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Academic Journal
Henderson, S.Abraham, W.Aleksandrov, A.Allen, C.Alonso, J.Anderson, D.Arenius, D.Arthur, T.Assadi, S.Ayers, J.Bach, P.Badea, V.Battle, R.Beebe-Wang, J.Bergmann, B.Bernardin, J.Bhatia, T.Billen, J.Birke, T.Bjorklund, E.Blaskiewicz, M.Blind, B.Blokland, W.Bookwalter, V.Borovina, D.Bowling, S.Bradley, J.Brantley, C.Brennan, J.Brodowski, J.Brown, S.Brown, R.Bruce, D.Bultman, N.Cameron, P.Campisi, I.Casagrande, F.Catalan-Lasheras, N.Champion, M.Chen, Z.Cheng, D.Cho, Y.Christensen, K.Chu, C.Cleaves, J.Connolly, R.Cote, T.Cousineau, S.Crandall, K.Creel, J.Crofford, M.Cull, P.Cutler, R.Dabney, R.Dalesio, L.Daly, E.Damm, R.Danilov, V.Davino, D.Davis, K.Dawson, C.Day, L.Deibele, C.Delayen, J.DeLong, J.Demello, A.DeVan, W.Digennaro, R.Dixon, K.Dodson, G.Doleans, M.Doolittle, L.Doss, J.Drury, M.Elliot, T.Ellis, S.Error, J.Fazekas, J.Fedotov, A.Feng, P.Fischer, J.Fox, W.Fuja, R.Funk, W.Galambos, J.Ganni, V.Garnett, R.Geng, X.Gentzlinger, R.Giannella, M.Gibson, P.Gillis, R.Gioia, J.Gordon, J.Gough, R.Greer, J.Gregory, W.Gribble, R.Grice, W.Gurd, D.Gurd, P.Guthrie, A.Hahn, H.Hardek, T.Hardekopf, R.Harrison, J.Hatfield, D.He, P.Hechler, M.Heistermann, F.Helus, S.Hiatt, T.Hicks, S.Hill, J.Hoff, L.Hoff, M.Hogan, J.Holding, M.Holik, P.Holmes, J.Holtkamp, N.Hovater, C.Howell, M.Hseuh, H.Huhn, A.Hunter, T.Ilg, T.Jackson, J.Jain, A.Jason, A.Jeon, D.Johnson, G.Jones, A.Joseph, S.Justice, A.Kang, Y.Kasemir, K.Keller, R.Kersevan, R.Kerstiens, D.Kesselman, M.Kim, S.Kneisel, P.Kravchuk, L.Kuneli, T.Kurennoy, S.Kustom, R.Kwon, S.Ladd, P.Lambiase, R.Lee, Y.Y.Leitner, M.Leung, K.-N.Lewis, S.Liaw, C.Lionberger, C.Lo, C.C.Long, C.Ludewig, H.Ludvig, J.Luft, P.Lynch, M.Ma, H.MacGill, R.Macha, K.Madre, B.Mahler, G.Mahoney, K.Maines, J.Mammosser, J.Mann, T.Marneris, I.Marroquin, P.Martineau, R.Matsumoto, K.McCarthy, M.McChesney, C.McGahern, W.McGehee, P.Meng, W.Merz, B.Meyer, R., Jr.Meyer, R., Sr.Miller, B.Mitchell, R.Mize, J.Monroy, M.Munro, J.Murdoch, G.Musson, J.Nath, S.Nelson, R.O׳Hara, J.Olsen, D.Oren, W.Oshatz, D.Owens, T.Pai, C.Papaphilippou, I.Patterson, N.Patterson, J.Pearson, C.Pelaia, T.Pieck, M.Piller, C.Plawski, T.Plum, M.Pogge, J.Power, J.Powers, T.Preble, J.Prokop, M.Pruyn, J.Purcell, D.Rank, J.Raparia, D.Ratti, A.Reass, W.Reece, K.Rees, D.Regan, A.Regis, M.Reijonen, J.Rej, D.Richards, D.Richied, D.Rode, C.Rodriguez, W.Rodriguez, M.Rohlev, A.Rose, C.Roseberry, T., Jr.Rowton, L.Roybal, W.Rust, K.Salazer, G.Sandberg, J.Saunders, J.Schenkel, T.Schneider, W.Schrage, D.Schubert, J.Severino, F.Shafer, R.Shea, T.Shishlo, A.Shoaee, H.Sibley, C.Sims, J.Smee, S.Smith, J.Smith, K.Spitz, R.Staples, J.Stein, P.Stettler, M.Stirbet, M.Stockli, M.Stone, W.Stout, D.Stovall, J.Strelo, W.Strong, H.Sundelin, R.Syversrud, D.Szajbler, M.Takeda, H.Tallerico, P.Tang, J.Tanke, E.Tepikian, S.Thomae, R.Thompson, D.Thomson, D.Thuot, M.Treml, C.Tsoupas, N.Tuozzolo, J.Tuzel, W.Vassioutchenko, A.Virostek, S.Wallig, J.Wanderer, P.Wang, Y.Wang, J.G.Wangler, T.Warren, D.Wei, J.Weiss, D.Welton, R.Weng, J.Weng, W-T.Wezensky, M.White, M.Whitlatch, T.Williams, D.Williams, E.Wilson, K.Wiseman, M.Wood, R.Wright, P.Wu, A.Ybarrolaza, N.Young, K.Young, L.Yourd, R.Zachoszcz, A.Zaltsman, A.Zhang, S.Zhang, W.Zhang, Y.Zhukov, A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1 November 2014 763:610-673
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2005. PAC 2005. Proceedings of the. :970-972 2005
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) Particle accelerator conference Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001. PAC 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. 1:636-638 vol.1 2001
Academic Journal
Badea, V.Beebe-Wang, J.Blaskiewicz, M.Brennan, J.Brodowski, J.Cameron, P.Catalan-Lasheras, N.Connolly, R.Davino, D.Dawson, C.Delong, J.Fedotov, A.Feng, P.Hahn, H.He, P.Heistermann, F.Hseuh, H.Huhn, A.Jackson, J.Jain, A.Kesselman, M.Lambiase, R.Lee, Y.Y.Liaw, C.Ludewig, H.Mahler, G.Marneris, I.McGahern, W.Meng, W.Pai, C.Papaphilippou, I.Pearson, C.Rank, J.Raparia, D.Sandberg, J.Severino, F.Smith, J.Smith, K.Spitz, R.Tepikian, S.Tsoupas, N.Tuozzolo, J.Wanderer, P.Wei, J.Weiss, D.Weng, J.Weng, W.-T.Zaltsman, A.Zhang, S.Zhang, W.Arenius, D.Bookwalter, V.Creel, J.Daly, E.Davis, K.Delayen, J.Dixon, K.Drury, M.Elliot, T.Fischer, J.Funk, W.Ganni, V.Gordon, J.Hiatt, T.Hogan, J.Hovater, C.Kneisel, P.Macha, K.Madre, B.Mahoney, K.Mammosser, J.Merz, B.Musson, J.Nelson, R.Oren, W.Plawski, T.Powers, T.Preble, J.Rode, C.Saunders, J.Schneider, W.Stirbet, M.Sundelin, R.Whitlatch, T.Wilson, K.Wiseman, M.Wu, A.Bergmann, B.Bernardin, J.Bhatia, T.Billen, J.Birke, T.Bjorklund, E.Blind, B.Borovina, D.Bowling, S.Bradley, J.Brown, S.Brown, R.Bultman, N.Chen, Z.Christensen, K.Cote, T.Dabney, R.Dalesio, L.Day, L.Doss, J.Ellis, S.Fox, W.Garnett, R.Gentzlinger, R.Gillis, R.Gioia, J.Gregory, W.Gribble, R.Guthrie, A.Hardekopf, R.Harrison, J.Hill, J.Hill, J.Ilg, T.Jason, A.Joseph, S.Kerstiens, D.Kurennoy, S.Kwon, S.Lynch, M.Marroquin, P.Martineau, R.Matsumoto, K.McChesney, C.McGehee, P.Meyer Jr., R.Meyer Sr., R.Miller, B.Mitchell, R.Nath, S.Nelson, R.O'Hara, J.Patterson, N.Pieck, M.Power, J.Prokop, M.Reass, W.Rees, D.Regan, A.Rej, D.Richards, D.Rodriguez, W.Rodriguez, M.Rohlev, A.Rose, C.Rowton, L.Roybal, W.Salazer, G.Schrage, D.Shafer, R.Shoaee, H.Sims, J.Smee, S.Stein, P.Stettler, M.Stovall, J.Takeda, H.Tallerico, P.Thomson, D.Thuot, M.Treml, C.Tuzel, W.Wang, Y.Wangler, T.Warren, D.Wood, R.Young, K.Young, L.Abraham, W.Alonso, J.Ayers, J.Bach, P.Cheng, D.Cull, P.Demello, A.Digennaro, R.Doolittle, L.Gough, R.Greer, J.Hoff, L.Hoff, M.Keller, R.Kuneli, T.Leitner, M.Leung, K.