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(ex : 2010-2015)
'e-Article' searched 37results | List 1~10
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Janssen , J , Löwenberg , B , Manz , M , Bargetzi , M , Biemond , B , van den Borne , P , Breems , D , Brouwer , R , Chalandon , Y , Deeren , D , Efthymiou , A , Gjertsen , BT , Graux , C , Gregor , M , Heim , D , Hess , U , Hoogendoorn , M , Jaspers , A , Jie , A , Jongen - Lavrencic , M , Klein , S , van der Klift , M , Kuball , J , van Lammeren-Venema , D , Legdeur , MC , van de Loosdrecht , A , Maertens , J , Kooy , MM , Moors , I , Nijziel , M , van Obbergh , F , Oosterveld , M , Pabst , T , Poel , M , Sinnige , H , Spertini , O , Terpstra , W , Tick , L , van der Velden , W , Vekemans , MC , Vellenga , E , de Weerdt , O , Westerweel , P , Stüssi , G , van Norden , Y & Ossenkoppele , G 2021 , ' Inferior outcome of addition of the aminopeptidase inhibitor tosedostat to standard intensive treatment for elderly patients with aml and high risk mds ' , Cancers , vol. 13 , no. 4 , 672 , pp. 1-11 .
Electronic Resource
Vandewalle , V , Essaghir , A , Bollaert , E , Lenglez , S , Graux , C , Schoemans , H , Saussoy , P , Michaux , L , Valk , P , Demoulin , JB & Havelange , V 2021 , ' miR-15a-5p and miR-21-5p contribute to chemoresistance in cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukaemia by targeting PDCD4, ARL2 and BTG2 ' , Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , vol. 25 , no. 1 , pp. 575-585 .
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[AR] Graux, C
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