
Publication date
(ex : 2010-2015)
'e-Article' searched 34results | List 1~10
Electronic Resource
Overgaard , N H , R. Principe , D , M. Schachtschneider , K , Jakobsen , J T , A. Rund , L , J. Grippo , P , B. Schook , L & Jungersen , G 2018 , ' Genetically Induced Tumors in the Oncopig Model Invoke an Antitumor Immune Response Dominated by Cytotoxic CD8β + T Cells and Differentiated γδ T Cells Alongside a Regulatory Response Mediated by FOXP3 + T Cells and Immunoregulatory Molecules ' , Frontiers in Immunology , vol. 9 , 1301 .
Electronic Resource
Principe , D R , Overgaard , N H , Park , A J , Diaz , A M , Torres , C , McKinney , R , Dorman , M J , Castellanos , K , Schwind , R , Dawson , D W , Rana , A , Maker , A , Munshi , H G , Rund , L A , Grippo , P J & Schook , L B 2018 , ' KRAS(G12D) and TP53(R167H) Cooperate to Induce Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in Sus scrofa Pigs ' , Scientific Reports , vol. 8 , 12548 .
Electronic Resource
Overgaard , N H , Frøsig , T M , Jakobsen , J T , Buus , S , Andersen , M H & Jungersen , G 2017 , ' Low antigen dose formulated in CAF09 adjuvant Favours a cytotoxic T-cell response following intraperitoneal immunization in Göttingen minipigs ' , Vaccine , vol. 35 , no. 42 , pp. 5629-5636 .
Electronic Resource
Overgaard , N H 2017 , The Pig as a Large Animal Model for Studying Anti-Tumor Immune Responses . Technical University of Denmark .
Electronic Resource
Schachtschneider , K M , Schwind , R M , Newson , J , Kinachtchouk , N , Rizko , M , Mendoza-Elias , N , Grippo , P , Principe , D R , Park , A , Overgaard , N H , Jungersen , G , Garcia , K D , Maker , A V , Rund , L A , Ozer , H , Gaba , R C & Schook , L B 2017 , ' The Oncopig Cancer Model: An Innovative Large Animal Translational Oncology Platform ' , Frontiers in Oncology , vol. 7 , 190 .
Electronic Resource
Coleman , M , Jessup , C F , Bridge , J A , Overgaard , N H , Penko , D , Walters , S , Borg , D J , Galea , R , Forbes , J M , Thomas , R , Coates , P T C , Grey , S T , Wells , J W & Steptoe , R 2016 , ' Antigen-Encoding Bone Marrow Terminates Islet-Directed Memory CD8+ T-Cell Responses to Alleviate Islet Transplant Rejection ' , Diabetes , vol. 65 , no. 5 , pp. 1328-1340 .
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[AR] Overgaard, Nana Haahr
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