-N.Lewis, S.Lionberger, C.Lo, C.C.Ludvig, J.Luft, P.Macgill, R.Monroy, M.Oshatz, D.Pruyn, J.Ratti, A.Regis, M.Reijonen, J.Schenkel, T.Staples, J.Strelo, W.Syversrud, D.Szajbler, M.Thomae, R.Virostek, S.Wallig, J.Ybarrolaza, N.Yourd, R.Zachoszcz, A.Henderson, S.Aleksandrov, A.Anderson, D.Arthur, T.Battle, R.Blokland, W.Brantley, C.Bruce, D.Campisi, I.Casagrande, F.Champion, M.Champion, M.Chu, C.Cleaves, J.Cousineau, S.Crofford, M.Cutler, R.Damm, R.Danilov, V.Deibele, C.Devan, W.Dodson, G.Doleans, M.Error, J.Fazekas, J.Fuja, R.Galambos, J.Geng, X.Giannella, M.Gibson, P.Grice, W.Gurd, D.Gurd, P.Hatfield, D.Hechler, M.Helus, S.Hicks, S.Holding, M.Holik, P.Holmes, J.Holtkamp, N.Howell, M.Hunter, T.Jeon, D.Johnson, G.Jones, A.Justice, A.Kang, Y.Kasemir, K.Kersevan, R.Kim, S.Kravchuk, L.Kustom, R.Ladd, P.Long, C.Ma, H.Maines, J.Mann, T.McCarthy, M.Mize, J.Munro, J.Murdoch, G.Olsen, D.Owens, T.Patterson, J.Pelaia, T.Piller, C.Plum, M.Pogge, J.Purcell, D.Reece, K.Richied, D.Roseberry Jr., T.Rust, K.Schubert, J.Shea, T.Shishlo, A.Sibley, C.Stockli, M.Stone, W.Stout, D.Strong, H.Tang, J.Tanke, E.Thompson, D.Vassioutchenko, A.Wang, J.G.Welton, R.Wezensky, M.Williams, D.Williams, E.Wright, P.Zhang, Y.Zhukov, A.Cho, Y.White, M.Allen, C.Assadi, S.Crandall, K.Hardek, T.
In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1 November 2014, 763:610-673)
Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, . 'Accelerator Science and Technology Particle Accelerator Conference, 1989. Accelerator Science and Technology., Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE. :592-594 vol.1 1989
AIP Conference Proceedings. Jan2014, Vol. 1573, p962-967. 6p. 2 Color Photographs, 1 Chart, 3 Graphs.
AIP Conference Proceedings. Jan2014, Vol. 1573, p944-948. 5p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Diagram, 2 Charts, 1 Graph.
AIP Conference Proceedings. Jan2014, Vol. 1573, p880-886. 7p. 8 Diagrams, 2 Charts.
AIP Conference Proceedings. Jan2014, Vol. 1573, p323-328. 6p. 1 Diagram, 6 Charts, 1 Graph.
In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference, CEC 2019. (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 29 June 2020, 755(1))
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[AR] Arenius, D.
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