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The Oxford Companion to the Earth, 1 ed., 2003.
Conference: Presented at: 2009 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, Sep 20 - Sep 23, 2009
Academic Journal
Environmental Earth Sciences; Other Information: Journal Publication Date: 2010
Electronic Resource
Vellano, CWhite, MAndrews, MChelvanambi, MWitt, RDaniele, JTitus, MMcquade, JConforti, FBurton, ELastrapes, MOlogun, GCogdill, AMorad, GPrieto, PLazar, AChu, YHan, GKhan, MHelmink, BDavies, MAmaria, RKovacs, JWoodman, SPatel, SHwu, PPeoples, MLee, JCooper, ZZhu, HGao, GBanerjee, HLau, MGershenwald, JLucci, AKeung, ERoss, MPala, LPagan, ESegura, RLiu, QBorthwick, MLau, EYates, MWestin, SWani, KTetzlaff, MHaydu, LMahendra, MMa, XLogothetis, CKulstad, ZJohnson, SHudgens, CFeng, NFederico, LLong, GFutreal, PArur, STawbi, HMoran, AWang, LHeffernan, TMarszalek, JWargo, JVellano, Christopher P.White, Michael G.Andrews, Miles C.Chelvanambi, ManojWitt, Russell G.Daniele, Joseph R.Titus, MarkMcQuade, Jennifer L.Conforti, FabioBurton, Elizabeth M.Lastrapes, Matthew J.Ologun, GabrielCogdill, Alexandria P.Morad, GolnazPrieto, PeterLazar, Alexander J.Chu, YanshuoHan, GuangchunKhan, M. A. WadudHelmink, BethDavies, Michael A.Amaria, Rodabe N.Kovacs, Jeffrey J.Woodman, Scott E.Patel, SapnaHwu, PatrickPeoples, MichaelLee, Jeffrey E.Cooper, Zachary A.Zhu, HaifengGao, GuangBanerjee, HiyaLau, MikeGershenwald, Jeffrey E.Lucci, AnthonyKeung, Emily Z.Ross, Merrick I.Pala, LauraPagan, EleonoraSegura, Rossana LazcanoLiu, QianBorthwick, Mikayla S.Lau, EricYates, Melinda S.Westin, Shannon N.Wani, KhalidaTetzlaff, Michael T.Haydu, Lauren E.Mahendra, MikhilaMa, XiaoYanLogothetis, ChristopherKulstad, ZacharyJohnson, SarahHudgens, Courtney W.Feng, NingpingFederico, LorenzoLong, Georgina V.Futreal, P. AndrewArur, SwathiTawbi, Hussein A.Moran, Amy E.Wang, LinghuaHeffernan, Timothy P.Marszalek, Joseph R.Wargo, Jennifer A.
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[AR] Burton, E
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