
Leveraging Local Patch Differences in Multi-Object Scenes for Generative Adversarial Attacks
Document Type
2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) WACV Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on. :1308-1318 Jan, 2023
Computing and Processing
Engineering Profession
Computer vision
Perturbation methods
Computational modeling
Closed box
Convolutional neural networks
Glass box
Algorithms: Adversarial learning
adversarial attack and defense methods
State-of-the-art generative model-based attacks against image classifiers overwhelmingly focus on single-object(i.e., single dominant object) images. Different from such settings, we tackle a more practical problem of generating adversarial perturbations using multi-object (i.e., multiple dominant objects) images as they are representative of most real-world scenes. Our goal is to design an attack strategy that can learn from such natural scenes by leveraging the local patch differences that occur inherently in such images (e.g. difference between the local patch on the object ‘person’ and the object ‘bike’ in a traffic scene). Our key idea is to misclassify an adversarial multi-object image by confusing the victim classifier for each local patch in the image. Based on this, we propose a novel generative attack (called Local Patch Difference or LPD-Attack) where a novel contrastive loss function uses the aforesaid local differences in feature space of multi-object scenes to optimize the perturbation generator. Through various experiments across diverse victim convolutional neural networks, we show that our approach outperforms baseline generative attacks with highly transferable perturbations when evaluated under different white-box and black-box settings.