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'e-Article' searched 79results | List 1~10
Electronic Resource
Terlouw , L , Verbeten , M , van Noord , D , Brusse-Keizer , M , Beumer , RR , Geelkerken , RH , Bruno , M & Kolkman , JJ 2020 , ' The Incidence of Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia in the Well-Defined Region of a Dutch Mesenteric Ischemia Expert Center ' , Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology , vol. 11 , no. 8 , pp. e00200 .
Electronic Resource
van Dijk , L , Leemreis - van Noord , D , de Vries , A , Kolkman , JJ , Geelkerken , RH , Verhagen , H , Moelker , A & Bruno , M 2019 , ' Clinical management of chronic mesenteric ischemia ' , United European Gastroenterology Journal , vol. 7 , no. 2 , pp. 179-188 .
Electronic Resource
van Dijk , L , Harki , J , Leemreis - van Noord , D , Verhagen , H , Kolkman , JJ , Geelkerken , RH , Bruno , M & Moelker , A 2019 , ' Covered stents versus Bare-metal stents in chronic atherosclerotic Gastrointestinal Ischemia (CoBaGI): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial ' , Trials , vol. 20 , no. 1 , pp. 519 .
Electronic Resource
van Dijk , L , Leemreis - van Noord , D , Geelkerken , RH , Harki , J , Berendsen , S , de Vries , A , Moelker , A , Vergouwe , Y , Verhagen , H , Kolkman , JJ , Bruno , M , Balm , R , de Borst , GJ , Blauw , JTM , Bakker , OJ , Buscher , H , Fioole , B , Hamming , JF , van den Heuvel , DAF , van Hattum , ES , Hinnen , JW , Van der Laan , MJ , Lenaerts , K , Peppelenbosch , M , van Petersen , AS , Rijnja , P , Van der Schaar , PJ , Terlouw , L , Vries , JPPM & Vroegindeweij , D 2019 , ' Validation of a score chart to predict the risk of chronic mesenteric ischemia and development of an updated score chart ' , United European Gastroenterology Journal , vol. 7 , no. 9 , pp. 1261-1270 .
Electronic Resource
Smeets , X , da Costa , DW , Fockens , P , Mulder , CJJ , Timmer , R , Kievit , W , Zegers , M , Bruno , M , Besselink , MGH , Vleggaar , FP , van der Hulst , RWM , Poen , AC , Heine , GDN , Venneman , NG , Kolkman , JJ , Baak , LC , Romkens , TEH , Dijk , SM , Hallensleben , N , van de Vrie , W , Seerden , TCJ , Tan , A , Voorburg , A , Poley , J , Witteman , BJ , Bhalla , A , Hadithi , M , Thijs , WJ , Schwartz , MP , Vrolijk , JM , Verdonk , RC , van Delft , F , Keulemans , Y , van Goor , H , Drenth , JPH & van Geenen , EJM 2018 , ' Fluid hydration to prevent post-ERCP pancreatitis in average-to high-risk patients receiving prophylactic rectal NSAIDs (FLUYT trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial ' , Trials , vol. 19 , 207 .
Electronic Resource
Leemreis - van Noord , D & Kolkman , JJ 2017 , ' Functional testing in the diagnosis of chronic mesenteric ischemia ' , Best Practice & Research in Clinical Gastroenterology , vol. 31 , no. 1 , pp. 59-68 .
Electronic Resource
Mensink , PBF , Geelkerken , RH , Huisman , AB , Kuipers , E & Kolkman , JJ 2008 , ' Twenty-four hour tonometry in patients suspected of chronic gastrointestinal ischemia ' , Digestive Diseases & Sciences , vol. 53 , no. 1 , pp. 133-139 .
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[AR] Kolkman, JJ
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