
Sedimentation and fouling of optical surfaces at the ANTARES site
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Amram, PAnghinolfi, MAnvar, SArdellier-Desages, F.EAslanides, EAubert, J.-JAzoulay, RBailey, DBasa, SBattaglieri, MBellotti, RBeltramelli, JBenhammou, YBerthier, RBertin, VBillault, MBlaes, RBland, R.WBlondeau, Fde Botton, NBoulesteix, JBrooks, C.BBrunner, JCafagna, FCalzas, ACapone, ACaponetto, LCârloganu, CCarmona, ECarr, JCartwright, S.LCecchini, SCiacio, FCircella, MCompère, CCooper, SCoyle, PCuneo, SDanilov, Mvan Dantzig, RDe Marzo, CDestelle, J.-JDe Vita, RDispau, GDruillole, FEngelen, JFeinstein, FFerdi, CFesty, DFopma, JGallone, J.-MGiacomelli, GGoret, PGournay, J.-FHallewell, GHeijboer, AHernández-Rey, J.JHubbard, J.RJaquet, Mde Jong, MKarolak, MKeller, PKooijman, PKouchner, AKudryavtsev, V.ALafoux, HLagier, PLamare, PLanguillat, J.-CLaubier, LLaugier, J-PLeilde, BLe Provost, HLe Van Suu, ALo Nigro, LLo Presti, DLoucatos, SLouis, FLyashuk, VMagnier, PMarcelin, MMargiotta, AMasullo, RMazéas, FMazeau, BMazure, AMcMillan, J.EMigneco, EMillot, CMols, PMontanet, FMontaruli, TMoscoso, LMusumeci, MNezri, ENooren, G.JOberski, J.E.JOlivetto, COppelt-Pohl, APalanque-Delabrouille, NPapaleo, RPayre, PPerrin, PPetruccetti, MPetta, CPiattelli, PPoinsignon, JPotheau, RQueinec, YRacca, CRaia, GRandazzo, NRethore, FRiccobene, GRicol, J.-SRipani, MRoca-Blay, VRomeyer, ARostovstev, ARusso, G.VSacquin, YSalusti, ESchuller, J.-PSchuster, WSoirat, J.-PSouvorova, OSpooner, N.J.CSpurio, MStolarczyk, TStubert, DTaiuti, MTao, CThompson, L.FTilav, STriay, RUsik, AValdy, PValente, VVarlamov, IVaudaine, GVernin, PVladimirsky, EVorobiev, Mde Witt Huberts, Pde Wolf, EZakharov, VZavatarelli, SZornoza, J.de DZúñiga, JAloı̈si, J.-CKerhervé, PhMonaco, A
In Astroparticle Physics 2003 19(2):253-267