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Academic Journal
JPEN, J. Parenter. Enteral Nutr.; (United States); 8:3
Hall, Victoria JaneFoulkes, SarahSaei, AyoubAndrews, NickOguti, BlancheCharlett, AndreWellington, EdgarStowe, JuliaGillson, NatalieAtti, AnaIslam, JasminKaragiannis, IoannisMunro, KatieKhawam, JameelChand, Meera ABrown, Colin SRamsay, MaryLopez-Bernal, JamieHopkins, SusanAndrews, NAtti, AAziz, HBrooks, TBrown, CSCamero, DCarr, CChand, MACharlett, ACrawford, HCole, MConneely, JD'Arcangelo, SEllis, JEvans, SFoulkes, SGillson, NGopal, RHall, LHall, VJHarrington, PHopkins, SHewson, JHoschler, KIronmonger, DIslam, JKall, MKaragiannis, IKay, OKhawam, JKing, EKirwan, PKyffin, RLackenby, ALattimore, MLinley, ELopez-Bernal, JMabey, LMcGregor, RMiah, SMonk, EJMMunro, KNaheed, ZNissr, AO'Connell, AMOguti, BOkafor, HOrgan, SOsbourne, JOtter, APatel, MPlatt, SPople, DPotts, KRamsay, MRobotham, JRokadiya, SRowe, CSaei, ASebbage, GSemper, AShrotri, MSimmons, RSoriano, AStaves, PTaylor, STaylor, ATengbe, ATonge, SVusirikala, AWallace, SWellington, EZambon, MCorrigan, DSartaj, MCromey, LCampbell, SBraithwaite, KPrice, LHaahr, LStewart, SLacey, EDPartridge, LStevens, GEllis, YHodgson, HNorman, CLacey, EDLarru, BMcwilliam, SRoynon, ANorthfield, JWinchester, SCieciwa, PPai, ABakker, PLoughrey, CWatt, AAdair, FHawkins, AGrant, ATemple-Purcell, RHoward, JSlawson, NSubudhi, CDavies, SBexley, APenn, RWong, NBoyd, GRajgopal, AArenas-Pinto, AMatthews, RWhileman, ALaugharne, RLedger, JBarnes, TJones, COsuji, NChitalia, NBailey, TAkhtar, SHarrison, GHorne, SWalker, NAgwuh, KMaxwell, VGraves, JWilliams, SO'Kelly, ARidley, PCowley, AJohnstone, HSwift, PDemocratis, JMeda, MBrake, SGunn, JSelassi, AHams, SIrvine, VChandrasekaran, BForsyth, CRadmore, JThomas, CBrown, KRoberts, SBurns, PGajee, KLewis, TByrne, TMSanderson, FKnight, SMacnaughton, EBurton, BJLSmith, HChaudhuri, RAeron-Thomas, JHollinshead, KShorten, RJSwan, AShorten, RJFavager, CMurira, JBaillon, SHamer, SShah, ARussell, JBrennan, DDave, AChawla, AWestwell, FAdeboyeku, DPapineni, PPegg, CWilliams, MAhmad, SHorsley, AGabriel, CPagget, KCieciwa, PMaloney, GAshcroft, JDel Rosario, ICrosby-Nwaobi, RFlanagan, DDhasmana, DFowler, SCameron, EPrentice, LSinclair, CIrvine, VBateman, VMcLelland-Brooks, KHo, AMurphy, MCochrane, AGibson, APatel, MBlack, KTempeton, KDonaldson, SCoke, LElumogo, NElliott, JPadgett, DCross, AMirfenderesky, MJoyce, SSinanovic, IHoward, MLewis, TCowling, PBrazil, MHanna, EAbdelrazik, ABrand, SSheridan, EAWadams, BLloyd, AMouland, JGiles, JPottinger, GColes, HJoseph, MLee, MOrr, SChenoweth, HBrowne, DAuckland, CLear, RMahungu, TRodger, AWarren, SBrooking, DPai, SDruyeh, RSmith, EStone, SMeisner, SDelgado, DUnderhill, EKeen, LAga, MDomingos, PGormley, SKerrison, CBirch, SDeSilva, TAllsop, LAmbalkar, SBeekes, MJose, STomlinson, JPainter, SharenPrice, CPepperell, JJames, KTrinick, TMoore, LDay, JBoulos, AKnox, IDefever, EMcCracken, DBrown, KGray, KHouston, APlanche, TPritchard Jones, RWycherley, DianeBennett, SMarrs, JNimako, KStewart, BBain, SCKalakonda, NKhanduri, SAshby, AHolden, MMahabir, NHarwood, JPayne, BCourt, KWhite, NLongfellow, RHughes, LEGreen, MEHalkes, MMercer, PRoebuck, AWilson-Davies, EGallego, LLazarus, RAldridge, NBerry, LGame, FReynolds, THolmes, CWiselka, MHigham, ABooth, MDuff, CAlderton, JHilton, DPowell, JJackson, APlant, AJAhmed, NChin, TQazzafi, MZMoody, AMTilley, REDonaghy, TO'Kane, MShipman, KSierra, RParmar, CMills, GHarvey, DHuang, YWJBirch, JRobinson, LBoard, SBroadley, ALaven, CTodd, NEyre, DWJeffery, KDunachie, SDuncan, CKlenerman, PTurtle, LBaxendale, HHeeney, JL
The Lancet; May 2021, Vol. 397 Issue: 10286 p1725-1735, 11p
