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'e-Article' searched 8results | List 1~10
Williams, P. R.Pancoast, A.Treu, T.Brewer, B. J.Peterson, B. M.Barth, A. J.Malkan, M. A.De Rosa, G.Horne, KeithKriss, G. A.Arav, N.Bentz, M. C.Cackett, E. M.Bontà, E. DallaDehghanian, M.Done, C.Ferland, G. J.Grier, C. J.Kaastra, J.Kara, E.Kochanek, C. S.Mathur, S.Mehdipour, M.Pogge, R. W.Proga, D.Vestergaard, M.Waters, T.Adams, S. M.Anderson, M. D.Arévalo, P.Beatty, T. G.Bennert, V. N.Bigley, A.Bisogni, S.Borman, G. A.Boroson, T. A.Bottorff, M. C.Brandt, W. N.Breeveld, A. A.Brotherton, M.Brown, J. E.Brown, J. S.Canalizo, G.Carini, M. T.Clubb, K. I.Comerford, J. M.Corsini, E. M.Crenshaw, D. M.Croft, S.Croxall, K. V.Deason, A. J.De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A.Denney, K. D.Dietrich, M.Edelson, R.Efimova, N. V.Ely, J.Evans, P. A.Fausnaugh, M. M.Filippenko, A. V.Flatland, K.Fox, O. D.Gardner, E.Gates, E. L.Gehrels, N.Geier, S.Gelbord, J. M.Gonzalez, L.Gorjian, V.Greene, J. E.Grupe, D.Gupta, A.Hall, P. B.Henderson, C. B.Hicks, S.Holmbeck, E.Holoien, T. W. -S.Hutchison, T.Im, M.Jensen, J. J.Johnson, C. A.Joner, M. D.Jones, J.Kaspi, S.Kelly, P. L.Kennea, J. A.Kim, M.Kim, S.Kim, S. C.King, A.Klimanov, S. A.Knigge, C.Krongold, Y.Lau, M. W.Lee, J. C.Leonard, D. C.Li, MiaoLira, P.Lochhaas, C.Ma, ZhiyuanManne-Nicholas, E. R.MacInnis, F.Mauerhan, J. C.McGurk, R.Hardy, I. M. McMontuori, C.Morelli, L.Mosquera, A.Mudd, D.Müller-Sánchez, F.Nazarov, S. V.Norris, R. P.Nousek, J. A.Nguyen, M. L.Ochner, P.Okhmat, D. N.Papadakis, I.Parks, J. R.Pei, L.Penny, M. T.Pizzella, A.Poleski, R.Pott, J. -U.Rafter, S. E.Rix, H. -W.Runnoe, J.Saylor, D. A.Schimoia, J. S.Scott, B.Sergeev, S. G.Shappee, B. J.Shivvers, I.Siegel, M.Simonian, G. V.Siviero, A.Skielboe, A.Somers, G.Spencer, M.Starkey, D.Stevens, D. J.Sung, H. -I.Tayar, J.Tejos, N.Turner, C. S.Uttley, P.Van Saders, J.Vaughan, S. A.Vican, L.Villanueva Jr., S.Villforth, C.Weiss, Y.Woo, J. -H.Yan, H.Young, S.Yuk, H.Zheng, W.Zhu, W.Zu, Y.
AIP Conference Proceedings. 7/15/2010, Vol. 1248 Issue 1, p123-126. 4p. 2 Graphs.
American Journal of Education & College Review; Mar1857, Vol. 3 Issue 3, p249-256, 8p
American Journal of Education & College Review; Oct1856, Vol. 2 Issue 10, p345-357, 13p, 3 Charts
Electronic Resource
Watson , D , Vaughan , S A , Willingale , R , Hjorth , J , Foley , S , Fynbo , J P U , Jakobsson , P , Levan , A , O'Brian , P T , Osborne , J P , Pedersen , K , Reeves , J N , Tedds , J A & Watson , M G 2006 , ' The soft X-ray blast in the apparently subluminous GRB 031203 ' , Astrophysical Journal , vol. 636 , no. 2 , pp. 967-970 .
Electronic Resource
Library Broadside Collection; Tennessee Historical Society
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[AR] Vaughan, S. A.
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