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Ramus, Franck and Dupoux, Emmanuel and Mehler, Jacques (2003) The psychological reality of rhythm classes: Perceptual studies. [Conference Paper]
Ramus, Franck (2002) Acoustic correlates of linguistic rhythm: Perspectives. [Conference Paper]
Academic Journal
Ramus, Franck (2004) Neurobiology of dyslexia : A reinterpretation of the data. [Journal (Paginated)]
Academic Journal
Ramus, Franck and Pidgeon, Elizabeth and Frith, Uta (2002) The relationship between motor control and phonology in dyslexic children. [Journal (Paginated)] (In Press)
Academic Journal
Ramus, Franck (2002) Language discrimination by newborns: Teasing apart phonotactic, rhythmic, and intonational cues. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)] (In Press)
Academic Journal
Ramus, Franck (2001) Dyslexia - Talk of two theories. [Journal (Paginated)]
Academic Journal
Ramus, Franck (2001) Outstanding questions about phonological processing in dyslexia. [Journal (Paginated)]
Academic Journal
Ramus, Franck and Hauser, Marc D. and Miller, Cory and Morris, Dylan and Mehler, Jacques (2000) Language discrimination by human newborns and by cotton-top tamarin monkeys. [Journal (Paginated)]
Academic Journal
Ramus, Franck and Nespor, Marina and Mehler, Jacques (1999) Correlates of linguistic rhythm in the speech signal. [Journal (Paginated)]
Academic Journal
Ramus, Franck and Mehler, Jacques (1999) Language identification with suprasegmental cues: A study based on speech resynthesis. [Journal (Paginated)]
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[AR] Ramus, Franck
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