Hall, Victoria JaneFoulkes, SarahCharlett, AndreAtti, AnaMonk, Edward J MSimmons, RuthWellington, EdgarCole, Michelle JSaei, AyoubOguti, BlancheMunro, KatieWallace, SarahKirwan, Peter DShrotri, MadhumitaVusirikala, AmoolyaRokadiya, SakibKall, MeaghanZambon, MariaRamsay, MaryBrooks, TimBrown, Colin SChand, Meera AHopkins, SusanAndrews, NAtti, AAziz, HBrooks, TBrown, CSCamero, DCarr, CChand, MACharlett, ACrawford, HCole, MConneely, JD'Arcangelo, SEllis, JEvans, SFoulkes, SGillson, NGopal, RHall, LHall, VJHarrington, PHopkins, SHewson, JHoschler, KIronmonger, DIslam, JKall, MKaragiannis, IKay, OKhawam, JKing, EKirwan, PKyffin, RLackenby, ALattimore, MLinley, ELopez-Bernal, JMabey, LMcGregor, RMiah, SMonk, EJMMunro, KNaheed, ZNissr, AO'Connell, AMOguti, BOkafor, HOrgan, SOsbourne, JOtter, APatel, MPlatt, SPople, DPotts, KRamsay, MRobotham, JRokadiya, SRowe, CSaei, ASebbage, GSemper, AShrotri, MSimmons, RSoriano, AStaves, PTaylor, STaylor, ATengbe, ATonge, SVusirikala, AWallace, SWellington, EZambon, MCorrigan, DSartaj, MCromey, LCampbell, SBraithwaite, KPrice, LHaahr, LStewart, SLacey, EDPartridge, LStevens, GEllis, YHodgson, HNorman, CLarru, BMcwilliam, SWinchester, SCieciwa, PPai, ALoughrey, CWatt, AAdair, FHawkins, AGrant, ATemple-Purcell, RHoward, JSlawson, NSubudhi, CDavies, SBexley, APenn, RWong, NBoyd, GRajgopal, AArenas-Pinto, AMatthews, RWhileman, ALaugharne, RLedger, JBarnes, TJones, CBotes, DChitalia, NAkhtar, SHarrison, GHorne, SWalker, NAgwuh, KMaxwell, VGraves, JWilliams, SO'Kelly, ARidley, PCowley, AJohnstone, HSwift, PDemocratis, JMeda, MCallens, CBeazer, SHams, SIrvine, VChandrasekaran, BForsyth, CRadmore, JThomas, CBrown, KRoberts, SBurns, PGajee, KByrne, TMSanderson, FKnight, SMacnaughton, EBurton, BJLSmith, HChaudhuri, RHollinshead, KShorten, RJSwan, AShorten, RJFavager, CMurira, JBaillon, SHamer, SGantert, KRussell, JBrennan, DDave, AChawla, AWestell, FAdeboyeku, DPapineni, PPegg, CWilliams, MAhmad, SIngram, SGabriel, CPagget, KCieciwa, PMaloney, GAshcroft, JDel Rosario, ICrosby-Nwaobi, RReeks, CFowler, SPrentice, LSpears, MMcKerron, GMcLelland-Brooks, KAnderson, JDonaldson, STempleton, KCoke, LElumogo, NElliott, JPadgett, DMirfenderesky, MCross, APrice, JJoyce, SSinanovic, IHoward, MLewis, TCowling, PPotoczna, DBrand, SSheridan, LWadams, BLloyd, AMouland, JGiles, JPottinger, GColes, HJoseph, MLee, MOrr, SChenoweth, HAuckland, CLear, RMahungu, TRodger, APenny-Thomas, KPai, SZamikula, JSmith, EStone, SBoldock, EHowcroft, DThompson, CAga, MDomingos, PGormley, SKerrison, CMarsh, LTazzyman, SAllsop, LAmbalkar, SBeekes, MJose, STomlinson, JJones, APrice, CPepperell, JSchultz, MDay, JBoulos, ADefever, EMcCracken, DBrown, KGray, KHouston, APlanche, TPritchard Jones, RWycherley, DianeBennett, SMarrs, JNimako, KStewart, BKalakonda, NKhanduri, SAshby, AHolden, MMahabir, NHarwood, JPayne, BCourt, KStaines, NLongfellow, RGreen, MEHughes, LEHalkes, MMercer, PRoebuck, AWilson-Davies, EGallego, LLazarus, RAldridge, NBerry, LGame, FReynolds, THolmes, CWiselka, MHigham, ABooth, MDuff, CAlderton, JJory, HVirgilio, EChin, TQazzafi, MZMoody, AMTilley, RDonaghy, TShipman, KSierra, RJones, NMills, GHarvey, DHuang, YWJBirch, JRobinson, LBoard, SBroadley, ALaven, CTodd, NEyre, DWJeffery, KDunachie, SDuncan, CKlenerman, PTurtle, LDe Silva, TBaxendale, HHeeney, JL
The Lancet; April 2021, Vol. 397 Issue: 10283 p1459-1469, 11p
Academic Journal
Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition. 104(2):F122-F127
JIMD Reports - Case & Research Reports, 2011/2; 2012, p103-106, 4p
Academic Journal
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiology Oncology. Oct 01, 2013 57 SUPP. 1:63-63
Conference: Electro-Optical systems design conference, New York, New York, USA, 18 Sep 1973; Other Information: Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-73
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[AR] Donaldson, S
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