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Academic Journal
Alberts, Catharina J; Heard, Isabelle; Canestri, Ana; Marchand, Lucie; Fléjou, Jean-François; Piroth, Lionel; Ferry, Tristan; Didelot, Jean-Michel; Siproudhis, Laurent; Henno, Sébastien; Poizot-Martin, Isabelle; Darragh, Teresa M; Clifford, Gary M; Combes, Jean-Damien; Etienney, Isabelle; Arvieux, C; Canestri, A; Clifford, GM; Combes, JD; Costes-Martineau, V; Del Grande, J; Didelot, JM; Etienney, I; Falguières, M; Ferry, T; Fischer, H; Flejou, JF; Heard, I; Henno, S; Hoyau, N; Landon, M; Laude, H; Le Breton, F; Lesage, AC; Lion, A; Maincent, G; Marchand, L; Njatonirina, H; Patey, O; Petrov Sanchez, V; Pialoux, V; Piroth, L; Poizot-Martin, I; Zaegel-Faucher, O; Ressiot, E; Radenne, S; Reynes, J; Siproudhis, L; Tamalet, C; Tattevin, P
The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 221(9)
Academic Journal
Jones, M; Bougard, D; Moudjou, M; Quadrio, I; Ségarra, C; Laude, H; Levavasseur, E; Simoneau, S; Flan, B; Haik, S; Perret-Liaudet, A; Béringue, V; Head, M; Coste, J
Vox Sanguinis. Jul 01, 2012 103 Suppl. 1:9-9
The Journal of Virology; January 1997, Vol. 71 Issue: 1 p734-737, 4p
Infection and Immunity; April 1981, Vol. 32 Issue: 1 p28-31, 4p
The Journal of Virology; December 1994, Vol. 68 Issue: 12 p8008-8016, 9p
The Journal of Virology; February 1992, Vol. 66 Issue: 2 p743-749, 7p
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[AR] Laude, H
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