
Publication date
(ex : 2010-2015)
'e-Article' searched 104results | List 1~10
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the American Chemical Society. (Journal of the American Chemical Society, 13 December 2023, 145(49):27113-27119)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. (Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 1 December 2023, 41(6))
Academic Journal
Hahn, T.Daymont, C.Groh, B.Bingham, C.A.Scalzi, L.Beukelman, T.Hays, K.Abel, N.Abulaban, K.Adams, A.Adams, M.Agbayani, R.Aiello, J.Akoghlanian, S.Alejandro, C.Allenspach, E.Alperin, R.Alpizar, M.Amarilyo, G.Ambler, W.Anderson, E.Ardoin, S.Armendariz, S.Baker, E.Balboni, I.Balevic, S.Ballenger, L.Ballinger, S.Balmuri, N.Barbar-Smiley, F.Barillas-Arias, L.Basiaga, M.Baszis, K.Becker, M.Bell-Brunson, H.Beltz, E.Benham, H.Benseler, S.Bernal, W.Beukelman, T.Bigley, T.Binstadt, B.Black, C.Blakley, M.Bohnsack, J.Boland, J.Boneparth, A.Bowman, S.Bracaglia, C.Brooks, E.Brothers, M.Brown, A.Brunner, H.Buckley, M.Buckley, M.Bukulmez, H.Bullock, D.Cameron, B.Canna, S.Cannon, L.Carper, P.Cartwright, V.Cassidy, E.Cerracchio, L.Chalom, E.Chang, J.Chang-Hoftman, A.Chauhan, V.Chira, P.Chinn, T.Chundru, K.Clairman, H.Co, D.Confair, A.Conlon, H.Connor, R.Cooper, A.Cooper, J.Cooper, S.Correll, C.Corvalan, R.Costanzo, D.Cron, R.Curiel-Duran, L.Curington, T.Curry, M.Dalrymple, A.Davis, A.Davis, C.Davis, C.Davis, T.De Benedetti, F.De Ranieri, D.Dean, J.Dedeoglu, F.DeGuzman, M.Delnay, N.Dempsey, V.DeSantis, E.Dickson, T.Dingle, J.Donaldson, B.Dorsey, E.Dover, S.Dowling, J.Drew, J.Driest, K.Du, Q.Duarte, K.Durkee, D.Duverger, E.Dvergsten, J.Eberhard, A.Eckert, M.Ede, K.Edelheit, B.Edens, C.Edens, C.Edgerly, Y.Elder, M.Ervin, B.Fadrhonc, S.Failing, C.Fair, D.Falcon, M.Favier, L.Federici, S.Feldman, B.Fennell, J.Ferguson, I.Ferguson, P.Ferreira, B.Ferrucho, R.Fields, K.Finkel, T.Fitzgerald, M.Fleming, C.Flynn, O.Fogel, L.Fox, E.Fox, M.Franco, L.Freeman, M.Fritz, K.Froese, S.Fuhlbrigge, R.Fuller, J.George, N.Gerhold, K.Gerstbacher, D.Gilbert, M.Gillispie-Taylor, M.Giverc, E.Godiwala, C.Goh, I.Goheer, H.Goldsmith, D.Gotschlich, E.Gotte, A.Gottlieb, B.Gracia, C.Graham, T.Grevich, S.Griffin, T.Griswold, J.Grom, A.Guevara, M.Guittar, P.Guzman, M.Hager, M.Hahn, T.Halyabar, O.Hammelev, E.Hance, M.Hanson, A.Harel, L.Haro, S.Harris, J.Harry, O.Hartigan, E.Hausmann, J.Hay, A.Hayward, K.Heiart, J.Hekl, K.Henderson, L.Henrickson, M.Hersh, A.Hickey, K.Hill, P.Hillyer, S.Hiraki, L.Hiskey, M.Hobday, P.Hoffart, C.Holland, M.Hollander, M.Hong, S.Horwitz, M.Hsu, J.Huber, A.Huggins, J.Hui-Yuen, J.Hung, C.Huntington, J.Huttenlocher, A.Ibarra, M.Imundo, L.Inman, C.Insalaco, A.Jackson, A.Jackson, S.James, K.Janow, G.Jaquith, J.Jared, S.Johnson, N.Jones, J.Jones, J.Jones, J.Jones, K.Jones, S.Joshi, S.Jung, L.Justice, C.Justiniano, A.Karan, N.Kaufman, K.Kemp, A.Kessler, E.Khalsa, U.Kienzle, B.Kim, S.Kimura, Y.Kingsbury, D.Kitcharoensakkul, M.Klausmeier, T.Klein, K.Klein-Gitelman, M.Kompelien, B.Kosikowski, A.Kovalick, L.Kracker, J.Kramer, S.Kremer, C.Lai, J.Lam, J.Lang, B.Lapidus, S.Lapin, B.Lasky, A.Latham, D.Lawson, E.Laxer, R.Lee, P.Lee, P.Lee, T.Lentini, L.Lerman, M.Levy, D.Li, S.Lieberman, S.Lim, L.Lin, C.Ling, N.Lingis, M.Lo, M.Lovell, D.Lowman, D.Luca, N.Lvovich, S.Madison, C.Madison, J.Manzoni, S.M.Malla, B.Maller, J.Malloy, M.Mannion, M.Manos, C.Marques, L.Martyniuk, A.Mason, T.Mathus, S.McAllister, L.McCarthy, K.McConnell, K.McCormick, E.McCurdy, D.Stokes, P.M.C.McGuire, S.McHale, I.McMonagle, A.McMullen-Jackson, C.Meidan, E.Mellins, E.Mendoza, E.Mercado, R.Merritt, A.Michalowski, L.Miettunen, P.Miller, M.Milojevic, D.Mirizio, E.Misajon, E.Mitchell, M