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'e-Article' searched 42results | List 10~20
Academic Journal
Melihov, A. N. AMS Author Profile; Beršteĭn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Ivanov, G. I. AMS Author Profile
Akademija Nauk Latviĭskoĭ\ SSR. Avtomatika i Vyčislitelʹnaja Tehnika (Avtomat. i Vyčisl. Tehn. (Riga)) (19720101), no.~6, 14-18. ISSN: 0132-4160 (print).
Academic Journal
Melihov, A. N. AMS Author Profile; Beršteĭn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Kureĭčik, V. M. AMS Author Profile; Lisjak, V. V. AMS Author Profile
Akademija Nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe Otdelenie. Institut Matematiki. Vyčislitelʹnye Sistemy. Sbornik Trudov (Vyčisl. Sistemy) (19730101), no.~54, 13-20, 153. ISSN: 0568-661x (print).
Academic Journal
Melihov, A. N. AMS Author Profile; Beršteĭn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Karelin, V. P. AMS Author Profile
Otdelenie Matematiki, Mekhaniki i Kibernetiki Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoĭ\ SSR. Kibernetika (Kibernetika (Kiev)) (19690101), no.~3, 20-26. ISSN: 0023-1274 (print).
Academic Journal
Melihov, A. N. AMS Author Profile; Beršteĭn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Karelin, V. P. AMS Author Profile; Paškevič, A. P. AMS Author Profile
Avtomat. i Vyčisl. Tehn. (Avtomat. i Vyčisl. Tehn.) (19690101), no.~4, 1-6.
Academic Journal
Bershteyn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Melëkhin, V. B. AMS Author Profile
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. A Journal of Optimization and Control (J. Comput. Systems Sci. Internat. ) (1993), no.~3, 115--123 ISSN: 10642307.
Academic Journal
Bershteĭn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Melëkhin, V. B. AMS Author Profile
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (Cybernet. Systems Anal. ) (1992), no.~1, 148--154, 161, 191 ISSN: 15738337, 10600396. eISSN: 1573-8337.
Academic Journal
Bershteĭn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Melëkhin, V. B. AMS Author Profile
Automation and Remote Control (Automat. Remote Control ) (1989), no.~12, part 2, 102--112 ISSN: 00051179.
Academic Journal
Bershteĭn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Rabinovich, V. A. AMS Author Profile
Cybernetics (Cybernetics ) (1980), no.~3, 71--75 ISSN: 00114235.
Academic Journal
Bershteyn, L. S. AMS Author Profile; Saprykin, V. A. AMS Author Profile
Engineering Cybernetics. English Edition of Tekhnicheskaya Kibernetika (Engrg. Cybernetics ) (1981), no.~6, 94--99, 205 ISSN: 0013788X.
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[AR] Bershtein, Leonid
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