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'e-Article' searched 32results | List 1~10
Academic Journal
Der Urologe A; Sep2015, Vol. 54 Issue 9, p1269-1276, 8p
Electronic Resource
Bandelow, B; Wiltink, J; Watzke, Birgit (2014). Patienten-Leitlinie: Behandlung von Angststörungen.
Electronic Resource
Bandelow, B; Wiltink, J; Watzke, Birgit (2014). S3-Leitlinie Behandlung von Angststörungen: Langfassung.
Electronic Resource
Leichsenring, F; Hoyer, J; Beutel, M E; Herpertz, S; Hiller, W; Irle, E; Joraschky, P; König, H H; de Liz, T; Nolting, B; Pöhlmann, K; Salzer, S; Schauenburg, H; Stangier, U; Strauss, B; Subic-Wrana, C; Vormfelde, S V; Weniger, G; Willutzki, U; Wiltink, J; Leibing, E (2009). The social phobia psychotherapy research network. The first multicenter randomized controlled trial of psychotherapy for social phobia: rationale, methods and patient characteristics. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 78(1):35-41.
Electronic Resource
GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine; VOL: 3; DOC10 /20061211/
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[AR] Wiltink, J
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