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Academic Journal
Potter, T.Cronin, J.N.Nurmi, E.Wong, D.J.N.Ahmad, I.El-Boghdadly, K.Kua, J.Cook, T.M.Abberton, T.Abdelaziz, A.Addy, M.Aduse-Poku, M.Afifi, M.Afzal, A.Ahmad, A.Ahmad, H.Ainsworth, J.Alexander, R.Ali, Y.Allen, C.Aly, H.Amer, S.Anderson, C.Andorka, M.Applegate, R.Armstrong, M.Ashiru, G.Ashton, L.Aspinall, M.Aulakh, A.Avery, B.Aziz, R.Azize, M.Babits, A.Bailes, J.Baker, C.Baker-Beal, L.Bang, J.H.Barker, O.Barnes, J.Barrett, V.Bartlett, A.Baxter, B.Bayliss, E.Beattie, R.Bedwell, T.Begbey, A.Bennett, A.Berg, J.Beverley, S.Bewley, J.Bhatia, K.Bhatti, R.Bhudia, N.Bishop, N.Bloomfield, S.Blundell, N.Boampomaa, M.Boles, S.Bolton, G.Boney, O.Bose, S.Bottomley, T.Bower, J.Bowes, K.Bradford, J.Brady, W.Brathwaite-Shirley, C.Brookes, J.Brown, A.Brown, J.Bukowska, I.Burden, A.Burke, O.Burr, J.Burrows, M.Burton, M.Butcher, A.Cain, H.Calabria, C.Caldow, D.Carley-Smith, A.Carnaby-Bull, G.Carter, H.Carter, J.P.Carver, A.Carver, J.Casey, J.Cassin-Scott, R.Castle, D.Celnik, D.Chaddock, C.Chalmers, L.Chan, L.Chan, T.Chatburn, A.Chauhan, N.Chisti, K.Chockalingam, P.Chowdhury, R.Church, J.Clark, A.Coady, G.Cochran, D.Cohen, J.Collet, P.Collett, P.Colter, P.Conti, J.Cook, T.Cooper, M.Cope, E.Cope, T.Coppack, K.Coulton, M.Crabtree, S.Craven, R.Crockett, B.Cromarty, E.Cronin, J.Cunnane, S.Cushley, C.Dalmonte, E.Datta, P.Daum, P.Davenport, T.Davies, C.Davies, J.Davies, T.Davies, T.Davies, V.De Silva, A.Derry, C.Desbruslais, S.Dhuna, S.Docking, R.Dolan, S.Don, O.Donohue, A.Dow, O.Dowse, C.Dykes, B.Eardley, J.Eardley, M.Edgeley, R.Efthymiou, P.Ekambaram, R.El otmani, W.Elfaioumy, A.Elkhawad, A.Ellimah, T.Elwkhiee, M.Emms, T.Eshelby, S.Estrada, M.Evans, E.Exley, J.Falkner, P.Feddon, J.Fedorova, D.Fenner, T.Fisher, J.Fisher, J.Flower, L.Folley, R.Foreman, S.Foster, C.Fox, J.Foxwell, K.Froud, O.Fullbrook, A.Gagrani, V.Gallaher, J.Gallop, F.Gambino, G.Ganesan, C.Gauntlett, L.George, D.George, D.Georgiou, C.Ghosh, P.Gilfedder, A.Gill, N.Gillan, C.Glarbo, S.Glover, I.Goodman, J.Goodman, J.Gosal, A.Graham, A.Grant, A.Gray, J.Greener, D.Greenlee, H.Greenshields, N.Griffiths, M.Grimes, R.Gui, J.Gullis, A.Gupta, A.Gupta, S.Hadfield, J.Halford, P.Hall, T.Hammon, L.Hardern, K.Harding, K.Hare, A.Harman, W.Haroon-Mowahed, Y.Harper, J.Harris, J.Harrison, C.M.Harrogate, S.Harrold, R.Harrold, R.Harvey, N.Harvey, R.Hassan, A.Hassani, M.Hassan-Reshat, S.Haththotuwegama, A.Hattaway, M.Hawes, R.Hawkins, T.He, J.Heaton, T.Henderson, K.Heselden, E.Heward, S.Hinds, F.Hirst, J.Hobbiger, E.Hodgetts, J.Hodrali, N.Hogan, N.Hollis-Smith, S.Hollway, S.Honstvet, C.Hossack, D.Howes, B.Howes, H.Howey, S.Htyn, M.Hu, K.Huckle, D.Hughes, C.Hughes, D.Hughes, R.Hughes, R.Hughes, T.Humphry, E.Hurug, C.Hussain, T.Huszka, H.Huws, E.Iliff, H.A.Irfan, M.Jackson, E.Jackson, K.Jackson, M.Jacobs, E.Jain, P.Jamadarkhana, S.Jambunathan, V.Jani, P.Jesani, L.Jester, N.Jones, A.Jones, B.Jones, R.Jones, R.Jones, S.Jones, W.Joshi, N.Joyce, M.Kafle-Nath, S.Kakad, S.Kamaraj, K.Kangesan, I.Karlicka, D.Kaur, L.Kaye, D.Kelly, K.Kenesey, K.Kent, S.Kerr, M.Keshvara, K.Khalil, J.Khan-Perez, J.Kidd, E.Kirby, J.Kirschen, T.Ko, S.Kubisz-Pudelko, A.Kulikouskaya, S.Kumaran, G.Lakhani, A.Lalabekyan, B.Lee, A.R.Lee, T.Lewis, M.Lewsey, R.Li, A.Liddicoat, P.Lie, J.Lignos, L.Lim, D.Lindberg, E.Lindskog, J.Littler, C.Liu, B.Loka, T.Lotlikar, A.Lyons, M.MacCarrick, T.Macnaughton, K.MacTaggart, J.Mactier, I.Madden, M.Maese, S.Magnano Di San Lio, S.Mahalingam, G.Majeed, S.Mak, K.Makepeace, J.Malik, Z.Manalayil, J.Mangham, T.Markes, R.Marriott, H.Massa, T.Mawondo, K.May, S.McAndrew, K.McGreneghan, E.McGuckin, D.McGuire, B.McIndoe, A.McKavanagh, E.McKechnie, A.Mcphail, S.Mcpherson, K.Mctighe, A.Mee, C.Meeks, D.Mehrotra, S.Mehta, U.Mehta, R.Menon, A.Meredith, R.Merris, S.Mew, E.Middleditch, A.Milward, J.Min, J.Y.Misquita, L.Mitchard, M.Mitra, S.Moffitt, P.Mohite, S.Molloy, P.Molyneux, M.Molyneux, S.Moncrieff, G.Moore, S.Moore, T.Morgan, R.Morgan, S.Morgan, T.Morley, O.Morris, B.Morrison, S.Mount, M.Moxon, H.Muddanna, A.Murphy, E.Murphy, E.Murphy, R.Muschik, S.Mushonga, K.L.Nagarajan, V.Nassar, H.Natarajan, S.Nepal, K.Newton, T.Nimaiyar, H.Nixon, A.Noble Johnston, J.Nolan, L.O'Doherty, J.Oakey, M.O'Doherty, J.O'Donnell, A.O'Donnell, L.O'Higgins, F.Oldham, T.O'Mahony, H.Onyemuchara, I.Orme, R.Ormerod, V.Osagie, O.Osborne, L.Osborne, S.Osicki, T.Otto, Q.Overend, J.Padman, D.Park, N.Parrott, N.Patchell, I.Patel, J.Patel, M.Patel, N.Patel, R.Patterson, G.Patwardhan, P.Paul, G.Peakall, L.Peiris, C.Pemberton, V.Perella, P.Perry, D.Phull, M.Pickles, E.Pickworth, S.Picton, G.Pitts, W.Poncia, J.Pookayil, S.Poulter, S.Powell, E.Powell, J.Powell, L.Powell, L.Pramanik, I.Prasad, P.Preston, N.Prince, B.Puranik, S.Qaiser, A.Quintela, E.Qureshi, E.Radwan, M.Rae, O.Raeside, N.Rai, B.Raja, J.Rajab, S.Rajapaksa, D.Rajendram, J.Rajput, Z.Ramesh, A.Range, C.Rashwan, A.Read, M.Reddy, A.Reddy, H.Reed, S.Rees, G.Rehill, H.Reid, K.Reynolds, H.Riddell, N.Riley, F.Rimmer, A.Rivers, J.Roach, M.Roberts, A.Robson, M.Rodgers, G.Rogers, P.Rowley, H.Ruscitto, A.Sadeghi, A.Sahni, A.Sakathevan, J.Salim, F.Salman, R.Salwey, O.Samways, A.Samwel, P.Sandrasegaram, N.Sanganee, U.Sasi, B.Satti, S.Saud Khan, M.Saunders, M.Saward, S.Schneider, N.Schutzer-Weissmann, J.Schwiebert, C.Scott, E.Sell, C.Servante, A.Sethi, R.Shah, S.Sharif, B.Sharma, A.Shaw, D.Shawaf, S.Sheikh, M.Y.Shen, Y.Shepherd, A.Sheriff, N.Shinner, B.J.Shipway, T.Short, A.Simpson, A.Simpson, B.Singh, A.Singh, A.Singh, M.Singh, M.Sinnott, M.Skidmore, K.Slattery, J.Slavova, I.Smee, E.Smith, A.Smith, D.Smith, T.Snell, T.Sonde, O.Souleimanova, I.Southern, J.Spencer, L.Spiking, J.Spilsbury, Z.Spiro, R.Squire, Y.Sriharan, S.Stabler, R.Stacey, L.Stagg, K.Stark, A.Stenning-Smith, P.Stevenson, S.Storey, M.Sturrock, D.Sudan, S.Summons, G.Swann, P.Sykes, P.Symonds, B.Szakmany, T.Tadikamalla, S.Takacs, R.Tate, S.Taylor, I.Teasdale, F.Temperton, A.Tham, S.Thammaiah, Y.Thomas, A.Thomas, O.Thomas, S.Thompson, E.Thurairatnam, R.Tian, S.Timoney, R.Titterington, M.Todhunter, S.Tomkins, S.Tomlins, S.Townsend, R.Trisolini