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Conference Record of the Thirty-Ninth Asilomar Conference onSignals, Systems and Computers, 2005. Signals, Systems and Computers, 2005. Conference Record of the Thirty-Ninth Asilomar Conference on. :1414-1418 2005
Academic Journal
Feral-Pierssens, A.-L.Toury, G.Juvin, P.Freund, Y.Sehimi, F.Peschanski, N.Laribi, S.Carpentier, A.Kraif, M.Carbonnier, C.Duchateau, F.-X.Serre, P.Arnaud, A.Dugat, E.Occelli, C.Lanoux, T.Jacquet, E.Moretto, C.Devillard, A.Bordais, A.Maurin, O.Kraif, M.Caffier, A.Duchenne, J.Gillet, S.Milojevitch, E.Tissier, C.Kilic, S.Uchlinger, V.Gonzalez, N.Lacoste, V.Pouzoulet, S.Khoury, A.Marguet, P.Zamour, C.Proust, A.Dessena, A.Saura, F.Schindler, A.Gelin, E.Tendron, L.Cailleux, I.Basso, M.-H.Houze-Cerfon, V.Oudet, J.Ah-Koon, B.Babet, T.Bereau, J.Vally, R.Souchaud, E.Scouarnec, C.De Stabenrath, O.Vuillot, O.Giraud, I.Bebien, L.Chauvel, N.Le Normand, T.Rouchy, C.Arnault, I.Brenkmann, V.Viglino, D.Maiello, E.Matas, O.Lemarchand, R.Duffait, Y.Bonhomme, C.Martinez, M.Viallon, A.Legoff, Q.Blonstein, B.Fort, P.-A.Vicenzi, O.Ruche, V.Millet, A.Chouihed, T.Baugnon, D.Daniel, N.Boulanger, B.Galant, J.Le Hot, H.Rothmann, C.Guenot, I.Cochonneau, M.Smaiti, N.Lachery, P.Wiel, E.Thiriez, S.Abdelli, L.Carpentier, A.Kasdali, R.Ramaherison, T.Guidez, T.Bailly, C.Poher, F.Idrissi, A.Humbert, K.Andregnette, P.Pic, D.Dublanchet, N.Giroud, G.N'Guyen, G.Jainsky, L.Lacrouts, M.Liepa, M.-P.Esturoune, G.Ximenes, A.Randrianasolo, I.Mathe, M.Chable, H.Le Cardinal, G.Zix-Minni, A.-M.Le Borgne, P.Schweitzer, F.Ben Hammouda, K.Schmitt, J.Compte, G.Delaroche, M.Di Filippo, C.Potinet, V.Regal, O.Nahani, A.Faivre, J.Sturiale, T.Touil, M.Di Rollo, M.Laine, O.Gerain, M.Latappy, M.Ageron, F.-X.Vallenet, C.Leleu, A.Blandin, M.Paquet, A.-L.Fievet-Brochot, M.-L.Hansconrad, E.Vivien, B.Principe, A.Thiebaud, P.-C.Trabattoni, E.Burggraff, E.Boust, E.Massol, V.Benet, X.Foubert, Q.Jardel, B.Roussel, M.Joly, L.-M.Ovtcharenko, M.Bedrici, K.Abdeljaouad, M.Mauger-Briche, C.Berton, L.Dalle, L.Violeau, M.Amizet, L.Fontaine, F.Colonna, A.Tida, J.Cwicklinski, E.Fradin, P.Vallejo, C.Frigui, L.Bregigeon, S.Porche, M.Le Jan, A.Desclefs, J.-P.Andrianjafy, H.Wajzer, L.Hung, T.T.Beaune, S.Lenglet, H.Le Bail, G.Bouchara, A.Kouka, M.-C.Wargon, M.David, S.Khalid, M.Phlippoteau, C.Diez, S.Sende, J.Baermann, X.Legall, C.Fehre, A.Etiennar, C.Roudiak, N.Talfournier, J.Lefebvre, C.Claessens, Y.-E.Carron, P.-N.Dami, F.Popotte, E.Belkouch, A.Pujo, J.-M.
