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'e-Article' searched 80results | List 20~30
Congressional Research Service: Report; 7/28/2021, preceding p1-13, 15p
Congressional Research Service: Report; 7/9/2021, preceding p1-36, 40p
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs. May, 2022
Emergency Response to Extreme Heat: Federal Financial Assistance and Considerations for Congress [misc] / Sheikh, Hassan Z.; Webster, Elizabeth M.; Lee, Erica A.; Boyle, Conor F.; Clark, Corrie E.; Horn, Diane P.; Jaroscak, Joseph V.; Kreiser, Maria; Lawhorn, Julie M.; Perl, Libby; Sekar, Kavya
Federal Support for Reproductive Health Services: Frequently Asked Questions [misc] / Sheikh, Hassan Z.; Singer, Audrey; Sussman, Jared S.; Tollestrup, Jessica; Heisler, Elayne J.; Wyatt, Taylor R.; Baumrucker, Evelyne P.; Forsberg, Vanessa C.; James, Nathan; Kolker, Abigail F.; Landers, Patrick A.; Mendez, Bryce H. P.; Napili, Angela
Synthetic Nicotine: Frequently Asked Questions [misc] / Sheikh, Hassan Z.
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs. November, 2021
Regulation of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS): Background and Select Policy Issues in the 117th Congress [misc] / Sheikh, Hassan Z.
COVID-19 Testing: Frequently Asked Questions [misc] / Lee, Erica A.; Mendez, Bryce H. P.; Panangala, Sidath Viranga; Sekar, Kavya; Sheikh, Hassan Z.; Staman, Jennifer A.; Sussman, Jared S.; Wyatt, Taylor R.; Sarata, Amanda K.; Heisler, Elayne J.; Baumrucker, Evelyne P.; Costin, Kate M.; Forsberg, Vanessa C.; Hahn, Jim; Isserman, Noah D.; James, Nathan; Kolker, Abigail F.
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2): Public Health, Medical Supply Chain, Health Services, and Related Provisions [misc] / Napili, Angela; Sheikh, Hassan Z.; Sussman, Jared S.; Wyatt, Taylor R.; Duff, Johnathan H.; Sekar, Kavya; Bodie, Agata; Colello, Kirsten J.; Heisler, Elayne J.; Lister, Sarah A.; Casey, Alyssa R.; Cecire, Michael H.; Green, Victoria R.
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[AR] Sheikh, Hassan Z.
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