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Academic Journal
In Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials May 2004 272-276 Part 2:1260-1262
Academic Journal
In Crystal Engineering 2002 5(3):401-410
Academic Journal
In Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2002 5(2):237-241
Academic Journal
Hu, JJ; Serra-Picamal, X; Bakker, GJ; Van Troys, M; Winograd-Katz, S; Ege, N; Gong, XW; Didan, Y; Grosheva, I; Polansky, O; Bakkali, K; Van Hamme, E; van Erp, M; Vullings, M; Weiss, F; Clucas, J; Dowbaj, AM; Sahai, E; Ampe, C; Geiger, B; Friedl, P; Bottai, M; Stromblad, S
Molecular systems biology. 19(6):e11490
Academic Journal
In Thin Solid Films 2001 400(1):81-84
Academic Journal
Weiss, F ; Lindner, J; Senateur, J.P; Dubourdieu, C; Galindo, V; Audier, M; Abrutis, A; Rosina, M; Fröhlich, K; Haessler, W; Oswald, S; Figueras, A; Santiso, J
In Surface & Coatings Technology 2000 133:191-197
Academic Journal
Lindner, J ; Weiss, F ; Sénateur, J.-P ; Galindo, V ; Haessler, W ; Weihnacht, M ; Santiso, J ; Figueras, A
In Journal of the European Ceramic Society 1999 19(6):1435-1437
Academic Journal
Psychopharmacology. 172(2):170-178
Academic Journal
In Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 2000 284 Part 1:1013-1014
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[AR] Weiss, F
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