In: BMC Geriatrics. (BMC Geriatrics, 21 September 2020, 20(1))
Academic Journal
Maignan, M.Viglino, D.Collomb Muret, R.Vejux, N.Wiel, E.Jacquin, L.Laribi, S.N-Gueye, P.Joly, L.-M.Dumas, F.Beaune, S.Serre, P.Arnaud, A.Kasby, Y.Malbranque, A.Boccheciampe, F.Michelet, P.Maurin, O.Vidal, O.Deniel, C.Bordais, A.Mari, C.Duchenne, J.Gillet, S.Delaire, L.Bouex-Godeau, I.Adi, O.Seddik, S.Saudeau, L.Labbens, B.Salamor, M.Tissier, C.Milojevitch, E.Eclancher, A.Pouzoulet, S.Marion, A.-L.Khoury, A.Macher, J.-M.Proust, A.Martin, D.Revue, E.Dief, L.Saura, F.Legoff, F.Hamon, X.Direr, M.-A.Tendron, L.Payet, I.Lauque, D.Charpentier, S.El Kadiri, I.Bereau, J.Tentillier, E.Varsmee, G.De Stabenrath, O.Bissolokele, P.Bebien, L.Sebbane, M.Lefebvre, S.Cabirol, L.Chauvel, N.Gueguen, M.Rouchy, C.Mausset, V.Savio, C.Debaty, G.El Khoury, C.Matas, O.Pommier, P.Lemarchand, R.Duffait, Y.Luquet, C.Arnaud, M.Blondet, R.Liegeois, G.Cherhabil, N.Martinez, M.Bonhomme, C.Viallon, A.Yousfi, R.Fort, P.-A.Blonstein, B.Bouchel, C.Schotte, T.Sentias, C.Neata, I.Chouihed, T.Berlengi, N.Baugnon, D.Rothmann, C.Abdelli, L.Goze, C.Moquay, R.Raeckelboom, B.Ramaherison, T.Kasdali, R.Guidez, T.Crindal, S.Henry, R.Chafai, A.Poher, F.El Mouden, M.Idrissi, A.Hellal, K.Humbert, K.Giroud, G.Dublanchet, N.Jainsky, L.Ansart, E.Mokni, T.Sampietro, W.Redonnet, J.-P.Rouillon, M.Creton, C.Schweitzer, F.Le Borgne, P.Bilbaut, P.Zix-Minni, A.-M.Racenet, C.Gottwalles, Y.Hammouda, B.Landry, J.Moussa, M.Fayard Gonon, F.Arnaud, M.Fonsegrive, J.Latappy, M.Ageron, F.-X.Peribois, G.Forel, A.Vallenet, C.Dahan, B.Hutin, A.Fievet-Brochot, M.-L.Simonetta, M.Ayllon Milla, S.Chocron, R.Titomanlio, L.Thiebaud, P.-C.Vivien, B.Jabre, P.Cheron, G.Burggraff, E.Trabattoni, E.Massol, V.Jardel, B.Leclercq, O.Lesire, F.Perr, S.Abarrategui, D.Flambard-Biglione, M.Abaza, A.Toumani, S.Berton, L.Dalle, L.De Bastard, L.Mauger Briche, C.Sirigu, G.Chevrier, C.Leveau, P.Volard, P.Bentabet, A.Amizet, L.Bourdon, E.Colonna, A.El Omri, M.Fradin, P.Couillard, C.Martine-Singer, J.Cailloce, D.Vallejo, C.Blime, V.De Talance, M.Ben Othmane, E.Fortin, J.L.Andrianjafy, H.Rebello, C.Le Jan, A.Caruana, E.Lenglet, H.Javaud, N.Ursat, C.Pomel, A.-L.Canu, C.Khalid, M.Ovaska, H.Nakle, N.Diez, S.Sende, J.Hervieux, A.Philipotteau Parin, C.Fehre, A.Popotte, E.Baticle, A.Cosse, Y.Hutten, O.Belkouch, A.Claessens, Y.-E.
In: Internal and Emergency Medicine. (Internal and Emergency Medicine, 1 September 2019, 14(6):981-988)
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing Proceedings Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2006. ICASSP 2006 Proceedings. 2006 IEEE International Conference on. 4:IV-IV 2006
2008 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers; 2008, p1768-1771, 4p
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[AR] Rouchy, C.
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