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(ex : 2010-2015)
'e-Article' searched 26results | List 1~10
Electronic Resource
Arita , V A , Van de Lande , M E , Ekrami , N K , Nguyen , B-O , Van Melle , J M , Geelhoed , B , De With , R R , Weberndorfer , V , Erkuner , O , Hillege , H , Linz , D , Ten Cate , H , Spronk , H M H , Koldenhof , T , Tieleman , R G , Schotten , U , Crijns , H J G M , Van Gelder , I C & Rienstra , M 2023 , ' Clinical utility of the 4S-AF scheme in predicting progression of atrial fibrillation : data from the RACE V study ' , Europace , vol. 25 , no. 4 , pp. 1323–1331 .
Electronic Resource
De With , R R , Artola Arita , V , Nguyen , B O , Linz , D , Ten Cate , H , Spronk , H , Schotten , U , Jan Van Zonneveld , A , Erküner , Ö , Bayón , M A , Schmidt , A S , Luermans , J G L M , Crijns , H J G M , Van Gelder , I C & Rienstra , M 2022 , ' Different circulating biomarkers in women and men with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation : results from the AF-RISK and RACE V studies ' , Europace , vol. 24 , no. 2 , pp. 193-201 .
Electronic Resource
van Mourik , M J W , Artola Arita , V , Lyon , A , Lumens , J , De With , R R , van Melle , J P , Schotten , U , Bekkers , S C A M , Crijns , H J G M , Van Gelder , I C , Rienstra , M & Linz , D K 2022 , ' Association between comorbidities and left and right atrial dysfunction in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation : Analysis of AF-RISK ' , International Journal of Cardiology , vol. 360 , pp. 29-35 .
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[AR] De With, Ruben R.
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