
Oxychlorine Species on Mars: The Gale Crater Story
Document Type
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Comparing data from the Alpha- Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) and the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instruments on MSL reveals a strong linear correlation between chlorine and oxygen, further demonstrating the presence of oxychlorine species in Gale Crater and, very likely, globally on Mars. Perchlorate was first discovered on Mars by the Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer (MECA) instrument on the Phoenix lander in 2008. Current hypotheses suggest that the formation of oxychlorine species such as perchlorate or chlorate is a global process and that these species should be globally distributed on Mars [e.g. 2-4]. To date, the SAM and Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instruments on MSL have analyzed one scooped sample of aeolian material (Rocknest [RN]), and four drilled samples (John Klein [JK], Cumberland [CB], Windjana [WJ], and Confidence Hills [CH]). The APXS instrument has also investigated the same or very similar samples. Although not definitively identified, oxychlorine species have been proposed to explain releases of O2, HCl, and chlorinated hydrocarbon species detected by evolved gas analysis (EGA) with the SAM instrument. We report a strong linear correlation between wt. % Cl detected by APXS and moles O2 detected by SAM during pyrolysis, indicating the presence of oxychlorine species in Gale Crater.