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(ex : 2010-2015)
'e-Article' searched 42results | List 1~10
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Voss , E A , Shoaibi , A , Yin Hui Lai , L , Blacketer , C , Alshammari , T , Makadia , R , Haynes , K , Sena , A G , Rao , G , van Sandijk , S , Fraboulet , C , Boyer , L , Le Carrour , T , Horban , S , Morales , D R , Martínez Roldán , J , Ramírez-Anguita , J M , Mayer , M A , de Wilde , M , John , L H , Duarte-Salles , T , Roel , E , Pistillo , A , Kolde , R , Maljković , F , Denaxas , S , Papez , V , Kahn , M G , Natarajan , K , Reich , C , Secora , A , Minty , E P , Shah , N H , Posada , J D , Garcia Morales , M T , Bosca , D , Cadenas Juanino , H , Diaz Holgado , A , Pedrera Jiménez , M , Serrano Balazote , P , García Barrio , N , Şen , S , Üresin , A Y , Erdogan , B , Belmans , L , Byttebier , G , Malbrain , M L N G , Dedman , D J , Cuccu , Z , Vashisht , R , Butte , A J , Patel , A , Dahm , L , Han , C , Bu , F , Arshad , F , Ostropolets , A , Nyberg , F , Hripcsak , G , Suchard , M A , Prieto-Alhambra , D , Rijnbeek , P R , Schuemie , M J & Ryan , P B 2023 , ' Contextualising adverse events of special interest to characterise the baseline incidence rates in 24 million patients with COVID-19 across 26 databases : a multinational retrospective cohort study ' , EClinicalMedicine , vol. 58 , 101932 .
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[AR] Minty, Evan P.
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