
Total 13
DB name DB description and usage guide
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS Analytical Methods™)
It contains more than 500,000 step-by-step analysis protocol data extracted from review papers and patents, and can check information on analytes, matrices, instruments, reagents, etc.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS Formulus®)
It has more than 5 million formulations/pesticides records from review papers, patents, products registered with the U.S. FDA, etc., and can check ingredients, manufacturing processes, and regulatory information.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™ (CAS SciFinder-n)
Provide literature and patent information in all fields of science and technology, including chemical fields.
In detail
- 신규 회원 가입 페이지 바로가기
- 반드시 부산대학교 이메일(****@pusan.ac.kr)로 회원 가입 필요
- 기존 SciFinder Web에 저장된 자료를 SciFinder-n으로 한 번에 옮겨오는 방법은 [Migration 방법] 참고
- CAS Analytical Methods 바로가기
- CAS Formulus 바로가기
SAGE Deep BackFile
SAGE offers BackFile in Science, Technology and Medicine (before 1998)
Science provides journals in Science / Science Signaling / Science Translational Medicine / Science Robotics.
ScienceDirect provides the text of academic journals in all subject areas.
In detail
반드시 도서관 홈페이지에 접속하여 로그인 후 ScienceDirect를 이용해야 합니다.
① 도서관 홈페이지 → 로그인 → 학술논문 : 논문 검색 후 이용
② 도서관 홈페이지 → 로그인 → 전자저널 : 저널 검색 후 이용
③ 도서관 홈페이지 → 로그인 → 학술DB : ScienceDirect 접속 후 이용
※ 즐겨찾기, 주소 직접 입력을 통한 ScienceDirect 접속 시 이용 불가
Research and performance analysis solutions based on Scopus
SCOAP3 Repository [OA]
고에너지 물리학 분야 우수 저널을 오픈액세스로 전환하는 글로벌 컨소시엄으로 리포지터리를 통해 SCOAP3 참여 저널 원문 무료 이용 가능
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature – scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
Sherpa/RoMEO [OA]
Open Access Service with Post-Print or Pre-Print
Archiving Policy is divided into 4 groups by publisher (Green, Blue, Yellow, White)
SocINDEX with FullText
SocINDEX with FullText provides indexes and abstracts of 5,778 overseas academic journals in the field of sociology/social welfare, and 857 journal texts.
※ Original text is available between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the following day through RISS (http://riss.kr). / Click [해외전자정보서비스 바로가기] at the top right of the RISS main screen
Springer eJournal Archival Access
1,621 types of journals provided by Springer Publishing Co., Ltd. (different from the period of providing original texts by journal)
Statistics and data on business topics