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'e-Article' searched 38results | List 1~10
Academic Journal
Adamson, P.Anderson, K.Andrews, M.Andrews, R.Anghel, I.Augustine, D.Aurisano, A.Avvakumov, S.Ayres, D.S.Baller, B.Barish, B.Barr, G.Barrett, W.L.Bernstein, R.H.Biggs, J.Bishai, M.Blake, A.Bocean, V.Bock, G.J.Boehnlein, D.J.Bogert, D.Bourkland, K.Cao, S.V.Castromonte, C.M.Childress, S.Choudhary, B.C.Coelho, J.A.B.Cobb, J.H.Corwin, L.Crane, D.Cravens, J.P.Cronin-Hennessy, D.Ducar, R.J.De Jong, J.K.Devan, A.V.Devenish, N.E.Diwan, M.V.Erwin, A.R.Escobar, C.O.Evans, J.J.Falk, E.Feldman, G.J.Fields, T.H.Ford, R.Frohne, M.V.Gallagher, H.R.Garkusha, V.Gomes, R.A.Goodman, M.C.Gouffon, P.Graf, N.Gran, R.Grossman, N.Grzelak, K.Habig, A.Hahn, S.R.Harding, D.Harris, D.Harris, P.G.Hartnell, J.Hatcher, R.Hays, S.Heller, K.Holin, A.Huang, J.Hylen, J.Ibrahim, A.Indurthy, D.Irwin, G.M.Isvan, Z.Jaffe, D.E.James, C.Jensen, D.Johnstone, J.Kafka, T.Kasahara, S.M.S.Koizumi, G.Kopp, S.Kordosky, M.Kreymer, A.Lang, K.Laughton, C.Lefeuvre, G.Ling, J.Litchfield, P.J.Loiacono, L.Lucas, P.Mann, W.A.Marchionni, A.Marshak, M.L.Mayer, N.McGivern, C.Medeiros, M.M.Mehdiyev, R.Meier, J.R.Messier, M.D.Michael, D.G.Milburn, R.H.Miller, J.L.Miller, W.H.Mishra, S.R.Moed Sher, S.Moore, C.D.Morfín, J.Mualem, L.Mufson, S.Murgia, S.Murtagh, M.Musser, J.Naples, D.Nelson, J.K.Newman, H.B.Nichol, R.J.Nowak, J.A.O׳Connor, J.Oliver, W.P.Olsen, M.Orchanian, M.Osprey, S.Pahlka, R.B.Paley, J.Para, A.Patterson, R.B.Patzak, T.Pavlović, Ž.Pawloski, G.Perch, A.Peterson, E.A.Petyt, D.A.Pfützner, M.M.Phan-Budd, S.Plunkett, R.K.Poonthottathil, N.Prieto, P.Pushka, D.Qiu, X.Radovic, A.Rameika, R.A.Ratchford, J.Rebel, B.Reilly, R.Rosenfeld, C.Rubin, H.A.Ruddick, K.Sanchez, M.C.Saoulidou, N.Sauer, L.Schneps, J.Schoo, D.Schreckenberger, A.Schreiner, P.Shanahan, P.Sharma, R.Smart, W.Smith, C.Sousa, A.Stefanik, A.Tagg, N.Talaga, R.L.Tassotto, G.Thomas, J.Thompson, J.Thomson, M.A.Tian, X.Timmons, A.Tinsley, D.Tognini, S.C.Toner, R.Torretta, D.Trostin, I.Tzanakos, G.Urheim, J.Vahle, P.Vaziri, K.Villegas, E.Viren, B.Vogel, G.Webber, R.C.Weber, A.Webb, R.C.Wehmann, A.White, C.Whitehead, L.Whitehead, L.H.Wojcicki, S.G.Wong-Squires, M.L.Yang, T.Yumiceva, F.X.Zarucheisky, V.Zwaska, R.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 January 2016 806:279-306
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2005. PAC 2005. Proceedings of the. :1428-1430 2005
Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the. 3:1503-1505 vol.3 2003
Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999. 2:1097-1099 vol.2 1999
2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) Particle Accelerator Conference, 2007. PAC. IEEE. :1676-1678 Jun, 2007
Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerators Particle Accelerator Conference, 1995., Proceedings of the 1995. 4:2687-2689 vol.4 1995
Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators Particle accelerator Particle Accelerator Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993. :2094-2096 vol.3 1993
Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators Particle accelerator Particle Accelerator Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993. :2382-2384 vol.3 1993
Academic Journal
Blake, A.Thomson, M.A.Aurisano, A.Sousa, A.Adamson, P.Anderson, K.Andrews, M.Andrews, R.Augustine, D.Baller, B.Bernstein, R.H.Biggs, J.Bocean, V.Bock, G.J.Boehnlein, D.J.Bogert, D.Bourkland, K.Childress, S.Choudhary, B.C.Crane, D.Ducar, R.J.Ford, R.Grossman, N.Hahn, S.R.Harding, D.Harris, D.Hatcher, R.Hays, S.Hylen, J.Ibrahim, A.James, C.Jensen, D.Johnstone, J.Koizumi, G.Kreymer, A.Lang, K.Laughton, C.Lucas, P.Marchionni, A.Moed Sher, S.Moore, C.D.Morfín, J.Olsen, M.Pahlka, R.B.Para, A.Plunkett, R.K.Poonthottathil, N.Prieto, P.Pushka, D.Rameika, R.A.Rebel, B.Reilly, R.Saoulidou, N.Sauer, L.Schoo, D.Shanahan, P.Sharma, R.Smart, W.Stefanik, A.Tassotto, G.Tinsley, D.Torretta, D.Vaziri, K.Villegas, E.Vogel, G.Webber, R.C.Wehmann, A.Wong-Squires, M.L.Yang, T.Zwaska, R.Litchfield, P.J.Weber, A.Holin, A.Nichol, R.J.O'Connor, J.Perch, A.Pfützner, M.M.Smith, C.Thomas, J.Whitehead, L.H.Barish, B.Michael, D.G.Mualem, L.Newman, H.B.Orchanian, M.Patterson, R.B.Anghel, I.Ayres, D.S.Fields, T.H.Goodman, M.C.Paley, J.Phan-Budd, S.Sanchez, M.C.Schreiner, P.Talaga, R.L.Tzanakos, G.Bishai, M.Diwan, M.V.Isvan, Z.Jaffe, D.E.Ling, J.Murtagh, M.Viren, B.Whitehead, L.Patzak, T.Feldman, G.J.Messier, M.D.Toner, R.Frohne, M.V.Graf, N.Rubin, H.A.White, C.Corwin, L.Mayer, N.Mufson, S.Musser, J.Urheim, J.Trostin, I.Miller, J.L.Evans, J.J.Timmons, A.Cronin-Hennessy, D.Heller, K.Kasahara, S.M.S.Marshak, M.L.Meier, J.R.Miller, W.H.Nowak, J.A.Pawloski, G.Peterson, E.A.Petyt, D.A.Ruddick, K.Schreckenberger, A.Gran, R.Habig, A.Tagg, N.Barr, G.Cobb, J.H.De Jong, J.K.Osprey, S.McGivern, C.Naples, D.Thompson, J.Garkusha, V.Zarucheisky, V.Mishra, S.R.Rosenfeld, C.Tian, X.Avvakumov, S.Irwin, G.M.Murgia, S.Qiu, X.Wojcicki, S.G.Devenish, N.E.Falk, E.Harris, P.G.Hartnell, J.Lefeuvre, G.Webb, R.C.Cao, S.V.Cravens, J.P.Huang, J.Indurthy, D.Kopp, S.Loiacono, L.Mehdiyev, R.Pavlović, Z.Ratchford, J.Coelho, J.A.B.Gallagher, H.R.Kafka, T.Mann, W.A.Milburn, R.H.Oliver, W.P.Schneps, J.Escobar, C.O.Castromonte, C.M.Gomes, R.A.Medeiros, M.M.Tognini, S.C.Gouffon, P.Grzelak, K.Barrett, W.L.Devan, A.V.Kordosky, M.Nelson, J.K.Radovic, A.Vahle, P.Yumiceva, F.X.Erwin, A.R.
In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 11 January 2016, 806:279-306)
In: Proceedings of the 29th Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC 2018, Proceedings of the 29th Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC 2018. (Proceedings of the 29th Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC 2018, 2020, :336-338)
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[AR] Webber, R.C.
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