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'e-Article' searched 106results | List 1~10
Academic Journal
Duricova, DanaSarter, HélèneSavoye, GuillaumeLeroyer, ArianePariente, BenjaminArmengol-Debeir, LauraBouguen, GuillaumeLey, DelphineTurck, DominiqueTemplier, CaroleBuche, SebastienPeyrin-Biroulet, LaurentGower-Rousseau, CorinneFumery, MathurinAndre, J MAntonietti, MAouakli, AArmand, AAroichane, IAssi, FAubet, J PAuxenfants, EAyafi-Ramelot, FBankovski, DBarbry, BBardoux, NBaron, PBaudet, ABazin, BBebahani, ABecqwort, J PBenet, VBenali, HBenguigui, CBen Soussan, EBental, ABerkelmans, IBernet, JBernou, KBernou-Dron, CBertot, PBertiaux-Vandaële, NBertrand, VBilloud, EBiron, NBismuth, BBleuet, MBlondel, FBlondin, VBohon, PBoniface, EBonnière, PBonvarlet, EBonvarlet, PBoruchowicz, ABostvironnois, RBoualit, MBouche, BBoudaillez, CBourgeaux, CBourgeois, MBourguet, ABourienne, ABranche, JBray, GBrazier, FBreban, PBrihier, HBrung-Lefebvre, VBulois, PBurgiere, PButel, JCanva, J YCanva-Delcambre, VCapron, J PCardot, FCarpentier, PCartier, ECassar, J FCassagnou, MCastex, J FCatala, PCattan, SCatteau, SCaujolle, BCayron, GChandelier, CChantre, MCharles, JCharneau, TChavance-Thelu, MChirita, DChoteau, AClaerbout, J FClergue, P YCoevoet, HCohen, GCollet, RColombel, J FCoopman, SCorvisart, JCortot, ACouttenier, FCrinquette, J FCrombe, VDadamessi, IDapvril, VDavion, TDautreme, SDebas, JDegrave, NDehont, FDelatre, CDelcenserie, RDelette, ODelgrange, TDelhoustal, LDelmotte, J SDemmane, SDeregnaucourt, GDescombes, PDesechalliers, J PDesmet, PDesreumaux, PDesseaux, GDesurmont, PDevienne, ADevouge, EDevred, MDevroux, ADewailly, ADharancy, SDi Fiore, ADjeddi, DDjedir, RDreher-Duwat, M LDubois, RDubuque, CDucatillon, PDuclay, JDucrocq, BDucrot, FDucrotté, PDufilho, ADuhamel, CDujardin, DDumant-Forest, CDupas, J LDupont, FDuranton, YDuriez, AEl Achkar, KEl Farisi, MElie, CElie-Legrand, M CElkhaki, AEoche, MEvrard, DEvrard, J PFatome, AFiloche, BFinet, LFlahaut, MFlamme, CFoissey, DFournier, PFoutrein- Comes, M CFoutrein, PFremond, DFrere, TFumery, MGallet, PGamblin, CGanga-Zandzou, SGerard, RGeslin, GGheyssens, YGhossini, NGhrib, SGilbert, TGillet, BGodard, DGodard, PGodchaux, J MGodchaux, RGoegebeur, GGoria, OGottrand, FGower, PGrandmaison, BGroux, MGuedon, CGuillard, J FGuillem, LGuillemot, FGuimber, DHaddouche, BHakim, SHanon, DHautefeuille, VHeckestweiller, PHecquet, GHedde, J PHellal, HHenneresse, P EHeyman, BHeraud, MHerve, SHochain, PHoussin-Bailly, LHoucke, PHuguenin, BIobagiu, SIvanovic, AIwanicki-Caron, IJanicki, EJarry, MJeu, JJoly, J PJonas, CKatherin, FKerleveo, AKhachfe, AKiriakos, AKiriakos, JKlein, OKohut, MKornhauser, RKoutsomanis, DLaberenne, J ELaffineur, GLagarde, MLannoy, PLapchin, JLapprand, MLaude, DLeblanc, RLecieux, PLeclerc, NLe Couteulx, CLedent, JLefebvre, JLefiliatre, PLegrand, CLe Grix, ALelong, PLeluyer, BLenaerts, CLepileur, LLeplat, ALepoutre-Dujardin, ELeroi, HLeroy, M YLesage, J PLesage, XLesage, JLescanne-Darchis, ILescut, JLescut, DLeurent, BLevy, PLhermie, MLion, ALisambert, BLoire, FLouf, SLouvet, ALuciani, MLucidarme, DLugand, JMacaigne, OMaetz, DMaillard, DMancheron, HManolache, OMarks-Brunel, A