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Conference: Society of Petroleum Engineers annual technical conference and exhibition,Houston, TX (United States),3-6 Oct 1993; Other Information: PBD: 1993
Conference: 63. annual meeting and international exhibition of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG),Washington, DC (United States),26-30 Sep 1993; Other Information: PBD: [1993]
Academic Journal
Pantazis, NThomadakis, Cdel Amo, JAlvarez-del Arco, DBurns, FMFakoya, ITouloumi, GAerssens, AAguado, MAlimi, BAlvarez, DAnagnostou, OAnderson, JAntoniadou, AArando, MBarbera, MJBarros, HBarthelemy, ABelda-Ibanez, JBertisch, BBil, JBlanco, JRBlock, KBoesecke, CBoura, MBurgos, JCabo, JCalabuig, ECampbell, LCardoso, OClaudia, WClumeck, NColucci, ACorrao, SCuellar, SCunha, JDaikos, GDarling, Kdel Romero, JDellot, PDixneuf, MDomingo, PDronda, FEbeling, FEngelhardt, AEngler, BFarrell, JFehr, JFeijo, MFernandez, EGarcia, EFFernandez, TFortes, ALFox, Jde Olalla, PGGarcia, FGargalianos-Kakolyris, PGennotte, AFGermano, IGilleran, GGilson, RGoepel, SGogos, HASirvent, JLGGountas, IGregg, AGutierrez, FGutierrez, MMHermans, IIribarren, JAKnobel, HKoulai, LKourkounti, SLa Morte, CLeCompte, TLedergerber, BLeonidou, LLigero, MCLindergard, GLino, SLopes, MJLirola, ALLouhenapessy, MLourida, GLuzi, AMMaltez, FManirankunda, LMartin-Perez, AMartins, LMasia, MMateu, MGMeireles, PMendes, AMetallidis, SMguni, SMilinkovic, AMiro, JMMohrmann, KMonge, SMontero, MMouhebati, TMoutschen, MMuller, MMurphy, CNostlinger, COcana, IOkumu-Fransche, SOnwuchekwa, GOspina, JEOtiko, DPacheco, PPalacios, RPaparizos, VPapastamopoulos, VParedes, VPatel, NPellicer, TPena, APetrosillo, NPinheiro, APocas, JPortillo, APost, FPrestileo, FPrestileo, TPrins, MPrins, PProtopapas, KPsichogiou, MPulido, FRebollo, JRibeirinho, ARio, IRobau, MRockstroh, JKRodrigues, ERodriguez, MSajani, CSalavert, MSalman, RSanz, NSchuettfort, GSchuttfort, GSchwarze-Zander, CSerrao, RSilva, DSilva, VSilverio, PSkoutelis, AStaehelin, CStephan, CStretton, CStyles, FSutre, AFTaylor, STeixeira, BThierfelder, CTsachouridou, OTudor, KValadas, Evan Frankenhuijsen, MVazquez, MArribas, MVVera, MVinciana, PVolny-Anne, AVoudouri, NWasmuth, JCWengenroth, CWilkins, EYoung, LYurdakul, SEspinosa, TZZuure, FDel Amo, JMeyer, LBucher, HCChene, GHamouda, OPillay, DRosinska, MSabin, CPorter, KOlson, ACartier, AFradette, LWalker, SBabiker, ADe Luca, AFisher, MMuga, RKelleher, TCooper, DGrey, PFinlayson, RBloch, MRamacciotti, TGelgor, LSmith, DZangerle, RGill, JLutsar, IDabis, FThiebaut, RCostagliola, DGuiguet, MVanhems, PChaix, MLGhosn, JBoufassa, FMeixenberger, KBannert, NBartmeyer, BChrysos, GDaikos, GLKatsarou, ORezza, GDorrucci, MMonforte, ADGeskus, Rvan der Helm, JSchuitemaker, HSannes, MBrubakk, OKran, AMBTor, JCayla, JMoreno, SPerez-Hoyos, SSonnerborg, AGunthard, HScherrer, AMalyuta, RMurphy, GJohnson, APhillips, AMorrison, CSalata, RMugerwa, RChipato, TPrice, MAGilmour, JKamali, AKarita, E
Statistical methods in medical research. 28(7):1979-1997
