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Academic Journal
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology : official publication of the International Retrovirology Association. 14(5):442-450
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Ioannidis, JPA; Tatsioni, A; Abrams, EJ; Bulterys, M; Coombs, RW; Goedert, JJ; Korber, BT; Mayaux, MJ; Mofenson, LM; Moye, J; Newell, ML; Shapiro, DE; Teglas, JP; Thompson, B; Wiener, J
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Faye, A; Bertone, C; Teglas, JP; Chaix, ML; Douard, D; Firtion, G; Thuret, I; Dollfus, C; Monpoux, F; Floch, C; Nicolas, J; Vilmer, E; Rouzioux, C; Mayaux, MJ; Blanche, S; French Perinatal Study
Academic Journal
Ioannidis, JPA; Abrams, EJ; Ammann, A; Bulterys, M; Goedert, JJ; Gray, L; Korber, BT; Mayaux, MJ; Mofenson, LM; Newell, ML; Shapiro, DE; Teglas, JP; Wilfert, CM
Academic Journal
Teglas, JP; N'Go, N; Burgard, M; Mayaux, MJ; Rouzioux, C; Blanche, S; Delfraissy, JF; Misrahi, M; French Pediat HIV infect Study Grp
Academic Journal
Mandelbrot, L; Burgard, M; Teglas, JP; Benifla, JL; Khan, C; Blot, P; Vilmer, E; Matheron, S; Firtion, G; Blanche, S; Mayaux, MJ; Rouzioux, C
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Buseyne, F; Janvier, G; Teglas, JP; Ivanoff, S; Burgard, M; Bui, E; Mayauk, MJ; Blanche, S; Rouzioux, C; Riviere, Y
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