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'e-Article' searched 76results | List 1~10
Electronic Resource
Schuler , M , Berardi , R , Lim , WT , de Jonge , M , Bauer , TM , Azaro , A , Gottfried , M , Han , JY , Lee , D H , Wollner , M , Hong , DS , Vogel , A , Delmonte , A , Akimov , M , Ghebremariam , S , Cui , X , Nwana , N , Giovannini , M & Kim , TM 2020 , ' Molecular correlates of response to capmatinib in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: clinical and biomarker results from a phase I trial ' , Annals of Oncology , vol. 31 , no. 6 , pp. 789-797 .
Electronic Resource
Keizman , D , Fosboel , M O , Reichegger , H , Peer , A , Rosenbaum , E , Desax , M-C , Neiman , V , Petersen , P M , Mueller , J , Cathomas , R , Gottfried , M , Dresler , H , Sarid , D , Mermershtain , W , Rouvinov , K , Mortensen , J , Gillessen , S , Daugaard , G & Omlin , A 2017 , ' Imaging response during therapy with radium-223 for castration-resistant prostate cancer with bone metastases : analysis of an international multicenter database ' , Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases , vol. 20 , pp. 289-293 .
Academic Journal
Le Chevalier, TArriagada, RLe Pechoux, CGrunenwald, DDunant, APignon, JPTarayre, MAbratt, RBergman, BGralla, ROrlowski, TPapadakis, EPinel, MISAraujo, CDella Torre, Hde Solchaga, MMAbdi, EBlum, RBall, DBasser, RDe Boer, RBishop, JBrigham, BDavis, SFox, DRichardson, GWyld, DPirker, RHumblet, YDelaunois, LVan Meerbeeck, JPGermonpre, PVansteenkiste, JNackaerts, KVauthier, GYounes, RNBaeza, RCarvajal, PKleinman, SOrlandi, LCastro, CGodoy, JKosatova, KGaafar, RAzarian, RBenichou, MBoudoux, LBoyer, GChirat, EChomy, FCoetmeur, DCouderc, LJCoudert, BCrequit, JDavid, PDelaval, PDohollou, NFoucher, PGonzalez, GJeanfaivre, TJoveniaux, AKanoui, AABaldeyrou, PDebrosse, DGirard, PRuffie, PLeclerc, PMilleron, BMonnet, IMonnot, HMorere, JFNaman, HDides, SNoel, JPOtto, JOzanne, FOzenne, GParent, FPeureux, MPicon, BPujol, JLQuoix, ERabut, HRiviere, AGervais, RIcard, PRixe, ODeplanque, GSevin, DSpaeth, DTourani, JMToussaint, CTuchais, CVannetzel, JMVArflet, FVirally, JZaegel, MZalcman, GLivatorwski, AEberhardt, WAlexopoulos, CApostolopoulou, FBachlitzanakis, NBellenis, IChristaki, PDosios, TGeorgoulias, VIliadis, KKardamakis, DKonstantinou, MKotsovoulou, VPouliou, MMichalopoulou, PAgelidou, AZarogoulidis, KGottfried, MKovner, FAgostara, BAscoli, MBrigandi, ACigolari, SColucci, GDe Braud, FDirosa, TGiglio, AMaiorino, AMasotti, ARusca, MOgawara, MOsada, HPark, KJackevicius, ASmickoska, SEl Gueddari, BEAaesebo, UDesales, RFurman, MKozlowski, MLaudansk, JGrodzki, TChabowski, MPluzanska, AGaspar, LCiuleanu, TBaumohl, JCerna, MBitenc, MChasen, MAlberola, VAzagra, PGarcia, PBCArdenal, FCurto, CPSalinas, JSerrate, RSAndersson, LHero, UMansson, TMartinsson, JEHillerdal, GAgrenius, VSederholm, CArvidsson, IYdreborg, SOThaning, LSjogren, AJonsson, PGrip, HSinger, JLundgren, RBrodin, OAndejani, DBranden, ELamberg, KRiska, HEgli, EJoss, RMartinelli, GRoth, AStahel, RStupp, REl Kamel, ACole, JTJahanzeb, MWiznitzer, IMasters, GARadosavljevic, GBabiker, AGreen, MOsterlind, KTaube, AWedel, H
The New England journal of medicine. 350(4):351-360
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