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Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 70(7)
Academic Journal
Cuzin, LYazdanpanah, YHuleux, TCotte, LPugliese, PAllavena, CReynes, JPoizot‐Martin, IBani‐Sadr, FDelpierre, CBrégigeon, SZaegel‐Faucher, OObry‐Roguet, VOrticoni, MSoavi, MJLuquet‐Besson, IRessiot, ECarta‐Padovani, MDucassou, MJBertone, HGalie, SGalinier, AMonclar, MMartinet, PRitleng, ASIvanova, ABlanco‐Betancourt, CLions, CAlvarez, MBiezunski, NDebard, ADelobel, PFourcade, CMarchou, BMartin‐Blondel, GPorte, LMularczyk, MGaripuy, DSaune, KLepain, IMarcel, MPuntis, ECeppi, CCua, ECottalorda, JDellamonica, PDemonchy, EDunais, BDurant, JEtienne, CFerrando, SFuzibet, JGGarraffo, RRisso, KMondain, VNaqvi, AOran, NPerbost, IPillet, SProuvost‐Keller, BPradier, CWehrlen‐Pugliese, SRosenthal, ESausse, SRoger, PMBernaud, CBillaud, EBiron, CBonnet, BBouchez, SBoutoille, DBrunet‐Cartier, CHall, NJovelin, TMorineau, PRaffi, FReliquet, VHue, HLarmet, LPineau, SoFerré, VAndré‐Garnier, ERodallec, AVivrel, FLefebvre, MGrossi, OBiron, CPoint, PAubry, OCheret, AChoisy, PLandman, RDuvivier, CValantin, MAAgher, RKatlama, CLortholaryAvettand‐Fenoel, VRouzioux, CConsigny, PHCessot, GTouam, FUsubillaga, RBenhadj, KCabié, AAbel, SPierre‐François, SOuka, MMartial, JRey, DEbel, EFischer, PPartisani, MCheneau, CPriester, MBatard, MLBernard‐Henry, Ce Mautort, EChirouze, CDrobacheff‐Thiébaut, CFaller, JPFaucher, JFFoltzer, AGil, HHustache‐Mathieu, LHoen, BJacomet, CLaurichesse, HLesens, OVidal, MMrozek, NAumeran, CBaud, OBeytout, JCoban, DCasanova, SRouger, CBerger, JLNʼGuyen, YLambert, DKmiec, IHentzien, MPeyramond, DChidiac, CAder, FBiron, FBoibieux, AFerry, TMiailhes, PPerpoint, TDegroodt, SAtoui, NCasanova, MLLe Moing, VMakinson, AMeftah, NMerle De Boever, CMontes, BPsomas, C
HIV Medicine. Mar 01, 2018 19(3):238-242
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