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Academic Journal
Huckins, L.M.Hatzikotoulas, K.Southam, L.Steinberg, J.Aguilera-Mckay, F.Deloukas, P.Stirrups, K.Zeggini, E.Thornton, L.M.Bulik, C.M.Treasure, J.Schmidt, U.Gunasinghe, C.Romero, A.Curtis, C.Rhodes, D.Moens, J.Kalsi, G.Dempster, D.Leung, R.Keohane, A.Burghardt, R.Ehrlich, S.Hebebrand, J.Hinney, A.Ludolph, A.Walton, E.Hofman, A.van Rooij, F.J.A.Palotie, A.Palta, P.Kaprio, J.Adan, R.Boni, C.Gorwood, P.Cone, R.Dedoussis, G.van Furth, E.Slof-Op ’T Landt, M.C.T.Gonidakis, F.Hudson, J.Kas, M.Keski-Rahonen, A.Raevuori, A.H.Kiezebrink, K.Knudsen, G.-P.Maj, M.Monteleone, A.M.Monteleone, P.Reichborn-Kjennerud, T.Tozzi, F.Tsitsika, A.Elburg, A.Collier, D.A.Sullivan, P.F.Breen, G.Adan, R.A.H.Ophoff, R.A.Danner, U.N.Alfredsson, L.Ando, T.Andreassen, O.A.Aschauer, H.Baker, J.H.Via, M.C.L.Munn-Chernoff, M.A.Thornton, L.M.Yilmaz, Z.Zerwas, S.Barrett, J.C.Perica, V.B.Floyd, J.A.B.Franklin, C.S.Hatzikotoulas, K.Huckins, L.M.Rayner, N.W.Southam, L.Tachmazidou, I.Zeggini, E.Bencko, V.Bergen, A.W.Berrettini, W.H.Birgegård, A.Norring, C.Boni, C.Ramoz, N.Brandt, H.Crawford, S.Gaspar, H.A.Bulik, C.M.Crowley, J.Carlberg, L.Cassina, M.Clementi, M.Cichon, S.Cohen-Woods, S.Coleman, J.Cone, R.D.Pantel, J.Courtet, P.Guillaume, S.Crow, S.Szatkiewicz, J.P.Davis, O.S.P.Zwaan, M.Dedoussis, G.Degortes, D.Favaro, A.Santonastaso, P.Desocio, J.E.Dick, D.M.Dikeos, D.Dina, C.Ding, B.Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M.Docampo, E.Duncan, L.Egberts, K.Walton, E.Escaramís, G.Gratacos, M.Esko, T.Metspalu, A.Espeseth, T.Estivill, X.Rabionet, R.Fernández-Aranda, F.Fichter, M.M.Finan, C.Fischer, K.Foretova, L.Navratilova, M.Forzan, M.Gallinger, S.Gambaro, G.Giegling, I.Rujescu, D.Gonidakis, F.Gorwood, P.Guo, Y.Hakonarson, H.Halmi, K.A.Hauser, J.Helder, S.Herms, S.Herpertz-Dahlmann, B.Herzog, W.Hilliard, C.E.Hübel, C.Karwautz, A.Koubek, D.Hudson, J.I.Huemer, J.Inoko, H.Merl, E.Wagner, G.Janout, V.Jiménez-Murcia, S.Johnson, C.Julià, A.Marsal, S.Juréus, A.Landén, M.Li, D.Lichtenstein, P.Yao, S.Kalsi, G.Kaminska, D.Kaplan, A.S.Karhunen, L.Kas, M.J.H.Elburg, A.A.Kaye, W.Kennedy, J.L.Keski-Rahkonen, A.Kiezebrink, K.Klareskog, L.Klump, K.L.Knudsen, G.P.S.Koeleman, B.P.C.Hellard, S.L.Levitan, R.D.Lilenfeld, L.Lissowska, J.Lundervold, A.Magistretti, P.Tortorella, A.Mannik, K.Martin, N.Mattingsdal, M.McDevitt, S.McGuffin, P.Meulenbelt, I.Micali, N.Mitchell, J.Mitchell, K.Mortensen, P.Nilsson, I.Ntalla, I.O'toole, J.K.Widen, E.Papezova, H.Pinto, D.Raevuori, A.Rajewski, A.Reichborn-Kjennerud, T.Ripatti, S.Roberts, M.Schmidt, U.Rotondo, A.Rybakowski, F.Scherag, A.Scherer, S.W.Schork, N.J.Schosser, A.Slachtova, L.Sladek, R.Slagboom, P.E.Slopien, A.Soranzo, N.Steen, V.M.Strengman, E.Strober, M.Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N.Tenconi, E.Tozzi, F.Tziouvas, K.Furth, E.F.Watson, H.Wichmann, H.-E.Woodside, D.B.Yanovski, J.Zipfel, S.Hebebrand, J.
In: Molecular Psychiatry. (Molecular Psychiatry, 1 May 2018, 23(5):1169-1180)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. (Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 2011, 24(1):16-22)
In: Construction Research Congress 2005: Broadening Perspectives - Proceedings of the Congress, Construction Research Congress 2005: Broadening Perspectives - Proceedings of the Congress. (Construction Research Congress 2005: Broadening Perspectives - Proceedings of the Congress, 2005, :23-32)
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[AR] Elburg, A.
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