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de Jong, R. S.Agertz, O.Berbel, A. AgudoAird, J.Alexander, D. A.Amarsi, A.Anders, F.Andrae, R.Ansarinejad, B.Ansorge, W.Antilogus, P.Anwand-Heerwart, H.Arentsen, A.Arnadottir, A.Asplund, M.Auger, M.Azais, N.Baade, D.Baker, G.Baker, S.Balbinot, E.Baldry, I. K.Banerji, M.Barden, S.Barklem, P.Barthélémy-Mazot, E.Battistini, C.Bauer, S.Bell, C. P. M.Bellido-Tirado, O.Bellstedt, S.Belokurov, V.Bensby, T.Bergemann, M.Bestenlehner, J. M.Bielby, R.Bilicki, M.Blake, C.Bland-Hawthorn, J.Boeche, C.Boland, W.Boller, T.Bongard, S.Bongiorno, A.Bonifacio, P.Boudon, D.Brooks, D.Brown, M. J. I.Brown, R.Brüggen, M.Brynnel, J.Brzeski, J.Buchert, T.Buschkamp, P.Caffau, E.Caillier, P.Carrick, J.Casagrande, L.Case, S.Casey, A.Cesarini, I.Cescutti, G.Chapuis, D.Chiappini, C.Childress, M.Christlieb, N.Church, R.Cioni, M. -R. L.Cluver, M.Colless, M.Collett, T.Comparat, J.Cooper, A.Couch, W.Courbin, F.Croom, S.Croton, D.Daguisé, E.Dalton, G.Davies, L. J. M.Davis, T.de Laverny, P.Deason, A.Dionies, F.Disseau, K.Doel, P.Döscher, D.Driver, S. P.Dwelly, T.Eckert, D.Edge, A.Edvardsson, B.Youssoufi, D. ElElhaddad, A.Enke, H.Erfanianfar, G.Farrell, T.Fechner, T.Feiz, C.Feltzing, S.Ferreras, I.Feuerstein, D.Feuillet, D.Finoguenov, A.Ford, D.Fotopoulou, S.Fouesneau, M.Frenk, C.Frey, S.Gaessler, W.Geier, S.Fusillo, N. GentileGerhard, O.Giannantonio, T.Giannone, D.Gibson, B.Gillingham, P.González-Fernández, C.Gonzalez-Solares, E.Gottloeber, S.Gould, A.Grebel, E. K.Gueguen, A.Guiglion, G.Haehnelt, M.Hahn, T.Hansen, C. J.Hartman, H.Hauptner, K.Hawkins, K.Haynes, D.Haynes, R.Heiter, U.Helmi, A.Aguayo, C. HernandezHewett, P.Hinton, S.Hobbs, D.Hoenig, S.Hofman, D.Hook, I.Hopgood, J.Hopkins, A.Hourihane, A.Howes, L.Howlett, C.Huet, T.Irwin, M.Iwert, O.Jablonka, P.Jahn, T.Jahnke, K.Jarno, A.Jin, S.Jofre, P.Johl, D.Jones, D.Jönsson, H.Jordan, C.Karovicova, I.Khalatyan, A.Kelz, A.Kennicutt, R.King, D.Kitaura, F.Klar, J.Klauser, U.Kneib, J.Koch, A.Koposov, S.Kordopatis, G.Korn, A.Kosmalski, J.Kotak, R.Kovalev, M.Kreckel, K.Kripak, Y.Krumpe, M.Kuijken, K.Kunder, A.Kushniruk, I.Lam, M. ILamer, G.Laurent, F.Lawrence, J.Lehmitz, M.Lemasle, B.Lewis, J.Li, B.Lidman, C.Lind, K.Liske, J.Lizon, J. -L.Loveday, J.Ludwig, H. -G.McDermid, R. M.Maguire, K.Mainieri, V.Mali, S.Mandel, H.Mandel, K.Mannering, L.Martell, S.Delgado, D. MartinezMatijevic, G.McGregor, H.McMahon, R.McMillan, P.Mena, O.Merloni, A.Meyer, M. J.Michel, C.Micheva, G.Migniau, J. -E.Minchev, I.Monari, G.Muller, R.Murphy, D.Muthukrishna, D.Nandra, K.Navarro, R.Ness, M.Nichani, V.Nichol, R.Nicklas, H.Niederhofer, F.Norberg, P.Obreschkow, D.Oliver, S.Owers, M.Pai, N.Pankratow, S.Parkinson, D.Parry, I.Paschke, J.Paterson, R.Pecontal, A.Phillips, D.Pillepich, A.Pinard, L.Pirard, J.Piskunov, N.Plank, V.Plüschke, D.Pons, E.Popesso, P.Power, C.Pragt, J.Pramskiy, A.Pryer, D.Quattri, M.Queiroz, A. B. de AndradeQuirrenbach, A.Rahurkar, S.Raichoor, A.Ramstedt, S.Rau, A.Recio-Blanco, A.Reiss, R.Renaud, F.Revaz, Y.Rhode, P.Richard, J.Richter, A. D.Rix, H. -W.Robotham, A. S. G.Roelfsema, R.Romaniello, M.Rosario, D.Rothmaier, F.Roukema, B.Ruchti, G.Rupprecht, G.Rybizki, J.Ryde, N.Saar, A.Sadler, E.Sahlén, M.Salvato, M.Sassolas, B.Saunders, W.Saviauk, A.Sbordone, L.Schmidt, T.Schnurr, O.Scholz, R. -D.Schwope, A.Seifert, W.Shanks, T.Sheinis, A.Sivov, T.Skúladóttir, Á.Smartt, S.Smedley, S.Smith, G.Smith, R.Sorce, J.Spitler, L.Starkenburg, E.Steinmetz, M.Stilz, I.Storm, J.Sullivan, M.Sutherland, W.Swann, E.Tamone, A.Taylor, E. N.Teillon, J.Tempel, E.ter Horst, R.Thi, W. -F.Tolstoy, E.Trager, S.Traven, G.Tremblay, P. -E.Tresse, L.Valentini, M.van de Weygaert, R.Ancker, M. van denVeljanoski, J.Venkatesan, S.Wagner, L.Wagner, K.Walcher, C. J.Waller, L.Walton, N.Wang, L.Winkler, R.Wisotzki, L.Worley, C. C.Worseck, G.Xiang, M.Xu, W.Yong, D.Zhao, C.Zheng, J.Zscheyge, F.Zucker, D.
The Messenger, 2019, 175, 3
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2022, 12188)
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2020, 11447)
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2020, 11447)
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation III. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2018, 10706)
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[AR] Caillier, P.
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