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Academic Journal
Bogdan, S; Glikson, M; Connolly, SJ; Wang, J; Hohnloser, SH; Appl, U; Neuzener, J; Mabo, P; Vinolas, X; Gadler, F; van Erven, L; Kautzner, J; Meeks, B; Pogue, J; Healey, JS
Heart rhythm. 16(1):83-90
Academic Journal
Sandhu, RK; Quadros, KK; Liu, YY; Glikson, M; Kutyifa, V; Mabo, P; Hohnloser, S; O'Hara, G; VanErven, L; Neuzner, J; Kautzner, J; Gadler, F; Vinolas, X; Appl, U; Connolly, SJ; Healey, JS
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 20(11):1798-1803
Academic Journal
Amit, G; Wang, J; Connolly, SJ; Glikson, M; Hohnloser, S; Wright, DJ; Brachmann, J; Defaye, P; Neuzner, J; Mabo, P; Vanerven, L; Vinolas, X; O'Hara, G; Kautzner, J; Appl, U; Gadler, F; Stein, K; Konstantino, Y; Healey, JS
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 27(5):581-586
Academic Journal
Healey, JS; Hohnloser, SH; Glikson, M; Neuzner, J; Mabo, P; Vinolas, X; Kautzner, J; O'Hara, G; VanErven, L; Gadler, F; Pogue, J; Appl, U; Gilkerson, J; Pochet, T; Stein, KM; Merkely, B; Chrolavicius, S; Meeks, B; Foldesi, C; Thibault, B; Connolly, SJ
Lancet (London, England). 385(9970):785-791
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Healey, JS; Hohnloser, SH; Glikson, M; Neuzner, J; Vinolas, X; Mabo, P; Kautzner, J; O'Hara, G; Van Erven, L; Gadler, F; Appl, U; Connolly, SJ
American heart journal. 164(2):146-152
Academic Journal
EP: Europace; 2001, Vol. 2 Issue Supplement_1, pA4-A4, 1p
Academic Journal
Unterberg-Buchwald, C; Stiller, S; Binner, L; Pfeiffer, D; Stockman, D; Schmitz, D; Appl, U; Grossmann, G
Academic Journal
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