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Academic Journal
Herrera-Rivero, MGutiérrez-Fragoso, KThalamuthu, AAmare, ATAdli, MAkiyama, KAkula, NArdau, RArias, BAubry, JMBacklund, LBellivier, FBenabarre, ABengesser, SAbesh, BBiernacka, JBirner, ACearns, MCervantes, PChen, HCChillotti, CCichon, SClark, SColom, FCruceanu, CCzerski, PDalkner, NDegenhardt, FDel Zompo, MDePaulo, JREtain, BFalkai, PFerensztajn-Rochowiak, EForstner, AJFrank, JFrisen, LFrye, MFullerton, JGallo, CGard, SGarnham, JGoes, FGrigoroiu-Serbanescu, MGrof, PHashimoto, RHasler, RHauser, JHeilbronner, UHerms, SHoffmann, PHou, LHsu, YJamain, SJiménez, EKahn, JPKassem, LKato, TKelsoe, JKittel-Schneider, SKuo, PHKurtz, JKusumi, IKönig, BLaje, GLandén, MLavebratt, CLeboyer, MLeckband, SMaj, MManchia, MMarie-Claire, CMartinsson, LMcCarthy, MMcElroy, SLMillischer, VMitjans, MMondimore, FMonteleone, PNievergelt, CNovak, TNöthen, MOdonovan, COzaki, NPapiol, SPfennig, APisanu, CPotash, JReif, AReininghaus, ERichard-Lepouriel, HRoberts, GRouleau, GRybakowski, JKSchalling, MSchofield, PSchubert, KOSchulte, ESchweizer, BSeverino, GShekhtman, TShilling, PShimoda, KSimhandl, CSlaney, CSquassina, AStamm, TStopkova, PStreit, FAyele, FTortorella, ATurecki, GVeeh, JVieta, EViswanath, BWitt, SZandi, PAlda, MBauer, MMcMahon, FMitchell, PRietschel, MSchulze, TBaune, B
Research square.
Academic Journal
In European Journal of Cancer October 2002 38(15):1961-1974
Conference: Presented at the World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC), 16-21 May 2010, Essen, Germany
Conference: Presented at the 2008 Hydrogen Program Annual Merit Review, 10 June 2008, Arlington, Virginia
Conference: Conference title not supplied, Conference location not supplied, Conference dates not supplied; Other Information: PBD: 1 Jan 2000
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[AR] Kurtz, J
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