Academic Journal
Fakoya, IbidunArco, Débora Álvarez?DelMonge, SusanaCopas, Andrew J.Gennotte, Anne?FrancoiseVolny?Anne, AlainWengenroth, ClaudiaTouloumi, GiotaPrins, MariaBarros, HenriqueDarling, Katharine EaPrestileo, TullioDel Amo, JuliaBurns, Fiona M.Aerssens, AAguado, MAlimi, BAnagnostou, OAnderson, JAntoniadou, AArando, MBarberà, MjBarthélemy, ABelda?Ibáñez, JBertisch, BBil, JBlanco, JrBlock, KBoesecke, CBoura, MBurgos, JCabo, JCalabuig, ECampbell, LCardoso, OClaudia, WClumeck, NColucci, ACorrao, SCuellar, SCunha, JDaikos, GDarling, KRomero, JDellot, PDomingo, PDronda, FEbeling, FEngelhardt, AEngler, BFarrell, JFehr, JFeijó, MFernández, EGarcía, E FernándezFernandez, TFortes, AlFox, JDe Olalla, P GarciaGarcía, FGargalianos?Kakolyris, PGermano, IGilleran, GGilson, RGoepel, SGogos, HaSirvent, Jl GómezGountas, IGregg, AGutiérrez, FGutierrez, MmHermans, IIribarren, JaKnobel, HKoulai, LKourkounti, SLa Morté, CLecompte, TLedergerber, BLeonidou, LLigero, McLindergard, GLino, SLopes, MjLirola, A LopezLouhenapessy, MLourida, GLuzi, AmMaltez, FManirankunda, LMartín?Pérez, AMartins, LMasía, MMateu, MgMeireles, PMendes, AMetallidis, SMguni, SMilinkovic, AMiró, JmMohrmann, KMontero, MMouhebati, TMoutschen, MMüller, MMurphy, CNöstlinger, COcaña, IOkumu?Fransche, SOnwuchekwa, GOspina, JeOtiko, DPacheco, PPalacios, RPaparizos, VPapastamopoulos, VParedes, VPatel, NPellicer, TPeña, APetrosillo, NPinheiro, APoças, JPortillo, APost, FPrestileo, FPrins, PProtopapas, KPsichogiou, MPulido, FRebollo, JRibeirinho, ARío, IRobau, MRockstroh, JkRodrigues, ERodríguez, MSajani, CSalavert, MSalman, RSanz, NSchuettfort, GSchüttfort, GZander, C Schwarze?Serrão, RSilva, DSilva, VSilverio, PSkoutelis, AStaehelin, CStephan, CStretton, CStyles, FSutre, AfTaylor, STeixeira, BThierfelder, CTsachouridou, OTudor, KValadas, EFrankenhuijsen, MVázquez, MArribas, M VelascoVera, MVinciana, PVoudouri, NWasmuth, JcWilkins, EYoung, LYurdakul, SEspinosa, T ZafraZuilhof, WZuure, F
Journal of the International AIDS Society. July, 2018, Vol. 21
Conference: 1998 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA (US), 09/27/1998--09/30/1998; Other Information: PBD: 1 Sep 1998
Conference: 10. annual underground coal gasification symposium, Williamsburg, VA, USA, 12 Aug 1984; Other Information: Portions are illegible in microfiche products
Electronic Resource
Boothe, B (2010). Der Patient erzählt in der Psychotherapie. In: Engler, B. Erzählen in den Wissenschaften : Positionen, Probleme, Perspektiven; 26. Kolloquium (2009) der Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Fribourg: Academic Press, 163-178.
Electronic Resource
Krüger, Gesine (2010). Geschichte erzählen - erzählte Geschichte. Zur Rückkehr der Erzählung im Erinnerungsboom und im Reenactment. In: Engler, B. Erzählen in den Wissenschaften: Positionen, Probleme, Perspektiven. Fribourg: Academic Press, 145-162.
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[AR] Engler, B
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