BMarti, RMartin, FMartin, GMarzloff, EMathurin, PMauillon, JMaunoury, VMaupas, J LMesnard, BMetayer, PMethari, LMeurisse, BMeurisse, FMichaud, LMirmaran, XModaine, PMonthe, AMorel, LMortier, P EMoulin, EMouterde, OMudry, JNachury, MN’Guyen Khac, ENotteghem, BOllevier, VOstyn, AOuraghi, AOuvry, DPaillot, BPanien-Claudot, NPaoletti, CPapazian, AParent, BPariente, BParis, J CPatrier, PPaupart, LPauwels, BPauwels, MPetit, RPiat, MPiotte, SPlane, CPlouvier, BPollet, EPommelet, PPop, DPordes, CPouchain, GPrades, PPrevost, APrevost, J CQuesnel, BQueuniet, A MQuinton, J FRabache, ARabelle, PRaclot, GRatajczyk, SRault, DRazemon, VReix, NRevillon, MRichez, CRobinson, PRodriguez, JRoger, JRoux, J MRudelli, ASaber, ASavoye, GSchlosseberg, PSegrestin, MSeguy, DSerin, MSeryer, ASevenet, FShekh, NSilvie, JSimon, VSpyckerelle, CTalbodec, NTechy, AThelu, J LThevenin, AThiebault, HThomas, JThorel, J MTielman, GTode, MToisin, JTonnel, JTouchais, J YTouze, YTranvouez, J LTriplet, CTurck, DUhlen, SVaillant, EValmage, CVanco, DVandamme, HVanderbecq, EVander Eecken, EVandermolen, PVandevenne, PVandeville, LVandewalle, AVandewalle, CVaneslander, PVanhoove, J PVanrenterghem, AVarlet, PVasies, IVerbiese, GVernier-Massouille, GVermelle, PVerne, CVezilier-Cocq, PVigneron, BVincendet, MViot, JVoiment, Y MWacrenier, AWaeghemaecker, LWallez, J YWantiez, MWartel, FWeber, JWillocquet, J LWizla, NWolschies, EZalar, AZaouri, BZellweger, AZiade, C
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Jan 10, 2019 25(2):394-402
Academic Journal
Hochart, AGower-Rousseau, CSarter, HFumery, MLey, DSpyckerelle, CPeyrin-Biroulet, LLaberenne, J-EVasseur, FSavoye, GTurck, DAndre, JMAntonietti, MAouakli, AArmand, AAroichane, IAssi, FAubet, JPAuxenfants, EAyafi-Ramelot, FAzzouzi, KBankovski, DBarbry, BBardoux, NBaron, PBaudet, ABazin, BBebahani, ABecqwort, JPBenet, VBenali, HBenguigui, CBen Soussan, EBental, ABerkelmans, IBernet, JBernou, KBernou-Dron, CBertot, PBertiaux-Vandaële, NBertrand, VBilloud, EBiron, NBismuth, BBleuet, MBlondel, FBlondin, VBohon, PBoniface, EBonnière, PBonvarlet, EBonvarlet, PBoruchowicz, ABostvironnois, RBoualit, MBouche, BBoudaillez, CBourgeaux, CBourgeois, MBourguet, ABourienne, ABranche, JBray, GBrazier, FBreban, PBridenne, MBrihier, HBrung-Lefebvre, VBulois, PBurgiere, PButel, JCanva, JYCanva-Delcambre, VCapron, JPCardot, FCarpentier, PCartier, ECassar, JFCassagnou, MCastex, JFCatala, PCattan, SCatteau, SCaujolle, BCayron, GChandelier, CChantre, MCharles, JCharneau, TChavance-Thelu, MChirita, DChoteau, AClaerbout, JFClergue, PYCoevoet, HCohen, GCollet, RColombel, JFCoopman, SCorvisart, JCortot, ACouttenier, FCrinquette, JFCrombe, VDadamessi, IDapvril, VDavion, TDautreme, SDebas, JDegrave, NDehont, FDelatre, CDelcenserie, RDelette, ODelgrange, TDelhoustal, LDelmotte, JSDemmane, SDeregnaucourt, GDescombes, PDesechalliers, JPDesmet, PDesreumaux, PDesseaux, GDesurmont, PDevienne, ADevouge, EDevred, MDevroux, ADewailly, ADharancy, SDi Fiore, ADjeddi, DDjedir, RDreher-Duwat, MLDubois, RDubuque, CDucatillon, PDuclay, JDucrocq, BDucrot, FDucrotte, PDufilho, ADuhamel, CDujardin, DDumant-Forest, CDupas, JLDupont, FDuranton, YDuriez, AEl