
中国地级市行政规范性文件备案审查制度实施问题研究 — 以吉林省地级市行政规范性文件备案审查制度为例 —
Research on the Implementation of Filing-Review System of Administrative Regulatory Documents in China’s Prefectural-Level Cities -- A Case Study of Jilin Province
중국 지급시 행정규범성문건 비안등록제도 실시에 관한 연구 - 길림성 지급시 행정규범문건 비안등록제도를 사례로
Document Type
동북아법연구, 07/31/2022, Vol. 16, Issue 2, p. 295-313
Administrative regulatory documents
Filing-Review System
Review criteria
Passive review
Social supervision
备案审查制度不仅是“符合中国国情、 具有中国特色的一项宪法性制度设计”, 促进依法立法, 同 时也是行政规范性文件的重要监督制度, 推动依法行政。 制发行政规范性文件是行政机关依法履行 职能的重要方式, 直接关系群众切身利益, 事关政府形象。 因此, 中国自18年开始, 为全面贯彻习近平 新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神, 落实党中央、 国务院关于推进依法行政、 建设法治 政府的部署和要求, 切实保障群众合法权益, 维护政府公信力, 国务院先后发布了《国务院办公厅关 于加强行政规范性文件制定和监督管理工作的通知》、 《国务院办公厅关于全面推行行政规范性文件 合法性审核机制的指导意见》以及《国务院办公厅关于在制定行政法规规章行政规范性文件过程中充 分听取企业和行业协会商会意见的通知》, 各地方在此之上对行政规范性文件的备案审查制度作出进 一步规定。 但这些规定在加强对行政规范性文件制定和监督管理的同时也加重了中国行政规范性文 件备案审查制度的主要矛盾即“备案审查制度存在全方位、 全覆盖的制度要求与现实有限的审查能力 之间的矛盾”。 19年新冠肺炎疫情发生后, 为及时应对疫情、 进行有效社会治理, 各级政府发布大量行 政规范性文件, 进一步激化了中国行政规范性文件备案审查制度的主要矛盾, 对现有的行政规范性 文件备案审查制度产生了冲击与挑战。 相较于中国其他地区, 吉林省的行政规范性文件备案审查制 度现状可以更为清晰地反映出当前中国行政规范性文件备案审查制度的主要矛盾。 对吉林省地级市 行政规范性文件备案审查制度的研究更具有代表性, 研究结果更具有在全国范围内的普适性。 因此,本文以吉林省地级市行政规范性文件的备案审查制度为例, 通过对吉林省地方性法规和地方政府规 章文本中关于行政规范性文件备案审查制度规定的检索, 从中总结归纳出现行地级市行政规范性文 件备案审查制度的主体制度、 审查对象、 审查标准、 启动机制以及法律后果的制度设置情况。 在此基 础之上, 结合该制度的实际运行情况可以分析出行政规范性文件备案审查制度的主要矛盾在地级市 行政规范性文件备案审查制度上具体表现。 为进一步完善对地级市行政规范性文件的备案审查制度 以满足现实需要、 推进法治政府建设、 有效提高基层治理能力、 保障行政相对人的合法权益, 可通过 建立行政规范性文件备案审查委员会;发挥“沟通协商”的前置性审查作用;提高地方审查能力、 促 进审查标准充分适用;引导公众有序参与增强审查动力;完善对审查结果落实的督促与监督等方 法、 路径加强对地级市行政规范性文件的监督、 管理。
The Filing-Review System is not only “a constitutional system designed in compatible with China’s national conditions and with Chinese characteristics” to promote law-based legislation, but also an important monitoring system for administrative regulatory documents to promote law-based administration. The formulation and issuance of administrative regulatory documents are important ways for administrative organs to perform their functions subject to the law, which is directly related to the vital interests of the public and the image of the government. Therefore, the State Council has issued the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Development and Supervisory Administration of Administrative Regulatory Documents, Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Comprehensively Implementing theLegality Review Mechanism for Administrative Regulatory Documents, and Notice by the General Office of the State Council of Adequately Listening to the Opinions of Enterprises, Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce in the Development of Administrative Regulations, Rules, and Administrative Regulatory Documents since 2018, to fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, to meet the deployment and requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting law-based administration and building a government based on the rule of law, to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the masses and maintain the credibility of the government. Based on these documents, local governments make further provisions for the Filing-Review System of local administrative regulatory documents. These regulations strengthen the formulation and supervision of administrative regulatory documents, however, they also aggravate the main contradiction of the Filing-Review System of admin1istrative regulatory documents in China, namely, the contradiction between all-round and full-coverage requirements of Filing-Review System and the reality of limited review capacity. Compared with other regions in China, the current situation of Filing-Review System of local administrative regulatory documents in Jilin Province can more clearly reflect that of China. Research on the Filing-Review System of municipal administrative regulatory documents in Jilin Province is more representative and the research results are more generalizable in the whole country. Therefore, this paper takes the Filing-Review System of municipal administrative regulatory documents of Jilin Province as an example, and summarizes the existing Filing-Review System of municipal administrative regulatory documents by searching the provisions of Filing-Review System of administrative regulatory documents of Jilin Province. The system of Filing-Review System of municipal administrative regulatory documents is summarized from the search. On this basis, the main contradictions of the Filing-Review System of municipal administrative regulatory documents can be seen in the Filing-Review System of municipal administrative regulatory documents in the light of the actual operation of the system. For the purpose of improving the Filing-Review System of municipal administrative regulatory documents to meet the real needs, building a government based on the rule of law, effectively improving the grassroots governance capacity and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the public, we can establish an administrative regulatory documents review committee;let “communication and consultation” play the role of pre-review; improve the local review capacity and promote the full application of review criteria; enhance the review motivation by means of guiding the public to participate in an orderly manner; and improve supervision and monitor the implementation of reviewing results.