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Academic Journal
Henderson, S.Abraham, W.Aleksandrov, A.Allen, C.Alonso, J.Anderson, D.Arenius, D.Arthur, T.Assadi, S.Ayers, J.Bach, P.Badea, V.Battle, R.Beebe-Wang, J.Bergmann, B.Bernardin, J.Bhatia, T.Billen, J.Birke, T.Bjorklund, E.Blaskiewicz, M.Blind, B.Blokland, W.Bookwalter, V.Borovina, D.Bowling, S.Bradley, J.Brantley, C.Brennan, J.Brodowski, J.Brown, S.Brown, R.Bruce, D.Bultman, N.Cameron, P.Campisi, I.Casagrande, F.Catalan-Lasheras, N.Champion, M.Chen, Z.Cheng, D.Cho, Y.Christensen, K.Chu, C.Cleaves, J.Connolly, R.Cote, T.Cousineau, S.Crandall, K.Creel, J.Crofford, M.Cull, P.Cutler, R.Dabney, R.Dalesio, L.Daly, E.Damm, R.Danilov, V.Davino, D.Davis, K.Dawson, C.Day, L.Deibele, C.Delayen, J.DeLong, J.Demello, A.DeVan, W.Digennaro, R.Dixon, K.Dodson, G.Doleans, M.Doolittle, L.Doss, J.Drury, M.Elliot, T.Ellis, S.Error, J.Fazekas, J.Fedotov, A.Feng, P.Fischer, J.Fox, W.Fuja, R.Funk, W.Galambos, J.Ganni, V.Garnett, R.Geng, X.Gentzlinger, R.Giannella, M.Gibson, P.Gillis, R.Gioia, J.Gordon, J.Gough, R.Greer, J.Gregory, W.Gribble, R.Grice, W.Gurd, D.Gurd, P.Guthrie, A.Hahn, H.Hardek, T.Hardekopf, R.Harrison, J.Hatfield, D.He, P.Hechler, M.Heistermann, F.Helus, S.Hiatt, T.Hicks, S.Hill, J.Hoff, L.Hoff, M.Hogan, J.Holding, M.Holik, P.Holmes, J.Holtkamp, N.Hovater, C.Howell, M.Hseuh, H.Huhn, A.Hunter, T.Ilg, T.Jackson, J.Jain, A.Jason, A.Jeon, D.Johnson, G.Jones, A.Joseph, S.Justice, A.Kang, Y.Kasemir, K.Keller, R.Kersevan, R.Kerstiens, D.Kesselman, M.Kim, S.Kneisel, P.Kravchuk, L.Kuneli, T.Kurennoy, S.Kustom, R.Kwon, S.Ladd, P.Lambiase, R.Lee, Y.Y.Leitner, M.Leung, K.-N.Lewis, S.Liaw, C.Lionberger, C.Lo, C.C.Long, C.Ludewig, H.Ludvig, J.Luft, P.Lynch, M.Ma, H.MacGill, R.Macha, K.Madre, B.Mahler, G.Mahoney, K.Maines, J.Mammosser, J.Mann, T.Marneris, I.Marroquin, P.Martineau, R.Matsumoto, K.McCarthy, M.McChesney, C.McGahern, W.McGehee, P.Meng, W.Merz, B.Meyer, R., Jr.Meyer, R., Sr.Miller, B.Mitchell, R.Mize, J.Monroy, M.Munro, J.Murdoch, G.Musson, J.Nath, S.Nelson, R.O׳Hara, J.Olsen, D.Oren, W.Oshatz, D.Owens, T.Pai, C.Papaphilippou, I.Patterson, N.Patterson, J.Pearson, C.Pelaia, T.Pieck, M.Piller, C.Plawski, T.Plum, M.Pogge, J.Power, J.Powers, T.Preble, J.Prokop, M.Pruyn, J.Purcell, D.Rank, J.Raparia, D.Ratti, A.Reass, W.Reece, K.Rees, D.Regan, A.Regis, M.Reijonen, J.Rej, D.Richards, D.Richied, D.Rode, C.Rodriguez, W.Rodriguez, M.Rohlev, A.Rose, C.Roseberry, T., Jr.Rowton, L.Roybal, W.Rust, K.Salazer, G.Sandberg, J.Saunders, J.Schenkel, T.Schneider, W.Schrage, D.Schubert, J.Severino, F.Shafer, R.Shea, T.Shishlo, A.Shoaee, H.Sibley, C.Sims, J.Smee, S.Smith, J.Smith, K.Spitz, R.Staples, J.Stein, P.Stettler, M.Stirbet, M.Stockli, M.Stone, W.Stout, D.Stovall, J.Strelo, W.Strong, H.Sundelin, R.Syversrud, D.Szajbler, M.Takeda, H.Tallerico, P.Tang, J.Tanke, E.Tepikian, S.Thomae, R.Thompson, D.Thomson, D.Thuot, M.Treml, C.Tsoupas, N.Tuozzolo, J.Tuzel, W.Vassioutchenko, A.Virostek, S.Wallig, J.Wanderer, P.Wang, Y.Wang, J.G.Wangler, T.Warren, D.Wei, J.Weiss, D.Welton, R.Weng, J.Weng, W-T.Wezensky, M.White, M.Whitlatch, T.Williams, D.Williams, E.Wilson, K.Wiseman, M.Wood, R.Wright, P.Wu, A.Ybarrolaza, N.Young, K.Young, L.Yourd, R.Zachoszcz, A.Zaltsman, A.Zhang, S.Zhang, W.Zhang, Y.Zhukov, A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1 November 2014 763:610-673
Proceedings of 1994 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems Parallel and distributed systems Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1994. International Conference on. :709-714 1994
Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence Evolutionary computation Evolutionary Computation, 1994. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence., Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on. :385-390 vol.1 1994
Proceedings of 1994 6th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing Parallel and distributed processing Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1994. Proceedings. Sixth IEEE Symposium on. :696-703 1994
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001. PAC 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. 1:70-72 vol.1 2001
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences System Sciences, 1992. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on. i:643-652 vol.1 1992
Proceedings Sixth International Parallel Processing Symposium Parallel Processing Symposium, 1992. Proceedings., Sixth International. :610-613 1992
The Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1991. Proceedings Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1991. Proceedings., The Sixth. :699-702 1991
Academic Journal
IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE Trans. Comput. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 44(5):647-659 May, 1995
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[AR] Cull, P.
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