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'e-Article' searched 3results | List 1~10
Academic Journal
Guru Prasad B, B and Kundargi, R and Purohit, S and Bhise, R and Shetty, R and Lakshmaia, KC (2013) Systemic Therapy in Endometrial Cancer: Recent Advances. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Academic Journal
Bhise, R and Purohit, S and Lokanatha, D and Jacob, L and Suresh, TM and Govind Babu, K and Babu, S and Lakshmaiah, KC (2013) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Variant Chromosomal Translocations: Results of Treatment with Imatinib Mesylate. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Academic Journal
Kundargi, R and Guruprasad, B and Shakuntala, PN and Rathod, R and Bhise, R and Shobha, K and Pallavi, R and Umadevi, K and Bafna, UD (2013) Borderline Ovarian Malignancies : A Single Institute Retrospective Study. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
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[AR] Bhise, R
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