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Henderson, S.Abraham, W.Aleksandrov, A.Allen, C.Alonso, J.Anderson, D.Arenius, D.Arthur, T.Assadi, S.Ayers, J.Bach, P.Badea, V.Battle, R.Beebe-Wang, J.Bergmann, B.Bernardin, J.Bhatia, T.Billen, J.Birke, T.Bjorklund, E.Blaskiewicz, M.Blind, B.Blokland, W.Bookwalter, V.Borovina, D.Bowling, S.Bradley, J.Brantley, C.Brennan, J.Brodowski, J.Brown, S.Brown, R.Bruce, D.Bultman, N.Cameron, P.Campisi, I.Casagrande, F.Catalan-Lasheras, N.Champion, M.Chen, Z.Cheng, D.Cho, Y.Christensen, K.Chu, C.Cleaves, J.Connolly, R.Cote, T.Cousineau, S.Crandall, K.Creel, J.Crofford, M.Cull, P.Cutler, R.Dabney, R.Dalesio, L.Daly, E.Damm, R.Danilov, V.Davino, D.Davis, K.Dawson, C.Day, L.Deibele, C.Delayen, J.DeLong, J.Demello, A.DeVan, W.Digennaro, R.Dixon, K.Dodson, G.Doleans, M.Doolittle, L.Doss, J.Drury, M.Elliot, T.Ellis, S.Error, J.Fazekas, J.Fedotov, A.Feng, P.Fischer, J.Fox, W.Fuja, R.Funk, W.Galambos, J.Ganni, V.Garnett, R.Geng, X.Gentzlinger, R.Giannella, M.Gibson, P.Gillis, R.Gioia, J.Gordon, J.Gough, R.Greer, J.Gregory, W.Gribble, R.Grice, W.Gurd, D.Gurd, P.Guthrie, A.Hahn, H.Hardek, T.Hardekopf, R.Harrison, J.Hatfield, D.He, P.Hechler, M.Heistermann, F.Helus, S.Hiatt, T.Hicks, S.Hill, J.Hoff, L.Hoff, M.Hogan, J.Holding, M.Holik, P.Holmes, J.Holtkamp, N.Hovater, C.Howell, M.Hseuh, H.Huhn, A.Hunter, T.Ilg, T.Jackson, J.Jain, A.Jason, A.Jeon, D.Johnson, G.Jones, A.Joseph, S.Justice, A.Kang, Y.Kasemir, K.Keller, R.Kersevan, R.Kerstiens, D.Kesselman, M.Kim, S.Kneisel, P.Kravchuk, L.Kuneli, T.Kurennoy, S.Kustom, R.Kwon, S.Ladd, P.Lambiase, R.Lee, Y.Y.Leitner, M.Leung, K.-N.Lewis, S.Liaw, C.Lionberger, C.Lo, C.C.Long, C.Ludewig, H.Ludvig, J.Luft, P.Lynch, M.Ma, H.MacGill, R.Macha, K.Madre, B.Mahler, G.Mahoney, K.Maines, J.Mammosser, J.Mann, T.Marneris, I.Marroquin, P.Martineau, R.Matsumoto, K.McCarthy, M.McChesney, C.McGahern, W.McGehee, P.Meng, W.Merz, B.Meyer, R., Jr.Meyer, R., Sr.Miller, B.Mitchell, R.Mize, J.Monroy, M.Munro, J.Murdoch, G.Musson, J.Nath, S.Nelson, R.O׳Hara, J.Olsen, D.Oren, W.Oshatz, D.Owens, T.Pai, C.Papaphilippou, I.Patterson, N.Patterson, J.Pearson, C.Pelaia, T.Pieck, M.Piller, C.Plawski, T.Plum, M.Pogge, J.Power, J.Powers, T.Preble, J.Prokop, M.Pruyn, J.Purcell, D.Rank, J.Raparia, D.Ratti, A.Reass, W.Reece, K.Rees, D.Regan, A.Regis, M.Reijonen, J.Rej, D.Richards, D.Richied, D.Rode, C.Rodriguez, W.Rodriguez, M.Rohlev, A.Rose, C.Roseberry, T., Jr.Rowton, L.Roybal, W.Rust, K.Salazer, G.Sandberg, J.Saunders, J.Schenkel, T.Schneider, W.Schrage, D.Schubert, J.Severino, F.Shafer, R.Shea, T.Shishlo, A.Shoaee, H.Sibley, C.Sims, J.Smee, S.Smith, J.Smith, K.Spitz, R.Staples, J.Stein, P.Stettler, M.Stirbet, M.Stockli, M.Stone, W.Stout, D.Stovall, J.Strelo, W.Strong, H.Sundelin, R.Syversrud, D.Szajbler, M.Takeda, H.Tallerico, P.Tang, J.Tanke, E.Tepikian, S.Thomae, R.Thompson, D.Thomson, D.Thuot, M.Treml, C.Tsoupas, N.Tuozzolo, J.Tuzel, W.Vassioutchenko, A.Virostek, S.Wallig, J.Wanderer, P.Wang, Y.Wang, J.G.Wangler, T.Warren, D.Wei, J.Weiss, D.Welton, R.Weng, J.Weng, W-T.Wezensky, M.White, M.Whitlatch, T.Williams, D.Williams, E.Wilson, K.Wiseman, M.Wood, R.Wright, P.Wu, A.Ybarrolaza, N.Young, K.Young, L.Yourd, R.Zachoszcz, A.Zaltsman, A.Zhang, S.Zhang, W.Zhang, Y.Zhukov, A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1 November 2014 763:610-673
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2005. PAC 2005. Proceedings of the. :2080-2082 2005
Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum Discharges and electrical insulation in vacuum Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, 1996. Proceedings. ISDEIV., XVIIth International Symposium on. 1:137-140 vol.1 1996
Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the. 2:1246-1248 Vol.2 2003
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001. PAC 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. 2:918-920 vol.2 2001
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001. PAC 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. 5:3930-3932 vol.5 2001
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001. PAC 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. 1:70-72 vol.1 2001
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001. PAC 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. 1:500-502 vol.1 2001
Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999. 2:884-886 vol.2 1999
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[AR] Macgill, R.
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