ac.kr)로 회원 가입 필요
- 기존 SciFinder Web에 저장된 자료를 SciFinder-n으로 한 번에 옮겨오는 방법은 [Migration 방법] 참고
- CAS Analytical Methods 바로가기
- CAS Formulus 바로가기
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
It provides information on nursing, nutrition, and health.
It provides various clinical-related contents such as e-Book, Journal, Image, Video, Medicine, drug information, and clinical care guidelines
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개인 ID 등록 후 이용 (단, ScienceDirect, Scopus에 ID가 있으면 바로 이용 가능)
Cochrane Library
Systematic Reviews are available in the Evidence-based medicine field provided by The Cochrane Collection.
It provides data on human anatomy (Dissection VOD) and reference images of anatomy.
eContents, which cover the entire "Human Organization" created jointly with the Korean Anatomy Society, utilize various multimedia tools such as e-Book, VOD, Image, Illustration, and Virtual Slide
Content that allows you to learn the three-dimensional structure of the brain step by step by organizing the entire course of neuroanatomy practice into high-definition videos
Embase is a biomedical and pharmacological bibliographic database of published literature designed to support information managers and pharmacovigilance in complying with the regulatory requirements of a licensed drug.
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논문 500건 이상 export 할 경우, embase 개인 계정 생성 필요(로그인 시 한 회당 1만건까지 export 가능)
More than 80 academic journals from Karger, a publishing company specializing in medical and life sciences
※ Available only within Yangsan and ARMY campuses
교외 접속 불가 매뉴얼
Lexidrug (구. Lexicomp)
A pharmacological database
LWW Premier Journals (Backfile)
It offers an archive of 34 key journals from the world's leading medical publisher, Lippincott Williams & Willkins (LWW).(to 2016)
LWW Total Access Collection (Ovid MEDLINE)
From 1998 to the present, It offers 294 excellent journals in medicine, health, and biology
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Ovid MEDLINE 검색 기능을 통해 Systematic Review, Meta Analysis에 활용가능
(Ovid 접속 시, change 또는 변경을 눌러 Ovid MEDLINE 또는 ALL Resources 선택. 매뉴얼 참조)
It is the world's most famous scientific journal, and the original questionnaire on 24 different journals
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
The world's most prestigious medical journal
ProQuest Medical Library (PML)
PML provides medical expertise in NLM's MEDLINE-listed journals that select and provide only excellent journals.
More than 80 journals, including American Psychological Association (APA) publishing journals, provide full text for over 150,000 Articles
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중앙도서관, 새벽벌도서관, 사회관, 성학관, 제1사범관, 제2교수연구동, 의생명과학도서관, 나노생명과학도서관에서만 이용 가능
단, 무선인터넷(PNU-WiFi 등)에서는 접속이 불가하며, 건물 내 설치된 PC에서 이용 가능
Public Library of Science (PLOS) [OA]
Open Access journal published by Public Library of Science (PLoS) is available (7 types of biotechnology and medicine)
PubMed [OA]
The latest medical bibliographic information service, including information from journals and papers in biochemistry, biotechnology and medicine, is provided free of charge by NCBI under the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
SAGE Deep BackFile
SAGE offers BackFile in Science, Technology and Medicine (before 1998)
Science provides journals in Science / Science Signaling / Science Translational Medicine / Science Robotics.
The Bone & Joint Journal (BJJ)
Journal of Orthopedic and Musculoskeletal Medicine in general and sports medicine ※ Available only within Yangsan and ARMY campuses
교외 접속 불가
It is an evidence-based clinical decision support system through the American Medical Community and web-based device.
In detail
교외에서 이용을 원할 경우
1. 회원 가입 후 이용 가능 (회원 가입은 반드시 교내 IP 대역에서 해야 함)
2. 90일마다 회원 정보 갱신 필요
Visible Body Human Anatomy Atlas
Human Anatomy Atlas offers 3D regional and systemic views of the human body. It also includes virtual cadaver dissections, and modules for muscle actions and microanatomy to see smaller anatomical structures not visible to naked eye.
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PC, Laptop, MAC의 사양에 따라 실행이 원할 하지 않거나 실행이 되지 않을 수 있습니다.
요구되는 권장 사양은 아래와 같습니다.
1. 브라우저 : Firefox, Chrome, Safari (11 버전 또는 이후)
2. 운영체제 : 64-bit Windows 7/8/10 | Mac OS X 10.10 또는 이후
3. 메모리 : 2GB RAM
4. 비디오 카드 : 64MB 이상 독립(권장) 또는 온보드 비디오 카드
5. 저장 공간 : 95MB 이상
6. 네트워크 : 30Mbps 속도 권장