.Modica, R.Mohan, S.Moore, K.Moorthy, L.Morgan, S.Dewitt, E.M.Moss, C.Moussa, T.Mruk, V.Murphy, A.Muscal, E.Nadler, R.Nahal, B.Nanda, K.Nasah, N.Nassi, L.Nativ, S.Natter, M.Neely, J.Nelson, B.Newhall, L.Ng, L.Nicholas, J.Nicolai, R.Nigrovic, P.Nocton, J.Nolan, B.Oberle, E.Obispo, B.O’Brien, B.O’Brien, T.Okeke, O.Oliver, M.Olson, J.O’Neil, K.Onel, K.Orandi, A.Orlando, M.Osei-Onomah, S.Oz, R.Pagano, E.Paller, A.Pan, N.Panupattanapong, S.Pardeo, M.Paredes, J.Parsons, A.Patel, J.Pentakota, K.Pepmueller, P.Pfeiffer, T.Phillippi, K.Marafon, D.P.Phillippi, K.Ponder, L.Pooni, R.Prahalad, S.Pratt, S.Protopapas, S.Puplava, B.Quach, J.Quinlan-Waters, M.Rabinovich, C.Radhakrishna, S.Rafko, J.Raisian, J.Rakestraw, A.Ramirez, C.Ramsay, E.Ramsey, S.Randell, R.Reed, A.Reed, A.Reed, A.Reid, H.Remmel, K.Repp, A.Reyes, A.Richmond, A.Riebschleger, M.Ringold, S.Riordan, M.Riskalla, M.Ritter, M.Rivas-Chacon, R.Robinson, A.Rodela, E.Rodriquez, M.Rojas, K.Ronis, T.Rosenkranz, M.Rosolowski, B.Rothermel, H.Rothman, D.Roth-Wojcicki, E.Rouster-Stevens, K.Rubinstein, T.Ruth, N.Saad, N.Sabbagh, S.Sacco, E.Sadun, R.Sandborg, C.Sanni, A.Santiago, L.Sarkissian, A.Savani, S.Scalzi, L.Schanberg, L.Scharnhorst, S.Schikler, K.Schlefman, A.Schmeling, H.Schmidt, K.Schmitt, E.Schneider, R.Schollaert-Fitch, K.Schulert, G.Seay, T.Seper, C.Shalen, J.Sheets, R.Shelly, A.Shenoi, S.Shergill, K.Shirley, J.Shishov, M.Shivers, C.Silverman, E.Singer, N.Sivaraman, V.Sletten, J.Smith, A.Smith, C.Smith, J.Smith, J.Smitherman, E.Soep, J.Son, M.Spence, S.Spiegel, L.Spitznagle, J.Sran, R.Srinivasalu, H.Stapp, H.Steigerwald, K.Rakovchik, Y.S.Stern, S.Stevens, A.Stevens, B.Stevenson, R.Stewart, K.Stingl, C.Stokes, J.Stoll, M.Stringer, E.Sule, S.Sumner, J.Sundel, R.Sutter, M.Syed, R.Syverson, G.Szymanski, A.Taber, S.Tal, R.Tambralli, A.Taneja, A.Tanner, T.Tapani, S.Tarshish, G.Tarvin, S.Tate, L.Taxter, A.Taylor, J.Terry, M.Tesher, M.Thatayatikom, A.Thomas, B.Tiffany, K.Ting, T.Tipp, A.Toib, D.Torok, K.Toruner, C.Tory, H.Toth, M.Tse, S.Tubwell, V.Twilt, M.Uriguen, S.Valcarcel, T.Van Mater, H.Vannoy, L.Varghese, C.Vasquez, N.Vazzana, K.Vehe, R.Veiga, K.Velez, J.Verbsky, J.Vilar, G.Volpe, N.von Scheven, E.Vora, S.Wagner, J.Wagner-Weiner, L.Wahezi, D.Waite, H.Walker, J.Walters, H.Muskardin, T.W.Waqar, L.Waterfield, M.Watson, M.Watts, A.Weiser, P.Weiss, J.Weiss, P.Wershba, E.White, A.Williams, C.Wise, A.Woo, J.Woolnough, L.Wright, T.Wu, E.Yalcindag, A.Yee, M.Yen, E.Yeung, R.Yomogida, K.Yu, Q.Zapata, R.Zartoshti, A.Zeft, A.Zeft, R.Zhang, Y.Zhao, Y.Zhu, A.Zic, C.
In: Pediatric Rheumatology. (Pediatric Rheumatology, December 2022, 20(1))
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Novel Patterning Technologies 2024. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2024, 12956)
2013 IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC), 2013 IEEE. :1-13 Aug, 2013
PES T&D 2012 Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 2012 IEEE PES. :1-6 May, 2012
Conference Record of the Twenty Sixth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 1997 Photovoltaic specialists conference Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1997., Conference Record of the Twenty-Sixth IEEE. :147-150 1997
In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition - The Harbor of Engineering: Education for 130 Years, ASEE 2023. (ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 25 June 2023)
In: Proceedings - ASPE 2023 Annual Meeting, Proceedings - ASPE 2023 Annual Meeting. (Proceedings - ASPE 2023 Annual Meeting, 2023, :334-337)
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[AR] Groh, B.
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