Achkar, KEl Farisi, MElie, CElie-Legrand, MCElkhaki, AEoche, MEvrard, DEvrard, JPFatome, AFiloche, BFinet, LFlahaut, MFlamme, CFoissey, DFournier, PFoutrein-Comes, MCFoutrein, PFremond, DFrere, TGallet, PGamblin, CGanga, SGerard, RGeslin, GGheyssens, YGhossini, NGhrib, SGilbert, TGillet, BGodard, DGodard, PGodchaux, JMGodchaux, RGoegebeur, GGoria, OGottrand, FGower, PGrandmaison, BGroux, MGuedon, CGuillard, JFGuillem, LGuillemot, FGuimberd, DHaddouche, BHakim, SHanon, DHautefeuille, VHeckestweiller, PHecquet, GHedde, JPHellal, HHenneresse, PEHeyman, BHeraud, MHerve, SHochain, PHoussin-Bailly, LHoucke, PHuguenin, BIobagiu, SIvanovic, AIwanicki-Caron, IJanicki, EJarry, MJeu, JJoly, JPJonas, CKatherin, FKerleveo, AKhachfe, AKiriakos, AKiriakos, JKlein, OKohut, MKornhauser, RKoutsomanis, DLaffineur, GLagarde, MLalanne, ALannoy, PLapchin, JLaprand, MLaude, DLeblanc, RLecieux, PLeclerc, NLe Couteulx, CLedent, JLefebvre, JLefiliatre, PLegrand, CLe Grix, ALelong, PLeluyer, BLenaerts, CLepileur, LLeplat, ALepoutre-Dujardin, ELeroi, HLeroy, MYLesage, JPLesage, XLesage, JLescanne-Darchis, ILescut, JLescut, DLeurent, BLevy, PLhermie, MLion, ALisambert, BLoire, FLouf, SLouvet, ALuciani, MLucidarme, DLugand, JMacaigne, OMaetz, DMaillard, DMancheron, HManolache, OMarks-Brunel, ABMarti, RMartin, FMartin, GMarzloff, EMathurin, PMauillon, JMaunoury, VMaupas, JLMesnard, BMetayer, PMethari, LMeurisse, BMeurisse, FMichaud, LMirmaran, XModaine, PMonthe, AMorel, LMortier, PEMoulin, EMouterde, OMudry, JNachury, MNʼGuyen Khac, ENotteghem, BOllevier, VOstyn, AOuraghi, AOuvry, DPaillot, BPanien-Claudot, NPaoletti, CPapazian, AParent, BPariente, BParis, JCPatrier, PPaupart, LPauwels, BPauwels, MPetit, RPiat, MPiotte, SPlane, CPlouvier, BPollet, EPommelet, PPop, DPordes, CPouchain, GPrades, PPrevost, APrevost, JCQuesnel, BQueuniet, AMQuinton, JFRabache, ARabelle, PRaclot, GRatajczyk, SRault, DRazemon, VReix, NRevillon, MRichez, CRobinson, PRodriguez, JRoger, JRoux, JMRudelli, ASaber, ASchlosseberg, PSegrestin, MSeguy, DSerin, MSeryer, ASevenet, FShekh, NSilvie, JSimon, VTalbodec, NTechy, AThelu, JLThevenin, AThiebault, HThomas, JThorel, JMTielman, GTode, MToisin, JTonnel, JTouchais, JYTouze, YTranvouez, JLTriplet, CUhlen, SVaillant, EValmage, CVanco, DVandamme, HVanderbecq, EVander Eecken, EVandermolen, PVandevenne, PVandeville, LVandewalle, AVandewalle, CVaneslander, PVanhoove, JPVanrenterghem, AVarlet, PVasies, IVerbiese, GVernier-Massouille, GVermelle, PVerne, CVezilier-Cocq, PVigneron, BVincendet, MViot, JVoiment, YMWacrenier, AWaeghemaecker, LWallez, JYWantiez, MWartel, FWeber, JWillocquet, JLWizla, NWolschies, EZalar, AZaouri, BZellweger, AZiade, C
Gut. Nov 01, 2017 66(11):1912-1917
Electronic Resource
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design and Emotion 2010
Electronic Resource
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design and Emotion 2010
Electronic Resource
Design and Emotion Moves
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[AR] Desmet, P
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