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'e-Article' searched 9results | List 1~10
Academic Journal
Benam, Kambez H, Remi Villenave, Carolina Lucchesi, Antonio Varone, Cedric Hubeau, Hyun-Hee Lee, Stephen E Alves, et al. 2015. “Small Airway-on-a-Chip Enables Analysis of Human Lung Inflammation and Drug Responses in Vitro.” Nat Meth 13 (2) (December 21): 151–157. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3697.
Academic Journal
Howell, Caitlin, Thy L. Vu, Christopher P. Johnson, Xu Hou, Onye Ahanotu, Jack Alvarenga, Daniel C. Leslie, et al. 2015. Stability of Surface-Immobilized Lubricant Interfaces Under Flow. Chem. Mater. 27, no. 5: 1792–1800. doi:10.1021/cm504652g.
Academic Journal
Quick submit: 2018-07-14T17:39:33-0400
Hashmi, Basma, Lauren D. Zarzar, Tadanori Mammoto, Akiko Mammoto, Amanda Jiang, Joanna Aizenberg, and Donald E. Ingber. 2014. “Developmentally-Inspired Shrink-Wrap Polymers for Mechanical Induction of Tissue Differentiation.” Advanced Materials 26 (20) (February 18): 3253–3257. doi:10.1002/adma.201304995.
Academic Journal
Brock, Amy, Silva Krause, Hu Li, Marek Kowalski, Michael S. Goldberg, James J. Collins, and Donald E. Ingber. 2014. Silencing HoxA1 by Intraductal Injection of siRNA Lipidoid Nanoparticles Prevents Mammary Tumor Progression in Mice. Science Translational Medicine 6, no. 217: 217ra2.
Academic Journal
Torisawa, Yu-suke, Catherine S. Spina, Tadanori Mammoto, Akiko Mammoto, James C. Weaver, Tracy Tat, James J. Collins, and Donald E. Ingber. 2014. Bone Marrow–on–a–Chip Replicates Hematopoietic Niche Physiology in Vitro. Nature Methods 11, no. 6: 663–669.
Academic Journal
Leslie, Daniel C, Anna Waterhouse, Julia B Berthet, Thomas M Valentin, Alexander L Watters, Abhishek Jain, Philseok Kim, et al. 2014. “A Bioinspired Omniphobic Surface Coating on Medical Devices Prevents Thrombosis and Biofouling.” Nature Biotechnology 32 (11) (October 12): 1134–1140. doi:10.1038/nbt.3020.
Dissertation/ Thesis
Bischof, Ashley Gibbs. 2013. Extracellular Matrix as a Key Mediator of Mammary Tumor Cell Normalization. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University.
Academic Journal
Derda, Ratmir, Sindy K. Y. Tang, Anna Laromaine, Bobak Mosadegh, Estrella Hong, Martin Mwangi, Akiko Mammoto, Donald E. Ingber, and George M. Whitesides. 2011. “Multizone Paper Platform for 3D Cell Cultures.” PLoS ONE 6, no. 5: e18940.
Academic Journal
Luo, Yaozhi, Xian Xu, Tanmay Lele, Sanjay Kumar, and Donald E. Ingber. 2008. A multi-modular tensegrity model of an actin stress fiber. Journal of Biomechanics 41(11): 2379-2387.
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[AR] Ingber, Donald Elliot
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