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Pantazis, NThomadakis, Cdel Amo, JAlvarez-del Arco, DBurns, FMFakoya, ITouloumi, GAerssens, AAguado, MAlimi, BAlvarez, DAnagnostou, OAnderson, JAntoniadou, AArando, MBarbera, MJBarros, HBarthelemy, ABelda-Ibanez, JBertisch, BBil, JBlanco, JRBlock, KBoesecke, CBoura, MBurgos, JCabo, JCalabuig, ECampbell, LCardoso, OClaudia, WClumeck, NColucci, ACorrao, SCuellar, SCunha, JDaikos, GDarling, Kdel Romero, JDellot, PDixneuf, MDomingo, PDronda, FEbeling, FEngelhardt, AEngler, BFarrell, JFehr, JFeijo, MFernandez, EGarcia, EFFernandez, TFortes, ALFox, Jde Olalla, PGGarcia, FGargalianos-Kakolyris, PGennotte, AFGermano, IGilleran, GGilson, RGoepel, SGogos, HASirvent, JLGGountas, IGregg, AGutierrez, FGutierrez, MMHermans, IIribarren, JAKnobel, HKoulai, LKourkounti, SLa Morte, CLeCompte, TLedergerber, BLeonidou, LLigero, MCLindergard, GLino, SLopes, MJLirola, ALLouhenapessy, MLourida, GLuzi, AMMaltez, FManirankunda, LMartin-Perez, AMartins, LMasia, MMateu, MGMeireles, PMendes, AMetallidis, SMguni, SMilinkovic, AMiro, JMMohrmann, KMonge, SMontero, MMouhebati, TMoutschen, MMuller, MMurphy, CNostlinger, COcana, IOkumu-Fransche, SOnwuchekwa, GOspina, JEOtiko, DPacheco, PPalacios, RPaparizos, VPapastamopoulos, VParedes, VPatel, NPellicer, TPena, APetrosillo, NPinheiro, APocas, JPortillo, APost, FPrestileo, FPrestileo, TPrins, MPrins, PProtopapas, KPsichogiou, MPulido, FRebollo, JRibeirinho, ARio, IRobau, MRockstroh, JKRodrigues, ERodriguez, MSajani, CSalavert, MSalman, RSanz, NSchuettfort, GSchuttfort, GSchwarze-Zander, CSerrao, RSilva, DSilva, VSilverio, PSkoutelis, AStaehelin, CStephan, CStretton, CStyles, FSutre, AFTaylor, STeixeira, BThierfelder, CTsachouridou, OTudor, KValadas, Evan Frankenhuijsen, MVazquez, MArribas, MVVera, MVinciana, PVolny-Anne, AVoudouri, NWasmuth, JCWengenroth, CWilkins, EYoung, LYurdakul, SEspinosa, TZZuure, FDel Amo, JMeyer, LBucher, HCChene, GHamouda, OPillay, DRosinska, MSabin, CPorter, KOlson, ACartier, AFradette, LWalker, SBabiker, ADe Luca, AFisher, MMuga, RKelleher, TCooper, DGrey, PFinlayson, RBloch, MRamacciotti, TGelgor, LSmith, DZangerle, RGill, JLutsar, IDabis, FThiebaut, RCostagliola, DGuiguet, MVanhems, PChaix, MLGhosn, JBoufassa, FMeixenberger, KBannert, NBartmeyer, BChrysos, GDaikos, GLKatsarou, ORezza, GDorrucci, MMonforte, ADGeskus, Rvan der Helm, JSchuitemaker, HSannes, MBrubakk, OKran, AMBTor, JCayla, JMoreno, SPerez-Hoyos, SSonnerborg, AGunthard, HScherrer, AMalyuta, RMurphy, GJohnson, APhillips, AMorrison, CSalata, RMugerwa, RChipato, TPrice, MAGilmour, JKamali, AKarita, E
Statistical methods in medical research. 28(7):1979-1997
Electronic Resource
Miller , V , Phillips , AN , Clotet , B , Mocroft , A , Ledergerber , B , Kirk , O , Ormassen , V , Gargalianos-Kakolyris , P , Vella , S & Lundgren , J D 2002 , ' Association of viral load, CD4 cell count and treatment with clinical progression in HIV patients with very low CD4 cellcounts: The EuroSIDA study ' , Journal of Infectious Diseases . <
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[AR] Gargalianos‐Kakolyris, P
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