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(ex : 2010-2015)
'e-Article' searched 80results | List 1~10
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Piette , Y , Van den Bossche , F , Aerts , J , Aerts , N , Ajeganova , S , Badot , V , Berghen , N , Blockmans , D , Brusselle , G , Caeyers , N , De Decker , M , De Haes , P , De Cock , C , De Keyser , F , De Langhe , E , Delcroix , M , De Nutte , H , De Pauw , M , Depicker , A , De Sutter , A , De Sutter , J , Du Four , T , Frank , C , Goubau , J , Guiot , J , Gutermuth , J , Heeman , L , Houssiau , F , Hennes , I , Lenaerts , J , Lintermans , A , Loeys , B , Luyten , H , Maeyaert , B , Malfait , F , Moeyersoons , A , Mostmans , Y , Nijs , J , Poppe , B , Polfliet , K , Ruttens , D , Sabato , V , Schoeters , E , Slabbynck , H , Stuer , A , Tamirou , F , Thevissen , K , Van Kersschaever , G , Vanneuville , B , Van Offel , J , Vanthuyne , M , Van Wabeke , J , Verbist , C , Vos , I , Westhovens , R , Wuyts , W , Yserbyt , J & Smith , V 2024 , ' Flemish network on rare connective tissue diseases (CTD) : patient pathways in systemic sclerosis. First steps taken ' , Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine , vol. 79 , no. 1 , pp. 26-33 .
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[AR] Lintermans, A.
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