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de Jong, R. S.Agertz, O.Berbel, A. AgudoAird, J.Alexander, D. A.Amarsi, A.Anders, F.Andrae, R.Ansarinejad, B.Ansorge, W.Antilogus, P.Anwand-Heerwart, H.Arentsen, A.Arnadottir, A.Asplund, M.Auger, M.Azais, N.Baade, D.Baker, G.Baker, S.Balbinot, E.Baldry, I. K.Banerji, M.Barden, S.Barklem, P.Barthélémy-Mazot, E.Battistini, C.Bauer, S.Bell, C. P. M.Bellido-Tirado, O.Bellstedt, S.Belokurov, V.Bensby, T.Bergemann, M.Bestenlehner, J. M.Bielby, R.Bilicki, M.Blake, C.Bland-Hawthorn, J.Boeche, C.Boland, W.Boller, T.Bongard, S.Bongiorno, A.Bonifacio, P.Boudon, D.Brooks, D.Brown, M. J. I.Brown, R.Brüggen, M.Brynnel, J.Brzeski, J.Buchert, T.Buschkamp, P.Caffau, E.Caillier, P.Carrick, J.Casagrande, L.Case, S.Casey, A.Cesarini, I.Cescutti, G.Chapuis, D.Chiappini, C.Childress, M.Christlieb, N.Church, R.Cioni, M. -R. L.Cluver, M.Colless, M.Collett, T.Comparat, J.Cooper, A.Couch, W.Courbin, F.Croom, S.Croton, D.Daguisé, E.Dalton, G.Davies, L. J. M.Davis, T.de Laverny, P.Deason, A.Dionies, F.Disseau, K.Doel, P.Döscher, D.Driver, S. P.Dwelly, T.Eckert, D.Edge, A.Edvardsson, B.Youssoufi, D. ElElhaddad, A.Enke, H.Erfanianfar, G.Farrell, T.Fechner, T.Feiz, C.Feltzing, S.Ferreras, I.Feuerstein, D.Feuillet, D.Finoguenov, A.Ford, D.Fotopoulou, S.Fouesneau, M.Frenk, C.Frey, S.Gaessler, W.Geier, S.Fusillo, N. GentileGerhard, O.Giannantonio, T.Giannone, D.Gibson, B.Gillingham, P.González-Fernández, C.Gonzalez-Solares, E.Gottloeber, S.Gould, A.Grebel, E. K.Gueguen, A.Guiglion, G.Haehnelt, M.Hahn, T.Hansen, C. J.Hartman, H.Hauptner, K.Hawkins, K.Haynes, D.Haynes, R.Heiter, U.Helmi, A.Aguayo, C. HernandezHewett, P.Hinton, S.Hobbs, D.Hoenig, S.Hofman, D.Hook, I.Hopgood, J.Hopkins, A.Hourihane, A.Howes, L.Howlett, C.Huet, T.Irwin, M.Iwert, O.Jablonka, P.Jahn, T.Jahnke, K.Jarno, A.Jin, S.Jofre, P.Johl, D.Jones, D.Jönsson, H.Jordan, C.Karovicova, I.Khalatyan, A.Kelz, A.Kennicutt, R.King, D.Kitaura, F.Klar, J.Klauser, U.Kneib, J.Koch, A.Koposov, S.Kordopatis, G.Korn, A.Kosmalski, J.Kotak, R.Kovalev, M.Kreckel, K.Kripak, Y.Krumpe, M.Kuijken, K.Kunder, A.Kushniruk, I.Lam, M. ILamer, G.Laurent, F.Lawrence, J.Lehmitz, M.Lemasle, B.Lewis, J.Li, B.Lidman, C.Lind, K.Liske, J.Lizon, J. -L.Loveday, J.Ludwig, H. -G.McDermid, R. M.Maguire, K.Mainieri, V.Mali, S.Mandel, H.Mandel, K.Mannering, L.Martell, S.Delgado, D. MartinezMatijevic, G.McGregor, H.McMahon, R.McMillan, P.Mena, O.Merloni, A.Meyer, M. J.Michel, C.Micheva, G.Migniau, J. -E.Minchev, I.Monari, G.Muller, R.Murphy, D.Muthukrishna, D.Nandra, K.Navarro, R.Ness, M.Nichani, V.Nichol, R.Nicklas, H.Niederhofer, F.Norberg, P.Obreschkow, D.Oliver, S.Owers, M.Pai, N.Pankratow, S.Parkinson, D.Parry, I.Paschke, J.Paterson, R.Pecontal, A.Phillips, D.Pillepich, A.Pinard, L.Pirard, J.Piskunov, N.Plank, V.Plüschke, D.Pons, E.Popesso, P.Power, C.Pragt, J.Pramskiy, A.Pryer, D.Quattri, M.Queiroz, A. B. de AndradeQuirrenbach, A.Rahurkar, S.Raichoor, A.Ramstedt, S.Rau, A.Recio-Blanco, A.Reiss, R.Renaud, F.Revaz, Y.Rhode, P.Richard, J.Richter, A. D.Rix, H. -W.Robotham, A. S. G.Roelfsema, R.Romaniello, M.Rosario, D.Rothmaier, F.Roukema, B.Ruchti, G.Rupprecht, G.Rybizki, J.Ryde, N.Saar, A.Sadler, E.Sahlén, M.Salvato, M.Sassolas, B.Saunders, W.Saviauk, A.Sbordone, L.Schmidt, T.Schnurr, O.Scholz, R. -D.Schwope, A.Seifert, W.Shanks, T.Sheinis, A.Sivov, T.Skúladóttir, Á.Smartt, S.Smedley, S.Smith, G.Smith, R.Sorce, J.Spitler, L.Starkenburg, E.Steinmetz, M.Stilz, I.Storm, J.Sullivan, M.Sutherland, W.Swann, E.Tamone, A.Taylor, E. N.Teillon, J.Tempel, E.ter Horst, R.Thi, W. -F.Tolstoy, E.Trager, S.Traven, G.Tremblay, P. -E.Tresse, L.Valentini, M.van de Weygaert, R.Ancker, M. van denVeljanoski, J.Venkatesan, S.Wagner, L.Wagner, K.Walcher, C. J.Waller, L.Walton, N.Wang, L.Winkler, R.Wisotzki, L.Worley, C. C.Worseck, G.Xiang, M.Xu, W.Yong, D.Zhao, C.Zheng, J.Zscheyge, F.Zucker, D.
The Messenger, 2019, 175, 3
Academic Journal
In: Art in America. (Art in America, 1 May 2022, 110(3):24-31)
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement. (International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 2022, 12(1):60-74)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. (Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, September 2021, 11(3):392-403)
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[AR] Saunders, W.
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