
Publication date
(ex : 2010-2015)
'e-Article' searched 5results | List 1~10
Electronic Resource
Girard , G , Rafael-Patiño , J , Truffet , R , Aydogan , D B , Adluru , N , Nair , V A , Prabhakaran , V , Bendlin , B B , Alexander , A L , Bosticardo , S , Gabusi , I , Ocampo-Pineda , M , Battocchio , M , Piskorova , Z , Bontempi , P , Schiavi , S , Daducci , A , Stafiej , A , Ciupek , D , Bogusz , F , Pieciak , T , Frigo , M , Sedlar , S , Deslauriers-Gauthier , S , Kojčić , I , Zucchelli , M , Laghrissi , H , Ji , Y , Deriche , R , Schilling , K G , Landman , B A , Cacciola , A , Basile , G A , Bertino , S , Newlin , N , Kanakaraj , P , Rheault , F , Filipiak , P , Shepherd , T M , Lin , Y C , Placantonakis , D G , Boada , F E , Baete , S H , Hernández-Gutiérrez , E , Ramírez-Manzanares , A , Coronado-Leija , R , Stack-Sánchez , P , Concha , L , Descoteaux , M , Mansour L. , S , Seguin , C , Zalesky , A , Marshall , K , Canales-Rodríguez , E J , Wu , Y , Ahmad , S , Yap , P T , Théberge , A , Gagnon , F , Massi , F , Fischi-Gomez , E , Gardier , R , Haro , J L V , Pizzolato , M , Caruyer , E & Thiran , J P 2023 , ' Tractography passes the test : Results from the diffusion-simulated connectivity (disco) challenge ' , NeuroImage , vol. 277 , 120231 .
Electronic Resource
Rafael-Patino , J , Girard , G , Truffet , R , Pizzolato , M , Thiran , J-P & Caruyer , E 2021 , The Microstructural Features of the Diffusion-Simulated Connectivity (DiSCo) Dataset . in Computational Diffusion MRI . Springer , Lecture Notes in Computer Science , vol. 13006 , pp. 159–170 , 12 th International Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI , Strasbourg , France , 01/10/2021 .
Electronic Resource
Truffet , R , Rafael-Patino , J , Girard , G , Pizzolato , M , Barillot , C , Thiran , J P & Caruyer , E 2020 , An Evolutionary Framework for Microstructure-Sensitive Generalized Diffusion Gradient Waveforms . in A L Martel , P Abolmaesumi , D Stoyanov , D Mateus , M A Zuluaga , S K Zhou , D Racoceanu & L Joskowicz (eds) , Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention . Springer , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , vol. 12262 LNCS , pp. 94-103 , 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention , Lima , Peru , 04/10/2020 .
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[AR] Truffet, Raphaël
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