Longobardi, G.Trivedi, V.Tung, W.S.Vaghani, J.Vaghani, S.Van Oss, R.Van-Hien, A.Vaghani, V.Vere, R.Vetuz, G.Vincent, J.Vinnakota, K.Violaris, A.Vitarana, R.Walker, B.Walker, S.Walton, A.Wanigabadu, L.Ward, W.Watson, J.R.Watts, E.Whitehead, N.Wickramasuriya, T.Williams, A.Williams, N.Williams, S.Williams, B.Wilson, A.Wilson, H.Wilson, I.Wilson, P.Wilson, R.Wilson-Evans, A.Winstanley, M.Winton, A.Wong, G.Wong, R.Wood, A.Wood, R.Woodford, C.Woodward, A.Woolf, R.Worthington, H.Wreglesworth, L.Wylie, M.Yates, R.Yearwood, A.Yeow, D.Yoon, S.Younie, S.Yuen, W.Zalkapli, N.Zhang, S.Zilkha, J.
In: Anaesthesia. (Anaesthesia, January 2023, 78(1):23-35)
3rd World Conference onPhotovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2003. Proceedings of Photovoltaic energy conference Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2003. Proceedings of 3rd World Conference on. 1:654-657 Vol.1 2003
Conference Record of the Twenty-Eighth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37036) Photovoltaic specialist conference Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2000. Conference Record of the Twenty-Eighth IEEE. :982-985 2000
Conference Record of the Twenty-Eighth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37036) Photovoltaic specialist conference Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2000. Conference Record of the Twenty-Eighth IEEE. :998-1001 2000
Conference Record of the Twenty Fifth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 1996 Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1996., Conference Record of the Twenty Fifth IEEE. :77-80 1996
Conference Record of the Twenty Fifth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 1996 Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1996., Conference Record of the Twenty Fifth IEEE. :151-155 1996
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE 1st World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion - WCPEC (A Joint Conference of PVSC, PVSEC and PSEC) Photovoltaic energy conversion Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 1994., Conference Record of the Twenty Fourth. IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 1994, 1994 IEEE First World Conference on. 2:1705-1708 vol.2 1994
Conference Record of the Twenty-Ninth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2002. Photovoltaic specialists conference 2002 Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2002. Conference Record of the Twenty-Ninth IEEE. :920-922 2002
Academic Journal
In: Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. (Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, May 2022, 23(5):264-269)
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[AR] Colter, P.
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